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Tuesday, October 23, 2018


The Millennium Building in San Francisco -
sinking 22 inches and more - tilting over
17 inches Northwest - Go Figure!

As we near the mid-term elections - here in San Francisco - Democrats for all their talk - encouraging - anointed candidates - to take to the air waves - to sell their wares -
much like a whore who will sell herself to the highest bidder.

What ever happened to permitting the constituents, the tax payers - to have a dialog - with those candidates -who purport to know some.

In reality - are not educated on issues - when it comes to morals, ethics, and standards that count - are bankrupt. They are the living - dead.

These Conceptual Plans - are just that -
housing units planned on very contaminated
ground - prone to liquefaction and flooding -
add, cost prohibited costs to build anything decent
in San Francisco. Who is fooling whom ?

Catchy sound bites have two of these women candidates - from District 6 who have set the convoluted tone - confusing the voters - and propagating issues - that cannot be fulfilled.

One of them learned her tricks working for SPUR - and has always supported the rogue Developers. 

She was fired from the  SF Planning Commission - conflict of interest - issues. Corrupt to the core - these outsiders - are a pain in the ass. None of them have morals, less ethics, and of course no standards - none what so ever.

The issue of building housing today - is one of how much will it cost per square foot - and when one does the calculation - and the cost per square foot is cost prohibitive - all hell for sure - breaks lose.

There was a time when one could build a decent building - with quality standard materials - for about $600 per square foot. 

Those days are gone - it is double the amount - with steel, most building material that is standard, practically any quality material one needs to build - costing over 40% than what is cost two years ago.

We are a land of laws - 
not in San Francisco anymore -
wheeling and dealing - more in Room 200.

Greedy big developers once made hay while the sun shines - building too many " Market Price Units ".

Many of these " Market Price " units - vacant - money is  very tight - and many of the Chinese from Mainland China - shafted - again and again - be it the AB-5 Visas - that are stalled - come to a grinding halt.

The very strict rules when it comes to transferring " dark money ".

Property managers and offering 3 months free rent to sign leases - linked to Market Price units - downtown San Francisco and Mission Bay. 

Still No takers - and many Property Mangers - thinking of suicide.

In our SF neighborhoods those using " dark money "  to gobble entire blocks - has come to a grinding halt.

Those that used the " SF Department of Building Inspection "  the " SF Permit System - using expediters " - have been pulling their teeth and scratching the head. 

They are at their wits end. Karma.

No one can cheat, steal, hoodwink the people - all of the time - a time comes - a saturation point - and the crooks realize their fate - and often time - we hear of them taking a plunge from the Golden Gate Bridge.

Such is the fate of many of them - included in this group - the political whores and pimps. 

Platinum Consultants - former crooks who worked for them - the likes of Dwayne Jones.

Within six months - with the increase in the interest rates - and added tariffs on Mainland China.

This so called SF booming economy will be spiraling - we can see it happen, now - but there is more to come.

It is just a matter of time - we will recall realistically - the spiraling of our economy - 2008 - and before that 2007 and 2006.

This Phallus has been the charm of many -
especially those who lust dreaming of 
such contours - the Big One is here -
and this one and others - lack the basic 
seismic standards - never mind someone 
text a message " go deep " - linked to the Millennium.

All over San Francisco we have serious issues with skyscrapers - very inferior foundations -  it is not only the Millennium Building - sinking 22 inches and titling 17 inches - Northwest.

The SF City Administrator - Naomi Kelly has been pussyfooting around - pretending to address the issues at hand by having some presentation of sorts - at the Marine Club - on Mason Street.

Some professor from Stanford University - trying to bluff the journalist asking some sound questions -  some others - beating around the bush - failing to be forthright.

Many of the SF City Department heads - have been caught in a web of utter corruption - we saw this with the Transbay Terminal - steel beams cracking - all sorts of inferior material - showing wear and tear.

Webcor and its affiliates - have been using inside contacts -  raking in millions.

 These contractors - get most of the larger contracts - and think they can get away with murder. 

It is time Webor and its affiliates are " Black Listed " - that will swing the pendulum to the center - some.

Dark money is all over the place in San Francisco - imagine some candidates - avoiding -  those meetings arranged by the League of Women and others,

Corrupt and power hungry candidates - taking their message devoid of the details - linked to any decent platform  - directly to the air waves - bombarding us with $10,000 a piece sleek and convoluted  misinformation - fake TV advertisements.

These corrupt candidates - who are NOT educated on issues  - trying to hoodwink us in broad daylight. 

Case in point a candidate from SF District  4 supported by Katy Tang, Mayor London Breed  and Carmen Chu - one worse than the other.

It is the same with two candidates - backed by Mayor London Breed - from District 6 - that has serious issues - linked to Quality of Life issues - both women candidates one Black and another White - do not have the best interests of San Francisco - less those that need help - most.

What these candidates exhibit in public - is act like whores.

They do not comprehend - is that they do not represent only their District - but should have the best interest - of all of San Francisco and decent, hardworking, tax paying - citizens - San Franciscans.

In District 10 Shamann Walton has been caught red handed - it has come to light the amount of " dark money " - he has received - most of it " dark money ". 

For all his talk there has been no walk. 

Shamann should be ashamed of himself - and he has NO right to represent District 10 -  there is more to come.

San Francisco families in droves over 40,000 in the last five and half years have left San Francisco. They all contributed to to San Francisco - unlike the techies - who are selfish - the faces hid in their iPads and laptops - they take a lot - and give little back to the community in which they leech.

The congestion on our roads - has reached a chronic stage - San Francisco one of the worst congested cities and more with roads filled with pot holes.

Wheeling the dealing - more in Room 200 -
at City Hall - it stinks of Sulphur -
even the U.S. Flag at the door -
has the Eagle facing in the wrong direction -
these corrupt politicians have lost their fucking mind.

San Francisco - has been rated - so low when it comes to congestion, pot holes, pollution, rampant homelessness and yet some " politician who are idiots " - dare to call - our once great city - a First Class City - sad to say - it is no more.

This Proposition C - to garner $1.5  Billion - and these idiotic politicians think and brag they will build homes - with no transparency and less accountability.  Who is fooling whom?

All these ploys and machinations - played on the air-waves - what these " idiotic politicians " do not take into account - is we the Voters do not Trust them.

We the Voters will NOT trust them - less give them our precious vote - more those that do NOT encourage - family values - that is mother, father, and biological children - enough is enough. Aho.

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