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Monday, January 19, 2015


Mayor Edwin Lee can talk the talk - as he did at his recent State of the City address - full of generalities - mostly hog wash.

Praising his minions, in front of many sell outs and among them Gavin Newsom - better known in some circles as Mr Dipstick.

The former black mayor of San Francisco - Willie L. Brown Jr. who has done more damage to this great City and County of San Francisco - then anyone else in power - who could have represented our great City of San Francisco and served those that needed -help most.

The Mayor Edwin Lee makes vain promises but fails to comprehend that thousands are suffering. Quality of Life issues thrown to the wind. San Franciscans - who for so many generations gave their best - to make San Francisco - what it is today.

As I said before - hundreds are sleeping on the streets of San Francisco.

We had the heavy rains - and there were families - sleeping on the streets - trying to get some shelter under something.

Be it a vacant place -where no one lived - many walked distances - to sleep under the bridges. The so called shelters gave you a chair - who ever came with this method - giving an indigent a chair to sleep - all night long?

Where is the compassion?

Mayor Lee keeps mentioning soon the City will have the highest minimum wage - that minimum wage must be something around $35 - if people are going to spend $3500 for a one bedroom.

In the interim the SF Planning and Mayor Edwin Lee have not adjudicated the case filed against the Academy of Art University - it has been over 5 years.

The Academy of Art University - bought hundreds of rental buildings - converted them to dormitories depriving - hardworking innocent San Franciscans - of thousands of rental units.

Congestion on our roads is getting from bad to worse, the baby boomers are now in their sixties and need help - and here is Mayor Edwin Lee talking from both sides of his mouth.

 His changes are for the filthy rich - everyone knows this - but Mayor Edwin Lee - does not get it.

This is Muwekma Ohlone land - Mayor Edwin Lee better comprehend that - he keeps NOT following protocol - and his ignorance in this matter - will come to haunt him.

There are Ohlone remains buried at Candlestick Stadium - right below the ground - and no one is paying attention to this very serious fact. This desecration cries to heaven for justice.

Hundreds of our youth are truants - does Mayor Edwin Lee know this - crash where ever they can. Fall prey  to circumstances - in order to survive. This hold true for the queer youth - who are NOT given the amenities they need - and suffer, more.

The education system in San Francisco has failed our children.

Our immigrant children are treated like animals - locked in a room - if they speak loud - if a teacher dislikes them - Presidio Middle School, Mission Middle School Center.

Just send some investigator - to reveal the harm done to our children. The old San Francisco Unified School Board and the present one are puppets.

Fundamentally, the are not held accountable.

They permit other entities to perform task - and then pay them after the fact - often times taking money that is needed somewhere else.

We tolerate Hydra Mendonza and others like her - just because they are lackeys. Working with some private entities to provide our middle school children with Ipads - but these tools should co me with well trained teachers - and standard amenities.

So, we now have a President who is the head of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors - you should have heard the statements made - how the show was orchestrated. The Hood is the hood - and even before London Breed too this present office - she acted like a clown on many, serious issues.

She did this on the how defunct San Francisco Redevelopment Agency - she is a sell out - much like Malia Cohen - they both are for themselves and no one worth the salt - respects them. Time will tell.

This so called City meetings - held by invitation - are the signs of the times.

There is NO democracy left - the MACHINE in San Francisco - despicable to the core - thinks that it can dictate things - and that educated, astute, decent constituents will go with the flow.

Mayor Edwin Lee should know better - and his time is coming.

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