The United Nations - the Security Council.
After World War II, the superpowers—France, the United States, Britain, Russia, and China—created the United Nations.
The United Nations Charter was signed in San Francisco - at the Veterans War Memorial Theater - on June 25, 1945.
The United Nations has tried its best to help solve the many wars on this Earth, but to no avail.
We have seen Israel aim at United Nations convoys, killing and maiming United Nations personnel. This is wrong, and Israel must bear responsibility since they have blood on their hands.
Benjamin Netanyahu is a war monger - he lies, and he has been indicted by the Israel Court. He must be jailed and kept in solitary confinement.
The United States is complicit - helping Israel with laser-guided bombs, missiles, jets, and ammunition, building a Secret Site 512 perched atop Mount Har Qeren in the Negev - and helping to intercept missiles sent to Israel by the Iranians.
The United States Congress has yet to reveal why our taxpayer's money is being spent - with our United States soldiers manning the sophisticated interceptors - costing us billions of dollars.
We could use the trillions of dollars wasted in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Israel, and other places - favoring the military industry.
The United States spends trillions - on tanks, ammunition, missiles, bombs, jets, nuclear ships, sophisticated communication systems - other things - that I cannot reveal.
Little if nothing at all - on our Elders, our infants, children, youth, young adults, those with compromised health - more the physically and mentally challenged.
When we were here in the United States during the floods, many asked for help, only to be told that the United States ran out of funds.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has nothing to say except that it lacks the money to distribute to the most needy, who have been waiting for months due to the recent floods.
Yet, the United States government is complicit in helping a country - to kill, maim, and commit atrocities - never, never seen before - a country that is known as the scourge of the Earth.
Americans by far do not trust our Supreme Court - who have reached far left to help felons - even one that has now won the General Elections - President-Elect - not fit to represent the dog catchers.
Make America Great Again—this cliche is just that. The man does not understand - nor does he know - how to address a Budget. All he wants is tons of money to dole out to Billionaires. The MF always preys on others and does not spend a penny from his coffers. Despicable!
The vote on the Budget to keep the government open failed twice, but the third time was a charm.
The Democrats' votes made the vote to keep the U.S. Government open and in operation.
Donald Trump lost, and the Democrats won on the Budget issue - keeping the U.S. government open.
Donald Trump must now lick his chops - cow down and put his tail between his legs.
Trying to - figure out - how to make America Great Again - when America has no place for liars, cheats, folks that rape women - have no empathy and are selfish - where do these despicable people come from?.
Donald Trump, in all his endeavors, has been a loser - and is always seeking those who have money - to fleece them - no one can fool - all the people all the time.
Had the U.S. budget not passed at the eleventh hour - it could have easily messed up the inauguration, and thousands of essential and other Federal workers - would be denied their paychecks.
Now, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief until March 14, 2025.
This nutter nonsense - failing to understand the process - by those consulting Donald Trump is shocking.
Speaker Johnson - has failed to understand the process.
Having bipartisan support is challenging - Speaker Johnson deceived the Democrats and tried to go listen to Donald Trump and his goons.
This is America, and you do not sign an agreement and then say that you will go ahead with the agreement - that is what Donald Trump and his goons do.
Donald Trump and his fanatics - agree to something and stab you in the back - they do this again and again.
This is how Donald Trump fosters abject - divisiveness.
Sadly, President Trump will throw Speaker Johnson under the bus.
Donald ordered Speaker John - to get rid of the debt ceiling for two years - to make room for Donald Trump and his fanatics - to have access to the money - and deprive essential issues, Medicare and medicines that people cannot afford.
Use the cuts on the back of poor people to dole out money to the filthy rich - who most citizens in the United America have no respect for.
Research money for children and a cure - children dealing with cancer, other funds to help the citizens of America.
S100 billion for the hurricane victims and $10 billion for the farmers passed, but other essential projects will have to wait until after March 14, 2025.
Donald Trump wants the debt ceiling to disappear, but that will not happen.
In two years, Congress and the Senate will depend on the Democrats, who gradually win more seats, narrowing the gap to less than three, and may take control of both.
Slowly but surely - Donald Trump will lose control - and then Donald Trump and his lackeys can go to hell with a coconut shell.
Donald Trump is an anathema - but more than that, Donald Trump is a disgrace to the human race.
Donald Trump is dealing with a large debt and has no way to cater to the Billionaires at this time - to dole out money to the filthy rich.
It does not bother Donald Trump and his so-called consultants - to deprive the working class - and those citizens who most need help - given consideration and help to address quality of life issues.
Imagine these assholes wanting to make America Great Again - America has always been forward-looking - and needs freedom of the people by the people.
We have no place for Autocratic and Narcissism anywhere in America - time to get rid of this nonsense and nip the utter nonsense on a war footing.
This nonsense to cater to billionaires - is something we, the people, must understand - no group of filthy rich folks - should be catered to - they have plenty of money, and these scumbags must not be catered to.
The true American - the working people - the people who live paycheck to paycheck - the Federal workers who work hard - must receive their salary - more since Christmas is here and Donald Trump and his lackeys - keep muddying the waters.
The majority of the Democrats - against keeping the government open - including 38 Republicans, joined the Democrats - voting against extending government funding for 3 months.
Two Democrats joined the Republicans who lost the vote, and the government is slated to stay closed.
Unless "Plan C" is voted on, the United States government will not be funded. Each hour counts, and time is running out.
The government will stay closed - until something else happens - as of now, the Republicans have failed in their ploy - to cater to the billionaires.
Donald Trump wants the Joe Biden government to suspend the debt ceiling for two years. This will not fly. Donald Trump and his lackeys are pushing for this.
If the vote favors Donald, it would allow Trump to give considerable breaks to billionaires. The Democrats did not budge, and Donald Trump is in the doldrums.
This is a big blow to the Republicans, and Donald Trump's future is bleak. For all his vain talk -he has no walk - hot air and nothing more to say.
Donald Trump's scheme to suspend the debt ceiling for two years - is mind blogging and without justification—trying to hoodwink Democrats and Republicans into swallowing the poison pill—failed.
Now we know that those who are deemed to be autocrats cannot and will not allow freedom to flourish - they focus on those entities that favor standards and act on those who break the laws of the land.
No wonder the Department of Justice, the National Security Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Secretary of Defense are targeted by Donald Trump and his goons.
No one is above the law—not even the President of the United States. Our Founding Fathers had checks and balances.
The current plan is to shut down the government. There may be another attempt, but hopefully, the government will remain open until March 2025.
Donald Trump wants to suspend the debt ceiling for two years, allowing Donald Trump to play with the Budget and spend billions with no accountability.
Donald Trump lost big time today - and so did those lackeys - who have a hidden agenda.
Plan "A" led to Plan "B. " Each plan was put to the vote but has not proven viable or sustainable.
Plan "C" is now being crafted at the eleventh hour - the Republicans showing their true colors. Dysfunctional.
Truth be told, the Republicans have no clue how to deal with the United Budget - and have chosen to listen to Ellon Musk - now figuring out how to keep the United States in operation.
The bill fell - 174 - 235, failing to earn the most votes. This was on Thursday, December 19, 2024.
The United States House of Representatives took a vote on
Friday, December 20, 2024, six hours before the deadline.
On Friday, December 20, 2024 - the Senate approved the bill passed by the House - 85 - 11, thus keeping the U.S. government in operation until March 14, 2025.
It is a shame that the Senate has not passed one appropriation bill - burdening Congress.
President Joe Biden will sign the bill on Saturday, December 21, 2024, and thus deal with some serious issues—staying away from the debt ceiling and related matters that Donald Trump favored.
President Joe Biden has just signed the bill to keep the U.S. government open and stop the madness that was initiated by Donald Trump, a narcissist.
Come March 14, 2025 - the drama will begin - all over again. Next time Donald Trump and his goons - will have his butt whipped.
Donald Trump lost big time, and his future is in dire straits. His sordid intention to dole out millions of the filthy rich is in the doldrums. President Joe Biden has assured us that all his key projects will be funded.
Congress met on December 20, 2025, and the vote favored keeping the U.S. government open until March 14, 2025. The vote was recorded at 366-34.
The bill will now go before the Senate for their vote and endorsement, which must be done before midnight on December 20, 2025.
Over two-thirds of the votes favored keeping the government working and in operation until March 14, 2025.
Earlier, the U.S. government was slated to close.
Donald Trump opened his mouth, and through his other mouthpiece, he torpedoed the process by incorporating a poison pill: suggesting suspending the debt ceiling for two years.
The paradox is that Biden is the president; the president must go to his desk.
Joe Biden is watching the drama - and will NOT sign any bill that does not adhere to the laws of the United States and serve the best interest of the people of the United States.
Donald Trump has surrounded himself with fanatics and consultants who have no clue how our government works.
Speaker Johnson blew this issue - those who voted torpedoed the extension Budget for three months until March 2025.
Suspension of the debt ceiling for two years is not in sight - and will not be considered - Joe Biden will not take responsibility - Joe Biden will not have Donald Trump and his lackeys dictate nonsense.
All the while, Donald Trump pussy foots around - dreaming of suspending the debt for the next two years - Donald Trump has surrounded himself with idiots of the worst order.
Right now, if the bill is not signed by Joe Biden - the billionaires salivating to receive a considerable break - will be left holding an empty bag - the scumbags of society - filthy rich - and having no empathy for the hard-working citizens of the United States making under $100,000 a year - in many states less than $50,000.
These thieves have no clue how the government works. The committee that does a needs assessment and adjudicates the best way to reach a consensus spent over five months working on the Budget, considering those who needed help most.
Only for Donald Trump, a narcissist, to torpedo the bill.
Paradoxically, many of the billionaires prey on the government for contract - they all have to have clearance - and many do not - conducting their operations illegally - and compromising the security of the United States.
This is why we will hear the IDIOT mention again and again to get rid of the Department of Justice, the Internal Revenue Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Defense, the National Security Agency - other Law Enforcement who are watching the crooks - trying to hoodwink the citizens of the United States in broad daylight.
No one is above the law - not even the president of the President States - that is why we should not have morons running for President of the United States.
Donald Trump will screw up our economy - his tariff scheme is dangerous, and his idea of suspending the debt ceiling for two years - without justification is another ploy - Donald Trump is no leader - he is a LOSER.
On another level, money set aside for research to deal with cancer, autism, and other pressing diseases - money set aside to help the U.S. farmers, those victims of the floods and other atrocities - was contemplated to be doled to the billionaires - giving them significant tax breaks - as if these jackasses need the money.
Educated Americans are sick and nauseated daily listening to utter nonsense, the suspension of the debt ceiling without justification - for two years.
Donald Trump is out to destroy our economy - anything the idiot touches - leads to utter destruction.
In his first term in office, Donald Trump gave significant breaks to billionaires without consulting the taxpayers.
Now, he is up to mischief again, caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
Congress members have been told to hold flying home - there is a plan in the working - to keep the government open for the next three months.
This utter nonsense - suspending the tax ceiling for two years is a Joke - must stop. Let Donald Trump do it once he comes in - and not force Joe Biden to act like a proxy for him - Joe Biden knows better and can teach Donald Trump a lot.
We are not respected worldwide. The Senate should be ashamed for failing to attend to its mandate and passing a single appropriation bill—a dereliction of duty.
Had the Senate done what had to be done, we would not have been in this predicament. Shame on the United States Senate.
No wonder the citizens of the United States have no faith and trust in the United States government.
Nancy Pelosi, Zoe Lofgren, - and others too many to name failed the citizens of the United States - while all the time distracting us citizens - being complicit - aiding and abetting Israel - a pariah nation.
Nancy and Zoe also have not contributed to the betterment of the indigenous tribes - the Muwekma Ohlone comes to mind.
The Muwekma Ohlone.
Also, Diane Feinstein, who passed away, failed the Muwekma Ohlone save guarding the interest of those in power, who would have to deal with the first people and sovereignty.
The United States must create a Hall of Shame - the names I have mentioned above should be displayed - trillions wasted - kicking the can down the street.
At last, the Democrats are reeling from the defeat brought to their doorsteps - the cult party of Donald Trump - billionaires investing in the General Elections - winning the popular vote and the votes from the Electoral College - Go Figure!
The Democrats failed miserably to communicate with the working class - failed to address health issues, affordable housing, education, safety, transportation, immigration, and a host of other vital issues.
For all the talk, there was no walk - the Democrats have yet to apologize and find it easier to put down Donald Trump and his fanatics - one must speak truth to power.
The United States Congress and the Senate are debating whether to close down the United States government.
Two days ago, there was a bipartisan budget agreement - passed - linked to the Budget to address the victims of floods, the farmers, small businesses, and a host of critical issues related to the citizens who are suffering - only for Donald Trump and his lackeys to persuade the current Republicans to vote against the agreement.
Of interest, Congress and the Senate asked for a salary increase, and many maintain two homes - one in the area they represent and another in Washington, DC.
There are other pork barrel items added in the 1500-page document that can put one to bed. Reading the many pages can put one to bed.
Politicians, in considerable measure today, are not to be trusted - hoodwinking us all in broad daylight.
The Democrats can start all over again - any way you look at it - the smell of Sulphur will linger for decades.
There was a very narrow window of opportunity; one saw some faint light - at the end of the tunnel - and folks like Nancy and her lackeys - were busy filling their campaign - coffer.
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