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Monday, May 22, 2023



Leonard Peltier jailed on trumped up charges - thousands have signed to free Leonard Peltier - time President Joe Biden - used his executive power to free Leonard Peltier - 78 years old - who has been incarcerated for 48 years - 5 years in solitude.

The Lakota Voice

The Dakota Exile

Leonard Peltier, a member of the American Indian Movement (AIM) - has spent 48 years incarcerated - now 78 years - he has endured the worst treatment by the authorities - and his health, his failing warrior, is now slowly and but sure sinking - even as he hopes - he will see his grandchildren and be free.

No one knows the circumstances of what happened - two others who were arrested at the shooting on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota - have been released.

For some strange and fake reason, the authorities deem fit to keep Leonard Peltier incarcerated - convicted of two counts of first-degree murder - in the deaths of two Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) agents in a June 26, 1975 shooting on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota.

Leonard Peltier, sentenced to two consecutive terms of life imprisonment, currently 78 years - became eligible for parole in 1993. 

While admitting to participating in a shootout at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation - Leonard Peltier stated that he did NOT kill the FBI agents.

Amnesty Internation, numerous Human Rights watchdogs, Nelson Mandela, the Dalia Lama, Pope Francis, and numerous dignitaries have signed the petition to release Leonard Peltier.

President Barack Hussein Obama denied Leonard Peltier's application for clemency on January 18, 2017.

President Joe Biden was then the Vice President and is now the President of the United States - and for all the talk about honor and caring for the Native Americans  -  can you grant clemency - to Leonard Peltier.

For goodness sake, the man is 78 years - has heart problems, is diabetic - has a condition aneurysm - and more. 

Leonard Peltier is of Lakota, Dakota, and French descent and an enrolled member of the Turtle Mountain Chippewa.

He is also an honored citizen of Rome, Italy, since 1990 - and the leaders of the many constituents of Rome are working on a petition to release Leonard Peltier.

Leonard Peltier.

It is incredible the number of narratives and books written about the incident and the death of the two FBI agents who went to Pine Ridge Indian Reservation searching for Jimmy Eagle - who was wanted for questioning in connection with an assault and robbery of local ranch hands. 

Ronald Arthur Williams and Jack Ross Coler, the two special agents, were searching for Jimmy Eagle -  Williams and Coler, driving in two separate unmarked cars, spotted, reported, and followed a red pick-up truck that matched the description of Jimmy Eagle's truck. 

Soon after, Ronald Williams radioed the local dispatch - both Ronald Williams and  Jack Coler came under gunfire. Both asked for enforcement and soon after reported again they had been shot. 

FBI Special Agent Gary Adams, who was nearby, responded to Williams's call for assistance. 

 Special Agent Gary Adams could not reach Coler and Williams in time - both died within ten minutes of the gunfire.

The area where the shootings occurred comes within the jurisdiction of the Lakota Sovereign Nation.

Even though Sovereign Nations must have their own policing for reasons best known - as this case shows - Jimmy Eagle's actions somehow warranted two Special Agents to come to the rescue for a crime of stealing and minor assault.

How about allowing the Tribal Chiefs and the Lakota Nation - to police their own affairs - and stay away from Sovereign Lakota Land - steal gold, using sovereign land to dig a petroleum pipeline - that has polluted clean drinking water. 

The strangers simply do not get it - stay on your own track - even though that track belongs to the Native Tribes.

Learn more about Turtle Island - understand that you just arrived here some three hundred years in numbers - and destroyed what was pristine and wholesome - in the years you strange have been around.

On a cold day in December 1890, the United States Army surrounded and slaughtered about 300 Lakota men, women, and children at Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakota. 

Those that committed the atrocities celebrated this victory - not so the Lakota Nation - who remember this tragedy every single day.

We also remember the Battle of Little Bighorn, where General George Custer and 660 soldiers were defeated and killed - by Chief Sitting Bull -  keeping the Lakota children and women safe.

We must acknowledge what was happening during this time - and more the atrocities committed against the Lakota Nation - a Sovereign Nation - even today, the United States is slow to cater to the needs of those Native American living on Reservations.

I have studied the treaties signed in good faith between the Native Americans and the United States Government - each has been broken - some three hundred plus.

Millions of acres were stolen, and thousands of innocent Native Americans killed more children and women. Thousands of Native Americans moved from Florida, New Mexico, and other areas. The Seminole, the Cherokee, Chickasaw - others moved thousands of miles away - settled in Ohio.

Few of us today think about the Trail of Tears and Death.

How about fundamental reparations for the Native Americans?


Leonard Peltier in his better days.

The United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights, the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations, the European Parliament, the International Federation of Human Rights, and many other International organization have passed and forwarded Resolutions requesting clemency for Leonard Peltier. 

Chief Sitting Bull - he united the Lakota nations.

The Sioux are a confederacy of several tribes that speak three different dialects the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota.

The Lakota, also called the Teton Sioux, are comprised of seven tribal bands and are the largest and most western of the three groups, occupying lands in both North and South Dakota.

The recognition of Lakota sovereignty is still intact within the provision of the United States Constitution and the ancient lifeways and culture of the Lakota tribes.

C E R T I F I C A T I O N 

Therefore Be it Ordained, We, the Lakota, Dakota, Nakota Nation and its peoples and descendants of those of our nation involved in the signing of the April 29, 1868, Fort Laramie Treaty, do at this moment, by affixing our signatures, give this as the written and official notice of our sovereignty to any and all individuals, entities, organizations, and governments.

The history of Turtle Island honors the Native American Tribes who lived here for over 15,000 years.

Each tribe values and honors its Chiefs and their Elders, whose wisdom dictates what is best for the tribe and those tribes who interact with the tribe.

When the strangers came here some four hundred years ago - they begged for food and their lives - and the Native tribes - had empathy and helped them survive.

It is a shame that the United States has signed hundreds of treaties and has not kept one. 

In fact, after signing the treaties, the United States was bold to state by various amendments - that even though the United States acknowledged the Sovereign Nations here on Turtle Island - they deemed it right to revoke all treaties.

Much as our Elders have stated, "Do not trust those who speak with a forked tongue."

We honor Geronimo and remember he told us to never trust the palefaces. Geronimo fought the U.S. Army and reminded undefeated for an extended period. Geronimo surrendered - because he was told the women and children he loved - would be murdered. Geronimo and his beloved tribe were moved to Florida and again to Ohio - thousands of miles from his homeland. Such are the ways of those with no conscience.

Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce.

We went to Standing Rock - Camp Oceti Sakowin - we stood shoulder to shoulder with over 15,000 strong. Why do the thieves want to pollute everything in sight - grab what is not theirs. Everyone must speak Truth to Power. It is a shame how these thieves will do all in their power - to stop those who want to tell the Truth. We are with you, Jenni Monet. Stay strong and represent - President Joe Biden - for all the talk, we see no walk. Act.  

We are here and will be here - we have been for 15,000 years.

Our women are strong and will overcome.

Our Elders have wisdom, and we know what it takes to stand tall
 and represent.

The Lakota Voice

Do not underestimate Native American women.

Native American women understand the issues - and time is running out. Stop the kidnapping and killing - we stand united to bring justice to those women Missing. Aho.

The Dakota in Exile

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