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Monday, May 21, 2012


Any Nation that respects its SENIORS is worth the salt.

In San Francisco -  over 200,000 Seniors - are in dire economic straits and in peril.

Those in authority in our FAIR CITY -seem to look the other way around - and avoid the situation at hand. Why?

We have a population of 800,000 that lives in the City - on any day that increase to over a million and a half - because so many come to work - and that increases when we have conventions and other such events - like base ball and foot ball - games.

For the last 15 years with INTENT our City and County of San Francisco - has NOT addressed the salient and pertinent factors - adversely impacting our Seniors.

When you dare pity the Seniors against CORRUPT forces - the WRATH of GOD - will deal with those that cross the line - and dare challenge - that which must be respect - age, wisdom, character - legacy.

The underlining  reasons - failing our SENIORS is simple - our City has LOST its compassion and in doing so has failed its moral duties, its fiscal obligations, compromised its once noble standards, and totally failed our Seniors - who have contributed so much to our Nation and to San Francisco.

The Baby Boomers - are here and as they near 65 years - many; think may be - that there is some rainbow on the horizon.

Some one will come to their assistance. Waiting for Godot!

Daunted by the 2008 economic crash, the failed programs of our City and County of San Francisco.
Many Seniors are facing severe hardships and have been for the last 10 years - in growing numbers.

Foremost; Care not Cash, lack of affordable housing, lack of housing for low income and no income - our Seniors are forced to irk out a living - that is worse than most third world countries.

We have the statistics and detail reports, sound analysis - but NO ONE CARES:

Hearings before the SF BOZOS do not help. Hearings just created a venue for those hurt to vent - and then there is this long, deep silence - and more harm - NO good takes place.

Our Seniors need help with affordable housing. Our Seniors who are Veterans must not be left to fend for themselves on the Streets of San Francisco.

Shelters is NO PLACE for our shelters.

We have over 30,000 vacant homes in San Francisco.

We have the ability - if we apply ourselves to cater to our Seniors.

Our leadership is lacking in compassion, in understanding, spewing diatribe in the Main Media, the SFGOV TV with shallow, drab, inept presentations - that go no where.

We saw this crap with Gavin Newsom and we see the CRAP - today. No one can fool - all the people all the time.

Our Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce has failed.

Our Mayor's Office of Housing - has failed the Seniors.

Some drab machinations and ploys linked to HOPESF are going no where.

Affordable housing, rental housing, and now even Single Residency Occupancy (SROs) are targeted by folks like Supervisor Jane Kim. Why?

I will be attending a meeting at City Hall at 10 am today - to express my views - on our Seniors.

Take your time and read this detail report:

No one ever - can fool all the people all the time.

Good leaders know the way, show the way, and go the way.

Where are the leaders in San Francisco? What are our SF BOZOS in Room 250 - really doing?

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