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Sunday, April 28, 2024


The late Dianne Feinstein killed funding to Bayview Hunters Point the minute she took office as mayor of San Francisco and stalled federal programs linked to Model Cities and the Joint Housing Committee. These entities gave power to the community. The community called the shots—and suddenly, most everything came to an abrupt halt.

Dianne Feinstein hurt thousands of indigent folks - to this day - the Single Occupancy Residency (SROs) - continue to impact thousands of poor people - who have fallen on bad times. Know your history - do right - speak Truth to Power.

Learn how Mayor Dianne Feinstein - with intent - adversely impacted thousands of African Americans in San Francisco:

San Francisco is a Racist City - and the more one digs deeper into cliches - like Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - words that mean nothing at all - when it comes to progress - discrimination and abject hate for those who are not privileged.

Once Bayview Hunters Point thrived, African Americans lived in homes, and seventy-eight percent of the population were African Americans.

Dianne Feinstein did her best to discriminate against poor people - more when it came to housing.

Slowly but surely - dividing the community - using sellouts - the Mayors more since 1996 - have devastated the community.

It is pathetic how some will listen to crooks just because they slip a couple of Franklins in their dirty hands. 

These jerks show all their 32 teeth and have no clue what damage this does to the community.

None of the standards the Contract Monitoring Division has created are enforced, and the so-called Compliance Officers are absent on the many project sites. 

Developers from mainly outside bring their own entourage of workers from New Mexico, Colorado - and elsewhere - housing them in motels in South San Francisco and Brisbane.

At Hunters Point, locals watch the outsiders work - while they are ignored and while away precious time.

City Build - the so-called pre-apprenticeship is a JOKE. 

San Francisco is a UNION city; UNIONS made San Francisco.

 Anyone dabbling with pre-apprenticeship - has no business messing with the lives of the youth.

There is Apprenticeship - how "pre-apprenticeship" such as City Build propagates is  "Clamjamfry " - of course, our SF City Administrator would not know that - nor would Room 200 at City Hall - that smells of Sulphur.

For years, after receiving some $175,000 from the SF Transportation Authority Agency, City Build came to be with this money. 

At one time, Model Cities and the Joint Housing worked hard to provide jobs and address quality of life issues up on the Hill - known as Hunters Point. 

At that time, 78% of the population was African Americans - a force to be reckoned with - most came from the East Coast and brought with them " work ethics " - they achieved what was impossible. 

Many could not get near a project to work at first - they were refused entry and called all sorts of names.

The police who worked for the Housing Authority treated the African Americans with disdain.

All sorts of atrocities were heaped on the African Americans - today, the younger generation has no clue - what the Elders and OGs of today over 70 years went through.

Today, when we meet, some do not respect the Elders. 

 This utter nonsense must stop. Respect your Elders—those of you who are not educated on issues and think that you know some when you must learn more and be educated on issues.

There was a time we went and shut down the project - and put the fear of god into the crooks. 

It is time we congregate in numbers - and shut down the illegal projects.

We will not take our orders from local crooks who take the money and keep it for themselves. Use innocent people as fodder.

Dole out cheap BBQ and other gimmicks to entice people to hold signs and use other gimmicks that are detrimental to the community.

We know who they are - and they know that these ploys, machinations, and shenanigans must STOP.

Right now, infants, children, Elders, and so many others dying slowly from asthma, tumors, heart attacks, dementia, other mentally challenged diseases, STDs, and worse - Fentanyl. 

The African-American leaders who led the programs of the day - maintained some semblance - and while much is made of some of those leaders - truth be told - the baton was not passed - because some of the leaders sold out to the City and County of San Francisco.

Each one of these folks - sold out our community - the Bayview Hunters Point community. Each one is a disgrace to the human race. The signing of Parcel A - when the many other parcels surrounding Parcel A - are contaminated.

Banners such as the one above flew all over Bayview Hunters Point, which Rudolf Dwayne Jones, the so-called gatekeeper of Bayview Hunters Point, placed and was indicted by the Feds.

Some of you have no clue about your history
A brief history of Bayview Hunters Point:

History is never recorded, to tell the truth, most of the time.
Few know the damage done to Bayview Hunters Point by Diane Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Willie L. Brown Jr., Malia Cohen, London Breed, Harlan Kelly, Shaman Walton, Veronica Hunnicutt, Linda Richarson, Toye Moses, Dwayne Jones, and many others.

The sellouts act as intermediaries and receive bribes to do dirty deeds. 

The community suffers, and no one takes responsibility.

Today, most of those holding positions at the heads of SF City Departments are corrupt - more in Room 200 at City Hall.

The average San Franciscan is very well educated - many hold Bachelor's and Master's degrees, and others are certified in specialized areas in the computer industry, Artificial Intelligence, medical doctors, engineers, and lawyers. 

In short, San Francisco has professionals who once were happy being in San Francisco. Not anymore.

Unfortunately, the last five Mayors of San Francisco failed miserably, and the pandemic, coupled with poor leadership and corruption, has put the City and County of San Francisco in dire straits.

Downtown, the financial district has over 44 million square feet of commercial space vacant. 

The workers will not want to return to San Francisco and work in the financial district.

In addition, recent air samples show that our San Francisco air is foul and has adverse impacts on many people in San Francisco. 

Those suffering from asthma - now suffer more and have to use oxygen to help them breathe better - or else their lungs will collapse.

Not a word about this from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District and Mayor London Breed.

Our streets are filthy - tents all over the place - infants and children living on the street and under the bushes - in filthy conditions - innocent folks living in tents facing the inclement weather - slowly dying.

Shootings, killings, assaults, car break-ins, home break-ins - no one seems to care.

San Francisco is making headlines—the SF Zoo is one of the nation's worst maintained, yet we want to bring the pandas.

A billionaire's daughter was last seen in the Tenderloin - this young girl is missing - and has made headlines - naming the Tenderloin - as a slum and the area filthy and total of drug-selling cartels.

Will the candidates running for mayor be able to do anything?

 None of them has the experience. This situation happens when there is no leadership, folks are not educated on issues, things get out of control, and they throw up their hands. It's pathetic.

Using millions to buy votes and power is not Kosher.

Nancy Pelosi is for herself - selfish to the core. Time for her to step down and fade into oblivion. 

One worse than the other. Time will tell.

Each one of these characters has failed San Franciscans.

Thousands of years ago, the indigenous people lived and saw these large birds, much as they see today's redwoods and sequoias trees, rivers, lakes, forests, flora, and fauna - evolving over thousands of years. In all the vain talk,  Climate Change - and diversity, equity, and inclusion - the indigenous people are left out.

The San Francisco Public Utilities simply does not get it.

You stole the land and dammed the Tuolumne River, selling the water you get for free, and you do not respect the salmon—this year, the count was a measly 206 salmon.

The SF Public Utilities Commission does not serve the community—specifically, the Bayview Hunters Point area community.

Sellouts are accommodated, paid as consultants, and do nothing for the community.

2016 Scott Hanks, Jae Ryu, and I - Francisco Da Costa - created the Resource Center model.

We worked with George Yerby, the building owner at 5 Thomas Mellon, and Harlan Kelly, the general manager of SF Public Utilities.

We three worked hard, and the Resource Center was opened with much fun fare—a ribbon cutting by Mayor Ed Lee. 

It was now called the SFPUC Contracting Center by Juliet Ellis, who has since left the SFPUC—and it leaves a stench that smells too high heaven.

Juliet Ellis took control of the facility and was named the SFPUC Contractors Center in 2016.

Her title then was Assistant General Manager of External Affairs, to which she later gave herself another title: Chief Strategist.

The original plan by the community was to address - career jobs linked to the Sewer System Improvement Project (SSIP). 

The SFPUC Contractors' Center has been underutilized throughout the years, more so in the last five years.

The EMERSON contract without a Request for Qualification bid - was given to AECOM to do outreach and workforce for 15 years.

Rudolf Dwayne Jones - who headed the RDJ - LLC - has been indicted and will be brought to book. 

Like Harlan Kelly - the former General Manager of SFPUC, was indicted and is now serving 4 years.t

There are many now working for the SFPUC who are complicit and who failed us all - by all, I mean the community.

The present General Manager knows me well and knows the information I provided to the SF Controller, Ben Rosenfield.

Dennis Herrera, the current General Manager, was the SF City Attorney.

It is time for many issues linked to the Sewer System Improvement Project to be ratified as soon as possible.

All those complicit with Rudolf Dwayne Jones must be dealt with. 

The sordid  Community Benefits models created by Juliet Ellis was a cover-up - with a Joint Venture - created with AECOM - with Susan Leal, Julie Labonte, and Rudolf Dwayne Jones - wheeling and dealing.

Many non-profit programs hand-picked by Juliet Ellis were picked and favored, and that old program has been grounded.

A new program is being developed, and the SF Controller Office needs to clarify how it will be operated.

Can you imagine Rudolf Dwayne Jones being given an office at 525 Golden Gate, the headquarters linked to the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, to conduct his nefarious activities?

Those who had the vision - those who worked hard to create and set up -  the Resource Center - from the community must play a role in undoing the harm that has existed since 2012.

I have been monitoring this situation and do not mind sitting down with those in charge to explain the existing corruption, which has been revealed in many San Francisco Controller's Office audits.

Today, all sorts of behest ploys, machinations, and shenanigans are linked to Community Benefits.

We, the community, want clarity, accountability, and qualified transparency.

Thursday, April 25, 2024


San Francisco City Hall - has failed its citizens. The services, provided with disdain, have left the residents feeling neglected and unheard. No one wants to do business in San Francisco, a city where they kick the can down the street each time you ask for a service. Of course, all this comes forking out big bucks.

Good for nothing! Does not represent our values.

San Francisco is a City and Count of San Francisco. Few know that San Francisco once was one big land mass - from San Francisco to Palo Alto. 

Even with its prestigious title, the services provided to the citizens of San Francisco could be better.

Yet when it comes to quality of life issues - most San Franciscans pay more - rent, all sorts of taxes added to this and that, the price of food, health and safety compromised - and for the talk the SF Board of Supervisors - are lackeys - no one worthy the salt.

Let's remember that this is a city with immense potential, a potential that can be harnessed to provide exemplary services to its citizens. 

No progress is possible because of the buffoonery that one finds almost everywhere - people put in positions to lead - and fast asleep in the cockpit.

The service cannot be delivered by pathetic buffoons - that this is the norm right now in our great City and County of San Francisco.

When you seek help, the most frustrating part is that every SF City Department seems to pass the problem along. 

We remember Ed Reskin, the former SF Municipal Transportation Authority Director. 

He was removed because he did a good job and did not take stupid orders from those who needed to learn about transportation issues. 

The present Direct Jeffrey Tumlin is a joke, and our Municipal Transportation, which once had standards, is now pathetic.

The man is not a leader - he does well acting as a clown - at the many events he holds - cutting ribbons and spewing - diatribes.

The many Commissions we have in San Francisco must perform - be viable and sustainable to the citizens. 

The Department of Public Works has two Commissions, one titled Department of Public Works and another titled Sanitation and Streets. We do not need these two commissions; they DO NOT save time. They bring on pandemonium - the likes our Mayor London Breed loves - confusion and being confounded.

Those chosen to represent have yet to learn how the Department of Public Works operates. 

The current Director was appointed interim Director and is now supposedly the Director. She is not fit to run the SF Department of Public Works.

A tree hugger she should stay put increasing the San Francisco Tree Canopy - thousands of trees felled - many during the severe storms - the Mayor London Breed brags giving positions to some women not because they are qualified - but because she wants to make a point - women can do whatever they want to do - yes, but they have to be qualified.

Like London, Breed thinks women should be hired as SF police officers - no men should be allowed to serve. In fact, no one wants to join the SF Police Department at this time.

Quality of Life issues have deteriorated in San Francisco. 

The Department of Public Works is worse today than it was ever before.

Our crosswalks are faded and not painted. You can put in a work order, but it will take years for the crosswalk to be painted.

Potholes still need to be repaired. A few weeks after placing a work order, the Department of Public Works repaired them. 

The potholes have been growing bigger for years, adversely impacting innocent drivers.

Once we would call in during Public Comment - no more - the Commissions act like a Cabal - they talk from both sides of their mouth.

For any government to progress, there must be checks and balances - we do not have standards, morals, or ethics - in San Francisco today. 

In short, we find corruption of the worst kind in each City Department - a saturation so deep that it baffles most decent people.

Chief William " Bill " Scott.

Safety is of paramount importance - any City Mayor will tell you that - not in San Francisco - tourists who visit us - do not want to come again - car break-ins, assaults,  begging, the dirty, stinking streets bother the citizens of San Francisco - how must more the tourist - who once came and enjoy our City - but now do not want to visit San Francisco - anymore?

Our SF Police Force is at an all-time low. Many of our SF Police Officers are stressed - supposedly, 2000 Police Officers are supposed to make up our SF Police Force.

Right now, we are bordering around 900, with many on sick leave, others on disability, and still others suspended. When one studies the data, of all the SF Police Officers disciplined, most do not have their cases adjudicated within the period stated.

SF Police Officer wait and wait and wait - waiting for Godot - stressed - some SF Officers charged on petty stuff - that can be adjudicated quickly - instead the SF Police Department pride is giving the SF Officer a hard time - and all this and more will come to bite the SF Police Department - and Chief Bill Scott in the butt.

Once we participated in the SF Police Commission, today - we can no longer call in by telephone; one has to appear in person. The SF Police meetings are boring.

The Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) - a Civil Branch of the Department of Justice - had mandated 272 reform objectives to the California Department of Justice, mandating the San Francisco Police Department to fix the issues that failed the SFPD.

Over $500,000 was spent on the reforms - much has stayed the same. 

I attended all the COPS meetings and continued participating in many SF Police Department Commission meetings for years. 

The SF Police Commission is dysfunctional - they know it but cannot do anything about it. They take a topic and beat it to death - much like reviving a horse and beating it to death - and then repeating the sordid deed again and again.

The Mayor's office tried to bully the SF Police Commissioners, reminding them they could not speak truth to power and that if they failed to follow the dictates of the Mayor's Office, they could be fired.

Such mandates reflect poorly on the SF Mayoral Staff. 

The turnover in that office - Room 200 at City Hall - could be better.

An issue arose with one SF Police Department Commissioner,  Max Carter-Oberstone, refusing to abide by some rule the SF Mayor's office initiated illegally - threatening to fire the Commissioner if he did not comply with an order that was totally uncalled for. 

Tyra Fennel, a lackey of Mayor London Breed, who wrote the language, had no idea that Max Carter-Oberstone, an Orrick Justice Fellow at the Policing Project at NYU Law School, also graduated from Georgetown University with a double major in Finance and French and has a JD from Stanford Law School.

The SFPUC stole the land from the Native Americans - some 160 miles from San Francisco. Damned the Tuolumne River - built the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir - got the water for free - and charged those that received it - an arm and a leg.

Hetch Hetchy reservoir.

Press Release dated  March 28, 2024 - asking the leadership of the SFPUC to change their ways - most of them were complicit - with those indicted - Harlan Kelly and Dwayne Jones:

The Raker Act of 1913 was implemented to steal the land from the Native Americans - take it by using the imminent domain - damn the Tuolumne River - and created the Hetch Hetchy dam - that should be torn down.

When the Tuolumne was damned - there was a lot of water for the Salmon to survive. 

Over the years since 1913, advocates have warned the SF Water Department and now the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. They bring issues to the Commission's attention and, in each case, suggest empirical data and concrete solutions.

One may need help bringing the solutions to the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. One can take the horse to the water's edge but not force the horse to drink.

All the water - every raindrop - belongs to all Californians in California.

Unlike other States in the nation, California has rules and regulations. 

Again and again, SFPUC has reneged and created problems. 

We fought for Workshops linked to Hetch Hetchy and water distribution - the SFPUC pretends to agree with the suggestions and continues to do as it pleases.

This in-your-face haughtiness is simply not warranted and is more nauseating. 

How long must we wait for results? How many more must be indicted? The General Manager, Harlan Kelly, was indicted. 

Does this say something? Is the situation worse now?

It does not help that Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA) have a hidden agenda. They joined SFPUC later in the game and now want to dictate terms as if they were present in 1913.

It challenges decisions by the Regional Water Board, the federal government, and other local and state government agencies. 

It loves taking agencies to court and wastes SF taxpayers' money.

In the interim, the Salmon spawned at one time, and the Native Americans revered and took care of it, but it has dwindled. 

Where once there were millions, the number spiraled to thousands, in recent years to a few hundred, and low and behold, recently to 260 - wow!

For the last few years, algae have inundated the Tuolumne River. The warm water encourages the algae to spread rapidly, which is toxic to the salSalmond and detrimental to the ecosystem.

For thousands of years, as the Salmon spawned annually, the Native Americans lit fires to welcome the Salmon. Native American Tribes, the Miwok, the Piutes, and others have a deep relationship with  Salmon, those greedy and without morals and ethics.

I have visited the rivers in Yosemite with the Elders from the tribes and others who are my friends - they offer me water from the confluence.

The sacred water - the Native tribes' treasure - indigenous people of our land.

The Salmon that the tribes revere, the river - water is life.

Incredibly, what was pristine and nourishing has been destroyed in a few hundred years. 

Nature - viable and sustainable - has existed for thousands of years, but it has come to naught.

Salmon, redwood trees, eagles, and other birds feed on the Salmon, which spawn and die—this cycle that once was in harmony has been destroyed by greed.

They steal the water and make money from it - billions of dollars - wheeling and dealing.

Computer firms will use millions of clean drinking water to cool their operations - millions of clean drinking water - to flush our toilets - in the year 2024.

We, the SFPUC, have water stored for 6-plus years - plus.

Yet - cannot make arrangements for the Salmon to survive.

By releasing water to address the algae issues. Releasing can cool the water - warm water exacerbates the river's water - warming it and creating toxic algae.

The layperson must advise the buffoons from the SFPUC - who look at you in the eye and lie.

One makes in access of $500,000 a year -  sits on his ass and spews diatribe. 

The SFPUC wants to hoodwink us in broad daylight by seeking to buy Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) 's grid.

SFPUC is offering $2.5 billion - PG&E told SFPUC to take a hike.

SFPUC cannot manage its own operations, and one reason it wants to buy PG&E's operation is to save face. 

The present brand-new Digesters need energy that SFPUC does not have. 

SFPUC wants to capture Methane GAS from the Raw Sewage treatment plant, convert it to Natural Gas, and sell it to PG&E. This is a joke.

SFPUC could invest in Lithium Batteries and Solar Farms - it has millions of acres of land - and should have invested in these energy projects 15 years ago. 

It will cost SFPUC billions to upgrade the assets they buy from PG&E - billions more in manpower or womanpower. 

The President of PG&E is a woman who is paid an arm and a leg. 

It's a wonder how these idiots at 525 Golden Gate behave.

The City and County constantly want to eliminate Natural Gas and use electricity for cooking purposes—in short, they want to avoid Natural Gas and its contribution to the depletion of the Ozone Layer.

When it comes to wasting millions of dollars - the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission - is number one - wasting taxpayers' money.

Soon, its Bond Rating will be lowered. 

It has had a good run keeping its Bond Rating on track, but as it loses money, cannot recover, and faces substantial future natural disasters, it will sink so low that no decent financial institution will back it up. Time will tell.

Maintaining the GRID takes work. The SFPUC must gain experience providing services to huge companies and new housing projects. 

Recently SFPUC invested in an Electrical Hub - a small one at that - and screwed up - the entire Bayview Hunters Point area and the Portola District were impacted - when this Electrical Hub - was activated without the permission of PG&E - that controls the GRID.

There was no electricity for over eight hours, and all this and more was mentioned indirectly, such as the ploys, machinations, and shenanigans of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.

Everyone thought PG&E was to blame, so it was a shock that the SFPUC had created this fiasco.

Usually, the Mayor of any city would have mentioned this outage if there had been a mayor who was more interested in having a good time eating and dancing the jig - than caring for her constituents.

One day after cutting the ribbon - check the lackeys who love the fanfare. The next day, the upgraded dispatch center - stalled, typically of inferior work - more when safety is involved. These politicians love to take credit - repeatedly, they are exposed to wasting millions - wheeling and dealing - and ending with inferior work.

In fact, just two days ago, Mayor London Breed gathered the Health Director Grant Colfax, the Chief of Police Bill Williams, and other lackeys who surround the Mayor London Breed - with Mary Ellen Caroll, who is the Director of the SF Department of Emergency Management - to cut the ribbon for a brand new communication center - actually a "Dispatch Center. "

Instead of wasting time at ribbon cutting - these folks get paid - one person who heads the SF City Health Department receives $600,000 a year  - another who is Chief of the Police close to $500,000 - do your job and stop wasting precious time. 

A day later, after the ribbon cutting - the Dispatch Center - failed to operate - and low and behold - everyone found out - that this Dispatch Center - was more than vulnerable.

The dispatchers had to resort to pen and paper- such action adversely impacted the " dispatchers" who work long hours and take calls that exhaust them. 

We all understand the fiasco at the SF Department of Emergency Management. Mary Ellen Carrol is in charge and incompetent.

So much for someone barking up the wrong tree. 

Let's do right and have quality products. 

This nonsense of giving our projects to the lowest bidder always results in inferior work - each and every time.

This has happened before - millions spent - and the Dispatch Center still needs to be tested. We saw and will see future failures.

The Presidio of San Francisco has a Dispatch Center - it was tested repeatedly and works well.

Good leaders know the way, show the way, and go the way. No so buffoons - you have a dime a dozen at San Francisco's City Hall - and most City Department headed by lackeys - the Human Rights Commission, the Department of Emergency Services,  Department of Public Works, may I say more.

When heading any Department, you need a decent, hardworking, skilled person with standards, not sellouts, no cheats, liars, or thieves.

The environment at the present SF Zoo is pathetic. No one did a needs assessment, and some want to bring the pandas to win -browny points - pathetic - abysmal leadership.

Recently, the SF Mayor London Breed visited a school in Shenzhen, China -  they asked her poignant questions - for the first time in her life - Mayor London Breed - was bamboozled:


The Flag of the United States.

These Sequoia trees are thousands of years old.

Northern California is paradise when it comes to our rivers, which have served the forests, the flora, the fauna, and the tribes for thousands of years. 

The Klamath River flows 257 miles and is the second largest river after the Sacramento River.

Four aging hydroelectric power stations have been demolished recently, and the Klamath River has been given a new lease of life.

The reservoirs have been drained, and this added factor has allowed the Klamath to receive the necessary raging water to create opportunities for the Salmon to survive. 

Native tribes have begun conducting their sacred rituals, and all this and more have blessed the area. The Native Americans - who fought to remove the dams—now feel they can relate better to nature and more to the rivers, lakes, and nature with all its wonders.

The same should happen to Hetch Hetchy, a dam that has done injustice to John Muir, who fought against building the Hetch Hetchy reservoir - and flooding one of the best valleys in the world - the Hetch Hetchy Valley.

Everything about the Hetch Hetchy Dam is illegal - eminent domain was used to steal land and abuse the rivers, especially the Tuolumne River.

No one follows the Raker Act and its mandates - those who create the amended legal laws are greedy, and greed has no standards or morals.

Frankly speaking, the politicians we have in San Francisco at the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and those frolicking in Room 200 - are a disgrace to anything decent.

I know these very corrupt so-called representatives and have monitored them. Most need to be educated on issues.

It is incredible how these scoundrels use taxpayers' money to cheat, lie, and embrace blatant in your face - corruption. 

San Francisco is worse than Chicago - San Francisco is known worldwide today - as a corrupt City.

From 1996 to this day, the mayors have taken San Francisco down the drain - to the cesspool of their creation.

Our infants, children, Elders, and those with compromised health - more the physically and mentally challenged are dying - and no one cares.

Those who have fallen on bad times live in filthy, stinking locations on our streets in San Francisco - facing the inclement weather - we have a City Administrator who has no clue our air is the worst in the nation.

The SF Contract Monitoring Division favors big Developers - and does not offer meaningful opportunities to thousands of San Francisco African Americans and others who are in dire straits.

We have a few advocates ready to serve our people because we love those who have been forgotten and looked upon with disdain with disdain.

We tried to schedule an appointment with the Mayor but have failed.

The same is true for Carmen Chu, the SF City Administrator, who has yet to learn what is happening to our once great City and County of San Francisco.

The coming elections will bring many changes. One good change is that those who have been wheeling and dealing will be booted out. So be careful - we know who you are. And anyway, you look at the equation - we want the corrupt out of our sight.


Saturday, April 20, 2024



The pandas are on their way to San Francisco, sparking a wave of anticipation and excitement. However, constructing the special enclosure for these beloved creatures is a future endeavor for 2025 and requires a substantial budget of $25 million. This, along with other preparations, is a testament to the city's dedication and hope for a thriving panda habitat - in the making - that requires stellar leadership and standards. 

When in China recently - Mayor London Breed visited a school - the children asked her many questions - I am sure the Mayor was aghast - just judging from her answers - one was about the pandas - the pandas - will not like the San Francisco Zoo:

Mayor London Breed has managed to secure the pandas, a remarkable achievement that fills us with pride and optimism for the future. 

However, as we eagerly await their arrival, we must not overlook the pressing issues that continue to plague our city - assaults, car break-ins, home break-ins, and drug-related crimes. These are challenges that demand our immediate attention.

In short, for all the vain talk, there has been no walk. 

Quality of life issues are a non-show, and what little quality we have managed to save - daily deterioration shocks and perturbs us— all in the shadow of violence, turbulence, and pandemonium.

Politics in San Francisco has reached a saturation point, not because it could have been nipped in the bud, but because of a disturbing lack of ethics, morals, or standards among those in power. This is a cause for disillusionment and dissatisfaction. 

Once vibrant and livable, San Francisco has become a city where the quality of life has been severely compromised. 

This situation should concern us all and spur us toward a better future.

Folks like Diane Feinstein, who adversely impacted African Americans, Nancy Pelosi, and even Willie L. Brown, who has amassed a lot of wealth and given little to our great City and County of San Francisco. 

San Francisco could have done better, but it did not, and all this and more has taken us backward - with intent, people have preyed on others - innocent - crooks, the likes of Harlan Kelly, Juliet Ellis, and Dwayne Jones - the lackeys who worked with these thugs - will be brought to book.

How many pandas will it take to stop the surge of corruption and raging pandemonium in San Francisco?

Why is Communist China killing and murdering - raping and harvesting organs - crimes against humanity. Why are we
not asking the Chinese government to stop this nonsense?

Can we ask the Communist Chinese government why millions of innocent Urghurs are being tortured, killed, and murdered? 

Here is a snippet of what transpired in China, and there is more to come as London Breed from city to city in China - Shanghai has a long sister bond with San Francisco:

Report from Beijing - good news about the pandas and San Francisco:

Mayor London Breed touts  the Road Map to Success:

London Breed convinced Xi Jinping to allow San Francisco to host the pandas, who will make their abode at the San Francisco Zoo.

This one ploy makes no sense waiting for the action to be implemented - around 2025.

In 2025, when the Chinese authorities build and inspect a special enclosure linked to the conservation of the pandas - we may see light at the end of the tunnel.

When London Breed touches SFO, we want to know how she will link her current platform to her coming mayoral quest to embrace all in San Francisco.

While in China,  London Breed is accompanied by Carmen Chu, San Francisco's City Administrator - who has been away from the office for an extended time. 

Carmen speaks the language and makes hay while the sun shines in China.

Other city officials are working hard in China - wheeling and dealing and all and more must be presented to the citizens of San Francisco - right now, the economy of China is spiraling - and gone are days the United States will be satisfied - importing trinkets from China.

China stopped importing our California wine, pistachios, and other food and produce. The negotiations will likely convince China to resume trade, and we can export more Californian products.

Right at this juncture, the factions are vying for power - not so much to serve the people but to fill their campaign coffers - with plans in mind that will NOT benefit San Franciscans.

There is so much money - millions of dollars spent - to hoodwink the innocent citizens of San Francisco in broad daylight.

Our streets are still teeming with Fentanyl, which kills hundreds monthly. Innocent San Franciscans - parents and loved ones - bear the trauma, and no one seems to care.

Thousands die annually, and no one seems to care.

Those who manage the San Francisco morgue hide the data and chide the journalists - hundreds lie in the morgue - and as some say, no attempt is made to find next of kin.

After some time, the dead bodies are cremated - this is wrong - and this nonsense continues unabashed by the SF Board of Supervisors and Mayor London Breed and her Laceys, who will be booted - soon.

Where once that were standards - now there is pandemonium.

Where once there was empathy - arrogance rules - and those with no morals and no ethics.

Some use taxpayers to dole out thousands to their friends and significant others - the FBI knows this, and soon, they will be brought to book.

Hogging at restaurants - frolicking and unabashed favoring morbid, lust of a kind never ever seen in San Francisco by those at City Hall - spending vacations at taxpayers' are well documented - and soon - all this and more will hit the newspapers - you heard it first - here.

Assaults are on the increase, and the SF Police Department is short-staffed. For all the talk, there is absolutely no walk.

In addition, there have been home burglaries, car break-ins, and store ransacked downtown and in all eleven districts of San Francisco. 

Truth be told, my office was burglarized, and we know who did it. 

The SF Police Department that handles burglary cases needs to be fixed - they could not even come to the scene to take fingerprints.

Any big city mayor must be hands-on, able to make a sound needs assessment, and need to learn about attaining quality of life issues.

 For the last 15 years, the mayors who have tried to serve San Francisco have yet to learn.

On a previous tour of the United States, the pandas stayed for a brief period, some three months, at the San Francisco Zoo in 1985 and, before that, in 1984, also for a short period. 

This time, it is the real deal.

The pandas should be here for some years. 

It all depends on the progress of this special lease, our ongoing relationship with China, and how it blossoms in the future.

New York City has had pandas for years.

Before New York's lease, linked to the pandas, sunsetted.

New Yorkers embraced the pandas and the pandas to New Yorkers.

We hope to have the same in San Francisco.

So many in New York were sad when the pandas returned to China. 

People put a lot into this return of the pandas to China - it has nothing to do with politics - but it just so happened that the lease was not extended.

Even now, New Yorkers are applying their clout - to entice China to accommodate New Yorkers - we hope New Yorkers are accommodated, and there exists a win-win situation - New Yorkers and the pandas - having some mutual fun,

Now, in San Francisco, the chubby pandas will be built in a new enclosure at the San Francisco Zoo, which will be completed in 2025.

The panda deal initially involves raising a million dollars for the pandas, who will be paid yearly when they fulfill their lease. 

The money will go toward conservation. The Chinese have done a stellar job increasing the pandas' population.

San Francisco has always maintained its relationship with China.

We have a sister city, Shanghai, and other deep relationships with Universities and Research Centers all over China.

Here in San Francisco, we are one of the best Chinatowns in the United States. With a growing Chinese population participating in politics, we have had many American Chinese trying to vie for political positions, much like many African Americans did in years past. 

What stands out is the money that goes into the coffers of the American Chinese coffers - and some tainted platforms - pitting one community against the other.

What YCD says about African Americans and corruption - CYC points to the Chinese Americans - the City and County doling our money without any transparency and accountability whatsoever. 

Politics divides - and we have very few politicians that can unite - again and again in San Francisco - certain elements - are working hard to divide the community - and this divisiveness must STOP.

For starters, we must read our Constitution. 

We must also study the history of the Chinese more here in California, the building of the railways, the many racial laws that prohibited Chinese from holding jobs and buying a home - the many racial slurs that exist to this day. 

This history is not taught well in our middle and high schools and less so in our college unless one attends classes that favor ethnic studies. 

The Chinese who immigrated decades ago from Mainland China and those who migrated two decades ago each bring a mentality that needs to be studied and written about.

In fact, anything Asian - immigrants from India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Siri Lanka - in short, Southeast Asia - each immigrant must survive and make a living depending on her and his circumstances. 

We only hear about the few who make it suitable in the computer field, in business, running restaurants, and so on - most still need to make it. We assume a lot, and assuming does no one any good. 

The Chinese community has done well; one way the Chinese have achieved this is through arduous work—the entire family pooling their services and tallying their resources.

Chinese parents will stress that their children will become doctors, engineers, and financial advisors - going to college and leading universities to earn a degree and make their families proud.

The pandas, ping pong, dragon parades, Chinese cuisine, music and dance, the many temples, the many hills and mountains of China, not to mention the Great Wall, all draw thousands of tourists to China.

There is no freedom in China - the cameras can pinpoint the movement of anyone - Artificial Intelligence is everywhere and used intently to control the Chinese population.

The economy of China is spiraling, and Xi Jinping is confounded with situations that have taken China backward. China has not recovered from the pandemic - and millions lost their lives - many were promised compensation - but few got help.

Severe floods have hit Guangdong Province - thousands of Chinese adverse impacts - Climate change is taking a heavy toll in China - the poor are suffering the most - with no one wanting to help the poor souls.

China keeps depleting the ozone layer, contributing heavily to Climate Change. As you can see above, Guangdong Province is flooded, and thousands have been adversely impacted.

Communist China is playing us - and more when stupid politicians not educated on issues visit China - for selfish reasons - they get some breadcrumbs - and sell our values - lock, stock, and barrel.

We have over 30,000 Chinese spies in the United States - busy at our libraries, our research centers, and other institutions where using any digital platform - these spies can steal information.

All the time, we are fast asleep in the cockpit.

Over 350,000 students - sent here for only one purpose - to take the best we have to offer in education and knowledge back to China - that China uses to harm us - on all levels.

Every single level - our United States electrical grid, transportation, health system, safety, satellites, banks and financial institutions, universities, the federal government, and Office of Personnel Management - was compromised - may I say more - and here we are playing with the pandas? 

Communist China, as I have stated many times, is out to destroy democracy.

We must bring to the attention of Xi Jinping - and millions of our youth and young adults have died - fallen prey to feFentanylnd and other harmful drugs - Joe Biden pussyfooting with China.

We see the discrimination and killing of the Urghars in North China, the Chinese who lived in Hong Kong, once a British colony, the same in Taiwan who treasure theDemocracyacy and will not bow down to the Communists who rule Mainland China.

Xi Jinping has lived in the United States - and must understand that human beings should be free - enjoy complete freedom and be content.

Paradoxically, his father had good relations with the Urghars but not so much with Xi Jinping. Why?

Our San Francisco politicians are not educated on issues - they have no empathy - infants, children, youth, those with compromised health - living in tents - facing inclement weather - these scumbags - frolicking and making a fool of themselves. 

Xi Jinping knows what he is doing.

Former Mayor Ed Lee and his wife - helped a lot to improve our relationship with mainland - China.

The Chinese embassy in San Francisco plays a vital role in international, national, and local matters. 

The many diplomats that the San Francisco embassy harbors are busy doing what they do best: hacking and stealing our information.

The information they gather is stolen and used to build ships, jets, computers, satellites, and machinery, and we in America try our best to keep them at bay. 

The increase in FeFentanylnd and other drugs comes from China - and China fully understands what the harm is done to us - millions have died, and millions more will die - Americans.

Truthfully, we are losing the war. 

TikTok is one critical issue that has perturbed Congress. Congress just found out that the Chinese government is behind TikTok. 

Congress has passed a law mandating TikTok be accountable. It must declare its assets and play by the rules. If not, TikTok will have to go. It has six months to get its act together.

The Chinese Communist Party is NOT to be trusted - and San Francisco must not be weak in the knees and ignorant as most of those who go to China - and are taken for a wild ride.

We have a sizable Chinese population from all over China, Taiwan, other Southeast nations, and worldwide - here in San Francisco.

This year's election for the upcoming mayoral race will be interesting - maybe not as interesting as the pandas - but all the same, bordering on pandemonium.

We have so many candidates, all of them making promises. 

It is one thing to make a promise and another to keep it.

The San Francisco skyline has changed - the demographics of San Francisco have changed. Our politics in San Francisco has reached an all-time low - one of the most corrupt cities in the United States.

San Francisco is going through some dire straits.

San Franciscans want to see our Financial Center - downtown San Francisco shine.

It has been years pre-pandemic and post-pandemic. 

It looks like a War Zone, with most workers working from home.

Attempts are being made to draw the SF workers back into their offices, with little results, but there is always hope that something will work.

We have over 40 million square feet of vacant commercial space in downtown San Francisco.

The San Francisco Assessor's Office is trying its best, but nothing seems to give. 

Additionally, we are heading for a $1.6 billion deficit linked to our SF General Fund.

All this and more means we need a Mayor who has proven leadership. We have several candidates running- most of them shooting arrows in the air.

While Artificial Intelligence (AI) has inundated downtown.

Companies deal with AI - buying vast chunks of commercial space - and keeping them vacant.

AI will not bring our economy back - it is just the tip of the iceberg.

The way we do business has drastically changed.

 Thousands of workers are being laid off, and many work two or three jobs to survive.

When so many find it challenging to work and love their work - we must pause and address this factor. 

Stress kills, and stress brings a multitude of issues, most of them detrimental to health.

In some areas here in San Francisco, some population segments must be given opportunities. 

The City and County of San Francisco, be it SF City Administrator Carmen Chu, who has no clout and takes her marching orders from the Mayor, London Breed.

Mayor London Breed, who needs to be educated on issues, has been kicking the can down the street and needs help to address or do a sound needs assessment, has failed San Francisco.

We have a new SF Controller, Greg Wegner, who has been given the burden of undoing the blatant corruption linked to the SF Public Utilities Commission - corrupt seeds planted by folks like Harlan Kelly, Dwayne Jones, Juliet Ellis, and others.  

Sophie Maxwell has stepped down from the SF Public Utilities Commission. The SFPU Commission is like a Cabal - there is no sound leadership - and millions are wasted by the SFPUC.

Over 30 SFPUCs are in line to be indicted, and no one thinks this one factor is significant. This further sheds light on the deep corruption that surges daily and thrives to this day. 

Shamelessly, the crooks go on -as if nothing matters. Time will tell.


We welcome the pandas and hope they bring us prosperity.

Whenever we have a project, we must be able to do a needs assessment. 

To do this, we must have knowledge - we must be educated on issues. 

The pandas are coming but cannot now because the special enclosure needs to be built.

Creating the enclosure will cost at least $25 million, and we must raise the money. 

We have many billionaires - more than 50 for sure in San Francisco. 

Will they fork up some dough, or will we sing the blues?

Pandas bring joy - it is fun watching them move, especially when they balance on the bamboo shoots and feed themselves on the leaves.

It marvels how the mother Panda cuddles the young and how careful they are with the baby panda or pandas - the mother panda handles the baby pandas with great care.

The baby pandas are tiny when they are born.

The cuddly giant bears are a feat to admire and teach us a lot. Hence, our politicians must read this article to comprehend salient and pertinent aspects of life.

Pandas say a lot - just by looking at you - and check you out.

When one admires the pandas, they glare at you with a specific power and authority. 

They see in us human beings what we cannot see.

You see this interaction with children and the pandas - seeing is believing.

It is like the pandas sending some harmonious waves.

The wave synchronizes with the children and human adults - in different ways.

The children have no barriers - the adult humans bring obstacles and learn the hard way.

It is something else to watch the pandas, and the children share their joy. 

We, the people united - will never, ever be defeated.

Way back in the year 2002, several advocates from the Bayview Hunters Point met to do a needs assessment - to address career jobs, transportation, safety, health, education - in short, quality of life issues. 

Around this time, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission began addressing two significant projects: the Clean Water System and the Raw Sewage System.

A ballot measure contributed $2.6 billion by the Regional partners to ensure that SFPUC provides clean drinking water. San Francisco contributed $2 billion - a total of $4.6 billion - to upgrade the system.

Paradoxically, after some time, when it came to the City and County of San Francisco, the SF Public Utilities Commission unanimously decided to stop focusing on wastewater - in this case, the Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment plant - and focus on clean drinking water.

After some time, the clean water project was named the Water System Improvement Project.

I spoke to the SF Public Utilities Commission but am still waiting to hear back. It has been twenty-two years!

When the people vote for a change or an upgrade - it is a mandate to fulfill their obligations.

The City and County of San Francisco and the SF Department of Environment have focused on our depletion of the Ozone Level—sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6)—4.1 million mt CO2e—which adversely impacts all living beings—and there is more.

Here is a chart that gives any reader a better glimpse of the health standards we have achieved in San Francisco:

In 2016, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, an Enterprise Department, put out a bond measure for $6 billion, aided and abetted by corrupt entities, and named the Sewer System Improvement Project (SSIP).

Part of this project was community benefits - recently, an audit was done. Please read it carefully if you love San Francisco and want the abject corruption that has inundated the SFPUC addressed:

Please read this document carefully - the audacity of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission to treat San Franciscans with utter disdain - we have the empirical to fight this nonsense on any level: 

Here is all the information one needs to understand more about the Sewer System Improvement Project:

Juliet Ellis is pussyfooting with some students, but she is no engineer.

Bird's eye view of the Bayview Treatment Plant.

It is incredible how SF City Hall works - no one returns calls - and you cannot even schedule a reasonable meeting.

If you want to defy the citizens, you will be booted out - lock, stock, and barrel. 

It is too late to change now. There will be a change in office; with it, we, the citizens of San Francisco, will have to fight for our rights. 

We must not tolerate the abject corrupt - not now, not ever.

The people united will never, ever be defeated. 

Enough of the hogwash and the hoodwinking in broad daylight.

The United Nations was formed, and in 1945, the United Charter was signed by 50 nations at the War Memorial in San Francisco.

Raping Urghur women is an atrocity - further experimenting with their bodies is despicable - all this and more - must be known before we start pussyfooting with the Chinese. San Francisco must not be complicit - we also see this with Falun Gong practitioners here in San Francisco.  

Tortured, killed, and murdered - we must speak truth to power. So many innocent Urghurs - who are Muslim, and that is the only reason they zero on these good people - are loved by all who come in contact with them.

Millions of decent Urghurs have been tortured and killed - again, their body parts harvested by Communist China - each of the Chinese leaders has committed these atrocities with intent. Now, we have our Mayor London Breed and others pandering - without bringing this one situation - to the attention of Xi Jinping and doing the right thing - representing.

Finally, we in San Francisco will not tolerate millions incarcerated just because they are Muslims in China - I am referring to the Urghurs.

Much as we harbor the pandas, we must fight for justice and human values - raping Urghur women, removing organs for sale, brainwashing millions, and committing atrocities are not what we decent San Franciscans tolerate.

Did our delegation visiting Shanghai mention the Urghurs, and if not, why? 

Did we seek justice for those who died in San Francisco - thousands - from all sorts of drugs sent here to the United States via Mexico and Canada and other entry points.

Did we—or not—just make merry, commit sordid deeds, frolic, and think all is well?

These fake delegations are mostly pandering to the Communist Chinese and, in doing so, throwing our sacred values away to the wind. 

We have over 40,000 Chinese spies and over 350,000 Chinese students in the United States - each of them committed and trained to steal, cheat, and favor the orders of Communist China.

We have witnessed other types of spying - however, our politicians who are not educated on issues - but only focused on their campaign coffers - do us injustice - and throw our standards to the wind.

This is not only in San Francisco, where we had the APEX conference, which is not all about politics or the economy—one must just do a needs assessment and find out if I am right or wrong.

We spent millions holding the APEX conference, but the local merchants suffered and needed compensation. Others were put in harm's way. San Franciscans, City Hall has failed us.

For sure, we need change - but that change must not be more of the same - we " Clean Slate " - a complete overhaul and a complete cleansing of the many corrupt Departments in San Francisco - foremost the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.

We, San Franciscans, treasure life and must stand up for what is right—our hearts are in the right place.

We are a democracy. We value our role in preserving our Constitution and our history with the United Nations - we must respect the Native Americans. This is their land -  and they have standards that should put us on the right track.

You can only take anyone to a better place if your heart is right.

Etiquette is paramount, and acting like a fool will not be tolerated now or in the future. We still have decent San Franciscans who fought hard to make San Francisco tremendous and beloved - only for the riff-raff to come the screw things up - idiots who want things on a platter - more taxpayers' money.

Recently, our San Francisco politicians have acted like clowns - all they need to do is place a red ball on their nose and say nothing.

The MACHINE that once had its finger in every pie has been dismantled - what has replaced the MACHINE - are ruthless cabal-type idiots - they have money - and will take all measures to attain their goals. 

Most goals are corrupt, and those who suffer the most are innocent citizens. 

Why are we afraid of these " thugs " who still visit Bogota while pretending to represent as a Supervisor in Room 250 at SF City Hall.

Other Supervisors wheel and deal -  changing housing mandates - and paying no attention to the Housing Element - which is in default.

Those who represent us in Sacramento cannot possibly help those who need help.

Right now, the " mentally challenged " - many suffering from Alzheimer's and Dementia - these innocent folks living in tents - facing inclement weather.

The City and County of San Francisco - focusing on Conservatorship Ploys to take advantage of those and their life savings - judges who can adjudicate and make sound decisions - many fail to do so - to the victim's detriment.

Who really is in charge of this pandemonium? 

Can we have a Mayoral candidate sit with me and understand more?