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Sunday, October 22, 2023



The destruction of GAZA will haunt those who, with intent, are killing and maiming innocent infants, children, Elders, and those with compromised health. You know who I am talking about - the scourge of this Earth.

Secretary-General - Antonio Guterres - he spoke the truth:




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There is a code of ethics about those that report - we do not see this with the Western Media - spewing diatribes and sugar-coating reports favoring one side.

Thank God we have the other media that endeavors to keep it accurate and reveal the truth - and one can fact check and see for oneself - what really is happening - at ground zero - GAZA.

The flares are all over the border with Lebanon and Israel. 

On the border with GAZA and Egypt. Inside Syria, attacking U.S. assets nearby - in Iraq with Shia close to Iran. We saw missiles leave Yemen heading for Israel.  

Any attack inside GAZA will blow up inside GAZA, but all over the region - right now, we can feel it - the strikes are increasing - and this is heading to a full-blown attack. 

It is next to impossible to evacuate the Palestinians from north GAZA - forcing them to move to southern GAZA.

Right now, southern Gaza does not have fuel for the hospitals, other amenities linked to treating drinking water, and medical equipment for the incubators.

No drinking water for all - no much-needed medicines, lack of food, lack of other necessary supplies - compromising - the quality of life issues.

The United States must use its relationship to protect the Palestinian infants, children, youth, young adults, and our Palestinian Elders who suffered all these years.

The people united - will never, ever be defeated.

Palestinian child watching the destruction of GAZA - daily the bombing goes on - every single day traumatizing the innocent - who do you think is responsible for the bombing - who is responsible for the terror? Who is truly responsible for the trauma? Why do some not pay attention - to the infants and children in GAZA?

A Palestinian mother crying - how many mothers must cry - and for how long - when they have nothing to do with the actions that the Israelis think they do - even as they are used as collateral - and have no control over the actions of others - that they disagree with.

Thousands protest Trafalgar Square - the world is watching. 


Every single day, innocent youth are arrested and taken to jail. This nonsense has been going on for the last 50 years - how much of this blatant in-your-face discrimination - can one tolerate - innocent people taken to jail - for months on end and traumatized:

The UN Secretary-General - spoke Truth to Power:

Too many crimes against humanity have been committed - where is the International Court? Where are the so-called civilized nations?

Where is Pope Francisco - where are the Muslim religious leaders - where is the conscience of humanity?

Palestinian women and men with children are left to care for themselves in an open-air atmosphere with no freedom - this is nothing but living in a hell - jail. 

The HAMAS are using the Palestinian population as cover - and do not care if they die.

This must stop - the Palestinians have suffered for 75 years - and can take the utter nonsense - no more. 

The HAMAS have been using the Palestinians as fodder - for the last 56 years. The world knows this - but will of do anything - equal but separate - racial inequality - utter disdain if one is not a Zionist.

It would be nice if the Western Media has an Ethics Code:


There is another war going on - people are dying - homes are being destroyed - it is with the HEZBOLLAH - who are fully armed - and if this war breaks out - all hell will be let loose. The Aleppo airport has been damaged by those who use our F-16 F-18 - and think it is acceptable to pour fuel over the fire - and all will be well.

Israel declared the war over one single episode - if anyone has some comprehension, can do a needs assessment - the October 7, 2023 incident - caught Israel fast asleep at the cockpit.  

This incident must not be compared to 9/11 or, for that matter, Pearl Harbor. The Western Media was quick to embellish the actions of HAMAS.

There is a difference between HAMAS that Israel favored early on to neutralize FATAH, formerly the National Liberation Movement.

HAMAS is from Egypt, an organization established to serve the poor. Many of the Hamas were imprisoned in Egypt. HAMAS saw an opportunity and entered GAZA - first, they did what they do best - serve the poor.

Over time, they saw that FATAH was weak and corrupt - they ran for election in 2006 and won. 

Since 2006, HAMAS has had complete control of GAZA -  initially, they were trusted by those in dire straits - the Palestinians - who were in GAZA after they left their homes - thinking they would return to what is now Israel.

All of what is now Israel belonged to the Palestinians - the poor peasants, the farmers, the many Palestinians who had no clue - what war would bring - they did not know the role of Jordon - later on, the role of Egypt. 

Those wars were won by Israel - more Zionists who detest the Palestinians to this day. The other Jews who are not Zionists - know better and have respect and understand the dire straits the Palestinians are.

The Palestinians have been in an open-air prison called GAZA - watched; they have no freedom - they cannot leave GAZA - they are at the mercy of the United Nations, the European Union, the United States, and some Arab nations for donations and funds. 

Paradoxically - the money lands in the hands of HAMAS - as they are in control of GAZA.

There is more to Israel and the many tentacles, some fathomable - more convoluted. The pain and suffering know no bounds - America can adjudicate - but - much like the Congress that has no Speaker today - impeding sending billions to Israel and Ukraine.

If we do not have a Speaker who can lead - the government may shut down for months on end - the Congress and Senate - have shunned their responsibilities - the buffoonery is ongoing, and the citizens of America - put in harm's way.

As things stand today - Israel can harm the innocent and get away with murder - in the past - this was tolerated - but not today - in the digital world. Remember   K A R M A.

Enlighten yourselves as America makes a vain attempt to understand GAZA - and the Palestinians. We want to know who stole the land - and who cut down thousands of years of Olive trees in Palestine? We want to know who has genuine empathy? We want to know who are the real killers - we want to know the facts?

Israeli law enforcement has zero tolerance - and will arrest any Palestinian they think should be questioned and taken to prison - on flimsy ground - this is happening right now.

Can you imagine Israel wanting to remove HAMAS from GAZA - by bombing the entire North GAZA Strip - and then creating a void - or fantasizing that the Palestinian Authority will take over.

Truth be told, the Palestinian Authority is on good terms with Israel - one does not need to know why - they have no money - and when they ask for a donation from Israel - they get it. 

Do not be fooled by what Abbas says - words are cheap - for the past five years - we have seen no good actions that favor the Palestinians from Abbas.

Abbas does not have the balls - to face HAMAS and stand tall for the Palestinians - who are dying.

Abbas made some mundane statements at the recent Cairo Summit on Peace - those listening - knew there were no teeth in what he said or would do.

Now that HAMAS created a situation on October 7, 2023 - Abbas needs to learn how to handle the situation - he needs a vision or ability to do a needs assessment - none of which he possesses.

The Israelis are hellbent on ridding HAMAS once and for all - but that will be a long process - because it is not only about HAMAS but HEZBOLLAH. 

The Palestinians must now create their own task force - create a Model using their talents - the pain and torment of 75 years - can create a model - there are International Institutions that can help -  France, Sweden, Denmark, Institutions that study Constitutions - many are here in the United States.

We have prominent Palestinians who can come together at this unique time to help GAZA and bring hope where there has been no light at the end of the tunnel.

The Arab nations, like Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Dubai, Saudi Arabia,  and Jordon, that have a history with GAZA - the present King of Jordon - represented the situation fairly - at the just concluded Cairo Summit on Peace. 

There are institutions in the United States and Britain that can step up and bring about a change - but most of them are fast asleep in the cockpit.

There are over three hundred infants in the incubator - why should these infants die? These infants will not see the light of day without fuel or electricity. Talk is cheap - we clearly see a red line drawn - the snotty, privileged Israeli and the Palestinians. President Joe Biden failed us in Afghanistan - he must not forget that - millions died, Afghan infants, children, youth, young adults, girls, women, beloved Elders, and those with compromised health - the same is repeated with GAZA. We are watching you like a HAWK. 

The Cairo Summit for Peace - brought many leaders - from the Middle East, Europe, the United States, Jordan, and Egypt to speak out - truth to power. The German representing favoring Israel. There was no consensus building in all the deliberations - Saudi Arabia, Qatar, others - ready to dole out money - but nothing more than that. 

There is no more the fierce daring of the Boudins who feared no one - they were respected for their simple ways - and tamed the sands of the land - from which others feared to deal with them - to quench their thirst, they had to visit the oasis.

Few know about Suleyman the Magnificent - the Ottoman Empire - and the control they had for over 150 years. We see the plight of the Jews from Europe - the Zionists - we must learn to connect the dots.

While the history of Suleyman the Magnificent is known to some - many forget about Cyrus the Great - from the area - now known as Iran - who donated gold to build the second temple - in Jerusalem.

Paradoxically - the prophets of old - have foretold what the destiny of the Jews is - it is found clearly mentioned in the Bible and the Quran - today - we prefer to adhere to fake news; we cannot discern  - no one in their right mind - trust Benjamin Netanyahu Israel - he is indicted by the Israeli courts.

This war should not be taken to the deep tunnels - this is not about bombing and running away and laughing from a distance - using F-16 F-18 - let us see for how long.

When the time comes to hand-to-hand fighting - conditioning in the tunnels for long times, favor those who have spent time - and know where the nooks and crannies are?

There is too much happening - watch some videos on GAZA:

It is nauseating to hear the Western News media - fake news - diatribe - spewing lies and thinking that the people who listen are not educated on issues - compared to those uneducated on issues - anchor women and men -  who must speak truth to power - but have failed us repeatedly.

The United States does not have a single statesman - the likes of President Eisenhower  - President Joe Biden is still in the U.S. Senate, where he spent 35 years.

As for Kamala Harris - thank God she keeps her mouth shut - she is incapable of leadership - not at the international level.

Finally, let me say - the United States can invite a task force of Palestinians to the White House - one that has nothing to do with Abbas.

Israel must STOP the bombing - the killing of innocent infants and children - others who are clear - and the only home they have is in northern Gaza - the Israelis say they are not in charge of GAZA - so why are they bombing GAZA - why are they ordering the Palestinians where to move?

Why are they controlling what truck can bring what to the Gaza Strip?

Why not give fuel as a first preference?

Why not allow 100 trucks in - with water, food, and medicines, and not interfere by saying the truck may have bombs and other ammunition. If you are NOT in charge - stay out of the kitchen.

 Please do not target the children.

How much of this sordid bombing can anyone take?

Keep the trucks moving - we need 100 trucks a day - until the situation gets back on track - not the measly 20 or so - that accommodate about 22,000 when there are more than 2.4 million in need.

The water now available for cooking and drinking is contaminated.

If there is fuel - the water can be treated.

If there is a break of cholera, dysentery, or other water-borne diseases - thousands can die - more infants, children, Elders, and those with compromised health. 

There could be a variant linked to COVID that would kill hundreds if not thousands - the Israelis know this and are using food insecurity, stalling drinking water, fuel, and other necessary commodities and think they can fool all the people - all the time.

Please do not act like scum bags - please do not talk from both sides of your mouth.

Now worldwide - millions have seen things for themselves - what is going on in GAZA - and favor Palestinians - this is a one-sided war - much like David and Goliath.

The United States can do better - and so far - has taken sides with those who use our F-15, F-16, F-18 fighter jets and bombs that can cause atrocities like we see in Ukraine.


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T H E  

K I L L I N G  O F  I N N O C EN T 

I N   G  A  Z  A

Learn more about how Americans look at Native Americans - the people of Israel and Palestine - about equal but separate - about redlining - and understand that we have a serious problem - the current GAZA issue was prophesized a long time ago.  Nothing happens in a vacuum.  Can we find a solution to this madness - the haves and the have nots:


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