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Thursday, April 25, 2024


San Francisco City Hall - has failed its citizens. The services, provided with disdain, have left the residents feeling neglected and unheard. No one wants to do business in San Francisco, a city where they kick the can down the street each time you ask for a service. Of course, all this comes forking out big bucks.

Good for nothing! Does not represent our values.

San Francisco is a City and Count of San Francisco. Few know that San Francisco once was one big land mass - from San Francisco to Palo Alto. 

Even with its prestigious title, the services provided to the citizens of San Francisco could be better.

Yet when it comes to quality of life issues - most San Franciscans pay more - rent, all sorts of taxes added to this and that, the price of food, health and safety compromised - and for the talk the SF Board of Supervisors - are lackeys - no one worthy the salt.

Let's remember that this is a city with immense potential, a potential that can be harnessed to provide exemplary services to its citizens. 

No progress is possible because of the buffoonery that one finds almost everywhere - people put in positions to lead - and fast asleep in the cockpit.

The service cannot be delivered by pathetic buffoons - that this is the norm right now in our great City and County of San Francisco.

When you seek help, the most frustrating part is that every SF City Department seems to pass the problem along. 

We remember Ed Reskin, the former SF Municipal Transportation Authority Director. 

He was removed because he did a good job and did not take stupid orders from those who needed to learn about transportation issues. 

The present Direct Jeffrey Tumlin is a joke, and our Municipal Transportation, which once had standards, is now pathetic.

The man is not a leader - he does well acting as a clown - at the many events he holds - cutting ribbons and spewing - diatribes.

The many Commissions we have in San Francisco must perform - be viable and sustainable to the citizens. 

The Department of Public Works has two Commissions, one titled Department of Public Works and another titled Sanitation and Streets. We do not need these two commissions; they DO NOT save time. They bring on pandemonium - the likes our Mayor London Breed loves - confusion and being confounded.

Those chosen to represent have yet to learn how the Department of Public Works operates. 

The current Director was appointed interim Director and is now supposedly the Director. She is not fit to run the SF Department of Public Works.

A tree hugger she should stay put increasing the San Francisco Tree Canopy - thousands of trees felled - many during the severe storms - the Mayor London Breed brags giving positions to some women not because they are qualified - but because she wants to make a point - women can do whatever they want to do - yes, but they have to be qualified.

Like London, Breed thinks women should be hired as SF police officers - no men should be allowed to serve. In fact, no one wants to join the SF Police Department at this time.

Quality of Life issues have deteriorated in San Francisco. 

The Department of Public Works is worse today than it was ever before.

Our crosswalks are faded and not painted. You can put in a work order, but it will take years for the crosswalk to be painted.

Potholes still need to be repaired. A few weeks after placing a work order, the Department of Public Works repaired them. 

The potholes have been growing bigger for years, adversely impacting innocent drivers.

Once we would call in during Public Comment - no more - the Commissions act like a Cabal - they talk from both sides of their mouth.

For any government to progress, there must be checks and balances - we do not have standards, morals, or ethics - in San Francisco today. 

In short, we find corruption of the worst kind in each City Department - a saturation so deep that it baffles most decent people.

Chief William " Bill " Scott.

Safety is of paramount importance - any City Mayor will tell you that - not in San Francisco - tourists who visit us - do not want to come again - car break-ins, assaults,  begging, the dirty, stinking streets bother the citizens of San Francisco - how must more the tourist - who once came and enjoy our City - but now do not want to visit San Francisco - anymore?

Our SF Police Force is at an all-time low. Many of our SF Police Officers are stressed - supposedly, 2000 Police Officers are supposed to make up our SF Police Force.

Right now, we are bordering around 900, with many on sick leave, others on disability, and still others suspended. When one studies the data, of all the SF Police Officers disciplined, most do not have their cases adjudicated within the period stated.

SF Police Officer wait and wait and wait - waiting for Godot - stressed - some SF Officers charged on petty stuff - that can be adjudicated quickly - instead the SF Police Department pride is giving the SF Officer a hard time - and all this and more will come to bite the SF Police Department - and Chief Bill Scott in the butt.

Once we participated in the SF Police Commission, today - we can no longer call in by telephone; one has to appear in person. The SF Police meetings are boring.

The Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) - a Civil Branch of the Department of Justice - had mandated 272 reform objectives to the California Department of Justice, mandating the San Francisco Police Department to fix the issues that failed the SFPD.

Over $500,000 was spent on the reforms - much has stayed the same. 

I attended all the COPS meetings and continued participating in many SF Police Department Commission meetings for years. 

The SF Police Commission is dysfunctional - they know it but cannot do anything about it. They take a topic and beat it to death - much like reviving a horse and beating it to death - and then repeating the sordid deed again and again.

The Mayor's office tried to bully the SF Police Commissioners, reminding them they could not speak truth to power and that if they failed to follow the dictates of the Mayor's Office, they could be fired.

Such mandates reflect poorly on the SF Mayoral Staff. 

The turnover in that office - Room 200 at City Hall - could be better.

An issue arose with one SF Police Department Commissioner,  Max Carter-Oberstone, refusing to abide by some rule the SF Mayor's office initiated illegally - threatening to fire the Commissioner if he did not comply with an order that was totally uncalled for. 

Tyra Fennel, a lackey of Mayor London Breed, who wrote the language, had no idea that Max Carter-Oberstone, an Orrick Justice Fellow at the Policing Project at NYU Law School, also graduated from Georgetown University with a double major in Finance and French and has a JD from Stanford Law School.

The SFPUC stole the land from the Native Americans - some 160 miles from San Francisco. Damned the Tuolumne River - built the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir - got the water for free - and charged those that received it - an arm and a leg.

Hetch Hetchy reservoir.

Press Release dated  March 28, 2024 - asking the leadership of the SFPUC to change their ways - most of them were complicit - with those indicted - Harlan Kelly and Dwayne Jones:

The Raker Act of 1913 was implemented to steal the land from the Native Americans - take it by using the imminent domain - damn the Tuolumne River - and created the Hetch Hetchy dam - that should be torn down.

When the Tuolumne was damned - there was a lot of water for the Salmon to survive. 

Over the years since 1913, advocates have warned the SF Water Department and now the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. They bring issues to the Commission's attention and, in each case, suggest empirical data and concrete solutions.

One may need help bringing the solutions to the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. One can take the horse to the water's edge but not force the horse to drink.

All the water - every raindrop - belongs to all Californians in California.

Unlike other States in the nation, California has rules and regulations. 

Again and again, SFPUC has reneged and created problems. 

We fought for Workshops linked to Hetch Hetchy and water distribution - the SFPUC pretends to agree with the suggestions and continues to do as it pleases.

This in-your-face haughtiness is simply not warranted and is more nauseating. 

How long must we wait for results? How many more must be indicted? The General Manager, Harlan Kelly, was indicted. 

Does this say something? Is the situation worse now?

It does not help that Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA) have a hidden agenda. They joined SFPUC later in the game and now want to dictate terms as if they were present in 1913.

It challenges decisions by the Regional Water Board, the federal government, and other local and state government agencies. 

It loves taking agencies to court and wastes SF taxpayers' money.

In the interim, the Salmon spawned at one time, and the Native Americans revered and took care of it, but it has dwindled. 

Where once there were millions, the number spiraled to thousands, in recent years to a few hundred, and low and behold, recently to 260 - wow!

For the last few years, algae have inundated the Tuolumne River. The warm water encourages the algae to spread rapidly, which is toxic to the salSalmond and detrimental to the ecosystem.

For thousands of years, as the Salmon spawned annually, the Native Americans lit fires to welcome the Salmon. Native American Tribes, the Miwok, the Piutes, and others have a deep relationship with  Salmon, those greedy and without morals and ethics.

I have visited the rivers in Yosemite with the Elders from the tribes and others who are my friends - they offer me water from the confluence.

The sacred water - the Native tribes' treasure - indigenous people of our land.

The Salmon that the tribes revere, the river - water is life.

Incredibly, what was pristine and nourishing has been destroyed in a few hundred years. 

Nature - viable and sustainable - has existed for thousands of years, but it has come to naught.

Salmon, redwood trees, eagles, and other birds feed on the Salmon, which spawn and die—this cycle that once was in harmony has been destroyed by greed.

They steal the water and make money from it - billions of dollars - wheeling and dealing.

Computer firms will use millions of clean drinking water to cool their operations - millions of clean drinking water - to flush our toilets - in the year 2024.

We, the SFPUC, have water stored for 6-plus years - plus.

Yet - cannot make arrangements for the Salmon to survive.

By releasing water to address the algae issues. Releasing can cool the water - warm water exacerbates the river's water - warming it and creating toxic algae.

The layperson must advise the buffoons from the SFPUC - who look at you in the eye and lie.

One makes in access of $500,000 a year -  sits on his ass and spews diatribe. 

The SFPUC wants to hoodwink us in broad daylight by seeking to buy Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) 's grid.

SFPUC is offering $2.5 billion - PG&E told SFPUC to take a hike.

SFPUC cannot manage its own operations, and one reason it wants to buy PG&E's operation is to save face. 

The present brand-new Digesters need energy that SFPUC does not have. 

SFPUC wants to capture Methane GAS from the Raw Sewage treatment plant, convert it to Natural Gas, and sell it to PG&E. This is a joke.

SFPUC could invest in Lithium Batteries and Solar Farms - it has millions of acres of land - and should have invested in these energy projects 15 years ago. 

It will cost SFPUC billions to upgrade the assets they buy from PG&E - billions more in manpower or womanpower. 

The President of PG&E is a woman who is paid an arm and a leg. 

It's a wonder how these idiots at 525 Golden Gate behave.

The City and County constantly want to eliminate Natural Gas and use electricity for cooking purposes—in short, they want to avoid Natural Gas and its contribution to the depletion of the Ozone Layer.

When it comes to wasting millions of dollars - the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission - is number one - wasting taxpayers' money.

Soon, its Bond Rating will be lowered. 

It has had a good run keeping its Bond Rating on track, but as it loses money, cannot recover, and faces substantial future natural disasters, it will sink so low that no decent financial institution will back it up. Time will tell.

Maintaining the GRID takes work. The SFPUC must gain experience providing services to huge companies and new housing projects. 

Recently SFPUC invested in an Electrical Hub - a small one at that - and screwed up - the entire Bayview Hunters Point area and the Portola District were impacted - when this Electrical Hub - was activated without the permission of PG&E - that controls the GRID.

There was no electricity for over eight hours, and all this and more was mentioned indirectly, such as the ploys, machinations, and shenanigans of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.

Everyone thought PG&E was to blame, so it was a shock that the SFPUC had created this fiasco.

Usually, the Mayor of any city would have mentioned this outage if there had been a mayor who was more interested in having a good time eating and dancing the jig - than caring for her constituents.

One day after cutting the ribbon - check the lackeys who love the fanfare. The next day, the upgraded dispatch center - stalled, typically of inferior work - more when safety is involved. These politicians love to take credit - repeatedly, they are exposed to wasting millions - wheeling and dealing - and ending with inferior work.

In fact, just two days ago, Mayor London Breed gathered the Health Director Grant Colfax, the Chief of Police Bill Williams, and other lackeys who surround the Mayor London Breed - with Mary Ellen Caroll, who is the Director of the SF Department of Emergency Management - to cut the ribbon for a brand new communication center - actually a "Dispatch Center. "

Instead of wasting time at ribbon cutting - these folks get paid - one person who heads the SF City Health Department receives $600,000 a year  - another who is Chief of the Police close to $500,000 - do your job and stop wasting precious time. 

A day later, after the ribbon cutting - the Dispatch Center - failed to operate - and low and behold - everyone found out - that this Dispatch Center - was more than vulnerable.

The dispatchers had to resort to pen and paper- such action adversely impacted the " dispatchers" who work long hours and take calls that exhaust them. 

We all understand the fiasco at the SF Department of Emergency Management. Mary Ellen Carrol is in charge and incompetent.

So much for someone barking up the wrong tree. 

Let's do right and have quality products. 

This nonsense of giving our projects to the lowest bidder always results in inferior work - each and every time.

This has happened before - millions spent - and the Dispatch Center still needs to be tested. We saw and will see future failures.

The Presidio of San Francisco has a Dispatch Center - it was tested repeatedly and works well.

Good leaders know the way, show the way, and go the way. No so buffoons - you have a dime a dozen at San Francisco's City Hall - and most City Department headed by lackeys - the Human Rights Commission, the Department of Emergency Services,  Department of Public Works, may I say more.

When heading any Department, you need a decent, hardworking, skilled person with standards, not sellouts, no cheats, liars, or thieves.

The environment at the present SF Zoo is pathetic. No one did a needs assessment, and some want to bring the pandas to win -browny points - pathetic - abysmal leadership.

Recently, the SF Mayor London Breed visited a school in Shenzhen, China -  they asked her poignant questions - for the first time in her life - Mayor London Breed - was bamboozled:


The Flag of the United States.

These Sequoia trees are thousands of years old.

Northern California is paradise when it comes to our rivers, which have served the forests, the flora, the fauna, and the tribes for thousands of years. 

The Klamath River flows 257 miles and is the second largest river after the Sacramento River.

Four aging hydroelectric power stations have been demolished recently, and the Klamath River has been given a new lease of life.

The reservoirs have been drained, and this added factor has allowed the Klamath to receive the necessary raging water to create opportunities for the Salmon to survive. 

Native tribes have begun conducting their sacred rituals, and all this and more have blessed the area. The Native Americans - who fought to remove the dams—now feel they can relate better to nature and more to the rivers, lakes, and nature with all its wonders.

The same should happen to Hetch Hetchy, a dam that has done injustice to John Muir, who fought against building the Hetch Hetchy reservoir - and flooding one of the best valleys in the world - the Hetch Hetchy Valley.

Everything about the Hetch Hetchy Dam is illegal - eminent domain was used to steal land and abuse the rivers, especially the Tuolumne River.

No one follows the Raker Act and its mandates - those who create the amended legal laws are greedy, and greed has no standards or morals.

Frankly speaking, the politicians we have in San Francisco at the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and those frolicking in Room 200 - are a disgrace to anything decent.

I know these very corrupt so-called representatives and have monitored them. Most need to be educated on issues.

It is incredible how these scoundrels use taxpayers' money to cheat, lie, and embrace blatant in your face - corruption. 

San Francisco is worse than Chicago - San Francisco is known worldwide today - as a corrupt City.

From 1996 to this day, the mayors have taken San Francisco down the drain - to the cesspool of their creation.

Our infants, children, Elders, and those with compromised health - more the physically and mentally challenged are dying - and no one cares.

Those who have fallen on bad times live in filthy, stinking locations on our streets in San Francisco - facing the inclement weather - we have a City Administrator who has no clue our air is the worst in the nation.

The SF Contract Monitoring Division favors big Developers - and does not offer meaningful opportunities to thousands of San Francisco African Americans and others who are in dire straits.

We have a few advocates ready to serve our people because we love those who have been forgotten and looked upon with disdain with disdain.

We tried to schedule an appointment with the Mayor but have failed.

The same is true for Carmen Chu, the SF City Administrator, who has yet to learn what is happening to our once great City and County of San Francisco.

The coming elections will bring many changes. One good change is that those who have been wheeling and dealing will be booted out. So be careful - we know who you are. And anyway, you look at the equation - we want the corrupt out of our sight.


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