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Saturday, January 24, 2015


San Francisco is a RACIST city - never mind we have a Chinese American Mayor - Edwin Lee who talks - from both sides of his mouth - and has taken this City and County of San Francisco - further down the - cesspool.

Any Mayor should fend his constituents - this Mayor has permitted "thugs" and "crooks" - given them large tax breaks - and continues to back those that do not have the best interest of the constituents of San Francisco.

We have hundreds of indigent people sleeping on the streets of San Francisco downtown - facing the inclement - weather. Thousands others all over City - making ends meet. 

It is deplorable to see some go into the garbage can to seek for food - when we have hundreds of millionaires - and more billionaires - here in San Francisco. Most living in the Pacific Heights area - and living a life - where spending thousands for a dinner is common. While all the time - fleecing the poor.

This is Muwekma Ohlone land - stolen land from the Native Americans - the "thief" always will say what she or he wants to say.

The "thief" must not be trusted - and Mayor Edwin Lee has mentioned things to my face - about the Ohlone - good things - so he knows whose land this is - and yet he continues to do -  willfully do wrong.

The entire Southeast Sector - much of it is infill - the land is prone to liquefaction and severe flooding. 

Heron's Head Park - will be gone in a matter of 10 years - the experts know this - but the City and County and the SF Port Authority thinks - all is well.

Pier 70 is contaminated - a million tons of coal tar - two huge hot spots and more of ammonia spills - from the days when the United States Navy built ships - during the World War II efforts - and people think they can fool all the people - all the time.

No one can play with Mother Nature - and Mayor Edwin Lee is playing with Mother Nature. He should get a report on the recent "high tides" we have been experiencing.

The results of the flooding during the heavy rains and the flooding by Candlestick Stadium.

The potholes that have taken over 3 weeks since I bought it to the attention of Ed Yee - what is happening - do we have millions to dole out to victims - encouraging such accidents to happen - where the City is liable?

 The high rises going up are destroying the skyline of the City and County of San Francisco.

The more tall buildings we have - the more we are NOT prepared - with fire fighters, less ambulances, less hospitals and good doctors - when the Big One strikes - we will fall flat on our face.

Our Office of Emergency Services is a JOKE - and the clowns sitting on that body know it - they are taking a big risk - and when the time comes - most will be pointing fingers at others.

Today, the congestion on our streets is despicable to say the least. Sometimes moving two blocks and taking half a hour - three blocks and it takes you 45 minutes. 

It is the same with our Infrastructure and the very corrupt San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) with it dog and pony shows. It has failed - spending millions on the Water System Improvement Project (WSIP) which is nearing its end.

Today the SFPUC has failed to revamp the infrastructure within our City the over 1000 miles of clean water pipes - that are over 80 years old.

Same with the over 1100 sewer pipes. All linked with the Sewer System Improvement Project - and the progress made - deplorable.

The most significant fact to note is the utter and abject failure of the Water System Improvement Project - which should have been completed by now.

Closer to the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir the Mountain Tunnel needs to be addressed - the public at large - the over 2.4 million constituents that receive Hetch Hetchy clean drinking water - are kept in the dark.

On Calavares Dam the same issue - poor management - and URS the prime who did much damage - recently jumped ship - and has been bought by AECOM.

AECOM is not to be trusted - is given too much power - including the Sewer System Improvement Project (SSIP) and the building of the Digestors.

AECOM was suppose to sit with those constituents who were interested in the Digestors - and when some of us tried to inform those in charge - they started acting rude. " the community can bring ideas to us - but they will not be compensated".

So why are you compensating the "consultants" who have filed you until now?

Why are you using money from the Community Benefits to pay people like Dwayne Jones, Al Williams, others who have failed the community?  In fact do not live in District 10 for sure.

Those crocodile tears shed at one SFPUC meeting - shows that we have some leaders - who are not only on the take - but inept, shallow, and incompetent.

The Digestors huge tanks that contain secondary effluents - some 6 of them - still continue to emit - stench - that affects a wide area.

If it was a "white neighborhood" - the SFPUC would act on an emergency footing and bring about some resolution.

But, the foolish SFPUC once resorted to pour thousands of gallons of Clorax into the tanks - and when we found out - from sample taken in the Bay - these idiots - did not know what to say. 

The SFPUC cannot be trusted  -and recently has failed the constituents when it comes to serious issues and the watershed.

Drawing water from the ground, the brand new Force Main by Executive Park, the sorry state of the Irvington Tunnel - costing millions of dollars -  and so on and so forth.

In the interim because so many in San Francisco have not been doing due diligence -  attending critical meetings -these crooks are making hay while the sun shines.

The most corrupt the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission - with consultants who have emails given to them by the SF Public Utilities Commission.

Consultants - who have access to anything they want - compromising the safety of our City and County of San Francisco.

The public, the tax payers, the rate payers who pay for the ever increasing clean drinking water, the sewage, pay other taxes directly and indirectly - left out and kept in the dark.

The MACHINE has anointed crooks - placed at critical places - be there many of them are dumb - trying to hoodwink the public.

Ivy Fine, Juliet Ellis - we can name more - but it would not solve too much. Juliet Ellis should be fired - charged by the Fair Political Action Committee - the San Francisco Ethics Commission - crooks kept on the job - to do more - damage.

It is amazing how crooked contractors are getting away with murder - and those who are decent - have to suffer - even after following the rules and regulations.

The constituents have to do their homework - be educated on issues, have a heart.

What is critical to the movement and more at this critical time - it is important - NOT to be spiritually bankrupt - have fortitude - do your home work - learn from the Civil Rights Movement - to go to a better place. Aho.

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