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Sunday, April 21, 2019


Shamann Walton talking from 
both sides of his mouth - 
time he steps down - and fade into oblivion

Shamann Walton never had a clue when it comes to representation. 

Shamann Walton is No leader - he is a panderer. 

Never saw him in the trenches - this transplant is an anathema who is not wanted.

A cancer that has eroded the well being of SF District 10.

Shamann Walton ran for SF District 10 having NO clue - about the demographics of the District, he continues to pander to some House Negros - who truth be told are fostering - gentrification.

The Latinos, the Asians, Whites, others are all present in large measure - Shamann Walton prefers to have a all Negro Panel to hoodwink the public at large - this type of mentality is a disgrace to the human race.

Imagine trying to address Safety Issues - and having not a single Latino, Asian, White, Native American, others on the panel?

Who the fuck does he think he is - Shamann Walton has failed us when it comes to Safety.

In recent weeks we have had shooting and killings, we have had a case of Domestic Violence that Shamann Walton had No clue about.

I have written about the many cases - and each one points a finger at Shamann Walton - dereliction of duty.

He walks and talks - as if he is some " dictator " - cocky and feels that he is invincible. 

The man is a JOKE.

Most of the cases shootings and killings in SF District 10 - have zero " investigative reporting" - from the Main Media. 

That means that if someone like myself does not reveal the facts - then, the victims and their cases - are not revealed to the public.

It is a shame that $25,000 has been offered as a reward for Joseph Taeotui - he should be NO less than $1 million.

Amare Jackson was shot by his home - do we have a clue what has happened about this case. Is it a cold case - really?

Recently we had the shooting and killing of Terrell Blay and on the street - many are pissed off - what has Shamann Walton done as far as investigative reporting is concerned?

Too many other cases - that sooner not latter - are declared cold cases.

Not to mention the latest Domestic Violence case - linked to Jessica Nicole Alva - the killer called it in as a " suicide "  - Jessica was choked to death - bruises all over her body.

The SF Police Department saw no wrong leaving the culprits alone - to bleach the entire crime scene - and NOT follow standard procedures -much like they did with Jeff Adachi our trusted Public Defender.

It is the same with education in SF Distirct 10.

Right now - the state of affairs at the Visitacion Valley Elementary School - is a mess.

The former Principal was ganged upon - paradoxically by mostly Black Senior Management.

Daily the situation gets from bad to worse - forcing me to cancel my meetings - to bring about some " peace " - while our House Negros are talking from both sides of their mouth.

The Black children are suffering and have gone to some Black Adults at the school for help.

The common factors stated by the children  - they are abused, taunted, and life is made difficult for the children in Grade two to Grade five.

Now tell me why should our children suffer?

Where are the Black leaders on this issue? What are our Pastor doing? Where is the NAACP on this? 

Looks like our Black children are targeted - and our Black children deprived from learning - knowledge is power - who is behind this nefarious activity of sorts?

When some of us went to Shamann Walton - to look into the matter of the Black Principal - ganged upon at Visitacion Valley Elementary School in San Francisco - Shamann Walton with intent decided to kick the can down the street.

The man is a "monster " - he has no empathy and what is more no compassion what so ever.

Steeped and drowning in " dark money " - Shamann Walton has taken million from Lennar Urban aka 5 Points Holding LLC - and other entities - filling his campaign coffers - and trying to hoodwink the public in day light.

Greed will take him down - he will drown in the " cesspool" of this own creation.

Shamann Walton - has NOT given us a report of his Navigation Center and less NOT revealed to us the public - why he has NOT stood by Mother Brown's Center - that feeds the indigent and the poor.

Mother Brown's Center now has to beg for donations - and the man who is in charge of District 10 - does not give a rat's ass. Gwen who is the Director needs the help - not the disdain from the SF District 10 Supervisor - who act as a dictator. Time will tell.

As for the Navigation Center - which he says is in operation - no one know what is happening.

Such has been his doings - declare something - with ribbon cutting with some fanfare - then keep silent.

Shamann Walton does not feel ashamed to go to some of those that I know and worked with - to tell them his story - and speak against me. 

I do not give a damn about the "devil" - this man reeks with Sulphur.

I do not have to keep his company - in fact I stay away from his doings and the minions who work for him.

All the housing and development is being doled out to entities that want to make money - and Shamann Walton has made sure - that all the projects - be it at Pier 70 - the thousands of units planned at Visitation Valley Public Housing - factors in - that he gets his share of the cuts - much like the " drug dealers " - do.

Recently the transportation in District 10 has gone from bad to worse. 

The man does not understand Quality of Life Issues - he majored in Nutrition - and even in this field - he has poor comprehension. 

The man is not articulate - simply because he is " fake" - and not educated on issues. He hails from Vallejo - be it that was at one time hovering around in the Bayview - no one knows.

In short Shamann Walton - must have a Blue Plan to address education, safety, transportation.

Health, housing, the many assaults that take place in SF District 10.

The rapes, the increase in Sexual Transmitted Diseases, the abject poverty - and most importantly our Elders slowly dying - many of them forced out of SF District 10 and now irking a living - living in tents on the streets - in SF District 6.

I get hundreds of complaints about Shamann Walton and all of us knew when he could not really debate Glory Berry, Theo Ellington, Tony Kelly, the other candidates who he looked upon with disdain - during the Supervisorial Elections.

Recently there is a flyer titled " URBAN RENEWAL MEANS NEGRO REMOVAL " - James Baldwin a well respected writer and thinker way back in 1963 declared " San Francisco is engaging ... in something called Urban Renewal, which means moving the Negros out. It means Negro removal ...".

You may NOT believe it but Malia Cohen, London Breed, Shamann Walton have all participated in this on going crime against humanity - they pretend that they want to help those that are suffering - but, what they do in reality - work with the Big Developers.

The above facts - are a crying shame -  we must stand tall and represent - we must speak Truth to Power.

The Sewer System Improvement Project has over $500 million set aside for Community Benefits - $250 million for Workforce and $250 million for Outreach.

Rudolf Dwayne Jones -
goes as a Business man and a Philanthropist -
both of which he is NOT.

Crooks more Blacks like Dwayne Jones and Juliet Ellis have been doling the money to their own minion and lackeys. 

When the matter was brought to the SF Controller's Office - the doling stopped.

Now - the Contractors who get the contracts - are mandated to do the Outreach - but are at the back and call of the two main crooks Juliet Ellis and Dwayne Jones.

This model, the many elements involved - have never, ever being discussed with the community at large. Why?

Even the SF Public Utilities Commission has no clear understanding how the " Community Benefits " are doled out.

This ad was taken by Dwayne Jones -
who now goes as a Business Man and Philanthropist -
both of which he is NOT - the money he uses -
is Community Benefits - tax payers money -
what sense does this make - who is guarding -
the chicken coop?

Our Mayor is Black and her name in London Breed.

Our  City Administrator is Black and her name is Naomi Kelly.

Our SF Chief of Police is Black and his name is William Scott.

Our Manager of SF Public Utilities Commission is Black and his name is Harlan Kelly.

The two main crooks doling millions of Community Benefits are Black Dwayne Jones and Juliet Ellis - what else does the community at large all over the SF District 10 want to know?

Who will take these crooks to task - why should they NOT be charged under the RICO ACT - I want to know.

Our Brothers on the Street - they know what is happening.

Sooner  nor latter - the crooks will be taken to task - added to what I have said above - the lack of standards and Compliance more Federal and State regulation.

Those in authority - think they can fool all the people all of the time.

Go figure.

This is Muwekma Ohlone land - and I represent the First People - no one can harm the ancestors and the human beings living on Mother Earth - and think they can get away with Greed and crime - adversely impacting those that most need help.

The crooks will meet their fate and it will not be pretty.

Time is running out - and our SF our Board of Supervisor - our SF City Attorney, our SF District Attorney, our SF Controller's Office - have been fast asleep at the cockpit.

We the people should not be doing the heavy lifting - the authorities are being paid to do the necessary work to shed light - where there is abject darkness. 

SF City rakes with Sulphur and more when you come in close proximity of the many crooks.

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