Benjamin Netanyahu is hellbent on erasing Hamas in Rafah - it is here that over 1.6 million innocent Palestinians are congregated. The last location - having fled from North Gaza to the South. The United States fully understands the woes, trials, and tribulations. The United States must now warn Israel - Israel cannot defy international laws - we do not want this impending Genocide - CEASEFIRE - now. Stop - crimes against Humanity.
It is a shame how the world is permitted one rogue deranged person - Benjamin Netanyahu - to now draw up military plans - working with the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to get rid of Hamas in Rafah and the adjoining area - causing a catastrophe - that will shock the world.
Over 1.6 million innocent Palestinians have congregated in Rafah. Rafah is the last location that has some semblance - some little hope - to survive - there is no proper shelter, no clean drinking water, the sanitation is horrendous, and all sorts of chronic diseases are prevalent - cholera, diarrhea, flu - daily infants and children dying.
In Rafah, there is no food, hunger is rampant, and there are no clinics and hospitals to attend to patients who have been injured - the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) want to destroy HAMAS - HAMAS is a concept - and no one can erase an idea.
The United States, at this late hour, must warn Israel that it will cease to dole it any money - it does now millions of our taxpayers' money.
Benjamin Netanyahu, an egotistical maniac, has for decades made it his personal ambition to divide and rule - his disdain for the Palestinians knows no bounds.
Since the year 2016, he personally has made it his focus to neutralize the Palestinian Liberation Organization - and paradoxically, he made a deal with HAMAS - doling out millions to fulfill his evil ambitions - to bring the downfall of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.
Hamas has several battalions waiting for the signal - at this stage, known to the Israelis and the Israeli Defense Forces.
Hezbollah is waiting for the clarion call to reduce Israel to rubble.
Thousands of long-range missiles and drones will flood the skies, and Benjamin Netanyahu will realize his folly, but it will be too late.
The United States must mandate Israel to STOP the bombing and shelling - STOP any removal of over 1.6 million Palestinians - from Rafah.
The Palestinians are not goats or cattle to be moved from place to place - thousands dying - Palestinian infants, children, youth, women, and men. Our beloved Palestinian Elders and those with compromised health.
Worldwide, hundreds of nations consider the atrocious action of the Israeli Defense Forces - despicable and cowardly - using United States laser-guided bombs.
Our U.S. jets, U.S. radar and communication equipment, support aircraft carriers, and Secret Site 512 perched atop Mount Har Qeren in the Negev Desert, 20 miles from Gaza.
The Secret Site 512 main focus is to intercept long-range missiles - we, the United States, aid and abet Israel.
All the time, Benjamin Netanyahu - acts dictatorial - killing, murdering, and maiming thousands of innocent Palestinian infants, children, youth, and young adults.
Palestinian women and men, our beloved Palestinian Elders, and those with compromised health.
Israel has bombed and shelled - turning ninety percent of Gaza to rubble - ignoring the " Principle of Proportionality" the Main Western Media fast asleep at the cockpit - Israel must be ashamed of itself. It will feel the ire and wrath of the world.
Enough is Enough.
Here is Rabbi Yisrael David Weiss, who makes sense of nonsense -he reveals the dark side of a Zionist:
A way forward towards progress in Palestine - it is now or never:
The United States gives laser-guided bombs costing us millions of dollars, tanks, jets, radar, and what have you - and Israel use these military software and hardware - to kill infants, children, youth, women, our beloved elders, and those with compromised health in Gaza.
Israel, at this juncture, is acting as a rogue nation.
Israeli Defense Forces have suffered heavy losses - many are maimed, and all this and more does not concern Benjamin Netanyahu - he wants to divert our minds - he is being indicted for the worst type of corruption - and must come before the Israeli Courts.
Photographs of bombed and shelled homes - thousands dead laying under the rubble - there is NO count of those under the rubble - and no one wants to count them as part of the ongoing - Genocide:
If this attack on Rafah takes place - it will kill and murder thousands - this plan to evacuate innocent Palestinians - is next to impossible.
How many times can the innocent Palestinians move - from the North to the South - then order the innocent Palestinians - here, there, and everywhere - Rafah, which is close to the Egyptian border.
The Egyptians are building a wall at the Rafah border - meters deep to stop an influx of Palestinians.
The Israeli Defense Forces have not adhered to norms and are not the world's best army. When someone says they are, they must be out of their mind.
What the Israeli Defence Force is imitating are the tactics of the Third Reich - murdering millions of Gypsies, those that defied their philosophy - Nazism - of course, their disdain for all Jews - better known as the Holocaust.
So what is different in the case of Rafah - where over 1.6 million Palestinians - have been totally stressed - moving from place to place - with their infants and children, the Elders - many with compromised health.
There is no place to go - ninety percent of the homes in Gaza - have been bombed - rubble everywhere. What do Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) not understand?
We, the citizens of the United States - do not want our taxpayer's money to have anything to do with the ongoing Genocide.
Stop supplying laser-beam bombs, stop supplying, ammunition, tanks, radar equipment, jets, and our Site 512 - intercepting long-range missiles and more.
Benjamin Netanyahu - lies all the time - he is an egotistical maniac - his disdain for the Palestinians knows no bounds - the United States must have nothing much to do with the pariah.
Some Rabi has impressed upon Benjamin Netanyahu - that he Benjamin Netanyahu - will welcome the Messiah. The October 7 event has been linked to the coming of the Messiah. Thus, the bombing and shelling of the enemy Benjamin Netanyahu deemed the enemy. What about the 75 years - the Israelis treating the Palestinians with utter disdain - Benjamin Netanyahu - is an egoistical maniac - and no holy person or entity - will embrace him:
Here is a video of Benjamin Netanyahu meeting the Rabi - and impressing upon him - his role in the coming of the Messiah - as a philosopher and theologian - no Messiah - no holy person - will have anything to do with a monster:
Here is another video - the nonsense behind recent bombing and killing in Gaza:
Benjamin Natanayu's messiah prophecy was linked to the "Rebbe," who told Benjamin Natannayu, a despicable person, would welcome the Messiah.
Benjamin Netanyahu is a man who is full of it - " KHARA" - the man has lost his mind - the man is a monster - and must be ashamed of himself. He has BLOOD on his hands - he and his family.
The Palestinians feel they are waiting for their execution - Joe Biden called this imminent action - "over the top " - I call it blatant - Genocide.
The people of Israel are fed up with Benjamin Netanyahu - the world is fed up with the shelling and bombing.
Over 20,000 infants, children, and youth have died - thousands covered in the rubble - the bodies rotting, and Benjamin Netanyahu - could not care less.
America is providing succor, and all this and more must STOP:
Germany, France, Italy, and other European nations - must now mandate that Israel refrain from attacking Rafah.
The United Nations has warned Israel - in the strongest possible terms - not to attack Rafah.
If Israel fails - it must be removed from the United Nations.
The United States must STOP issuing American Passports to all Israelis - many of them setters - Zionists - who are killing innocent Palestinians and going Scott Free.
Thousands of Palestinians are jailed - kept in jail - under some vague order called " administrative detention. " This utter nonsense must STOP.
For those of us who know something about the disasters in Hiroshima and Nagasaki - the bombing of Dresden - during World War II - and the many other bombings of towns and cities - nothing comes close to the atrocious killings and murders - reducing over ninety percent of Gaza to rubble.
Why do the Israelis hate the Palestinians so much - when once they lived side by side without any quarrel?
It is only after 1950 that we see the increase in hostility between the indigenous Palestinians and the Zionists.
The British colonist has much to do with the division - divide and rule.
Germany pays compensation today for what Hitler did to the Jews - will Israel now pay the innocent Palestinians restitution for killing and murdering - thousands of Palestinians?
The World Court of Justice in the Hague - must ponder deeply - the fate of the innocent Palestinians - and bring an order to mandate Israel to pay restitution - for acting totally like a maniac - and causing so much harm. Crimes against Humanity.
Israel must understand this is 2024. We will remember. We have the empirical data, the statistics, and the models of restitution that can be put in place.
From the River Jordon to the Red Sea - set Palestine Free!
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