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Saturday, September 18, 2021



A French soldier at Kabul, Aiport helping us in the failed evacuation that history has recorded and will come to bite the butt of those in the U.S. State Department - U.S. politicians have BLOOD of their hands - more our U.S. Intelligence community.

In disarray, the United States left Afghanistan on August 31, 2021, and President Joe Biden's administration is still fumbling the ball.

The -  over the horizon tactics - are now questioned - more, with the killings of innocent children - surveillance that does not meet the smelt test. 

Stark naked in the middle of Kabul - they said - the bad guys had bombs - when it turned out the bombs were 20-gallon plastic water containers - an innocent Non-governmental worker - more, who worked for the United States - NGO. 

Children who were in his car - all died.

As days go by, we are not learning, more - than we already know - the ploys, machination, and shenanigans - going in and out of the Kabul airport - now extend - all over the place.

Hundreds of small groups - trying to rescue - those that have to get out. Hundreds of women are tortured, others raped  - still, others innocent Afghans - lose their lives - and President Joe Biden and his lackeys - are singing the blues. Karma!

Thousands of Afghans lined up in the heat - waiting for an opportunity to submit their documents and enter Kabul airport - many lined up for days on end - eight, nine, ten days - many gave up - and this mess is known to the entire world.

The situation got so precarious - some pleaded to take their children and give them a break - children suffering in the heat - others using the ploy as the only hope to save their lives - many could not go home - if they did - they would be killed.

We can now verify that the many Taliban who were vetting those coming into the Kabul airport.

Thousands - of Afghans and others - desperate to leave Kabul - the Taliban chosen by the United States to vet those coming into the Kabul airport - were rude, beat those who had lined up for hours seven, eight, nine hours.

Pistol-whipped, so many innocent- and did other horrendous deeds - these same Taliban - were allowed to leave Kabul - and are now slated to come to the United States.

We were told that thirteen of our soldiers' men and women died for monitoring the situation. 

Eleven were United States Marines - one from the Navy and yet one other an Army soldier. May their souls rest in peace.

We know that one hundred and eighty who fell victims to the Isis-K bomber - were innocent Afghans - all with documents - waiting to come to the United States.

We were given no clue about how many Taliban died - no clear indication. 

We keep wondering why so many of our United States soldiers - were compromised.

We, the few monitoring - fully understood the utter confusion and pandemonium - we read reports - in the more prominent newspapers like the Washington Post - other journals and newspapers. 

Kabul Airport - thousands lined up - outside the Gates - the famous Abbey Gate where the explosion took place, other gates - some reserved for the British, Norwegians, Italians - others. The British had their operations by the Baron Hotel - we knew about buses taking some to the Baron Hotel - and then carrying passengers into the Kabul Airport - through that access.

 Antony Bilken.

Antony Bilken - the U.S. Secretary - U.S. Department of State - says his hands were tied - he did not expect - the Afghan government to fold so quickly. As a Superpower, what was our U.S. Intelligence doing - as a Superpower - we could have done a better job - logistics. 

After President Ashraf Ghani left, we must be told that we had some agreement with the Afghan Government.

When the broader agreement was made with the Taliban in Doha, Qatar, we did not have the Afghan Government at the table.

We, the taxpayers' were not told much - some of us - gleaned some information from the predominant better newspapers, BBC, DW TV, other media sources - none of them American.

We, the taxpayers' experience this with Iraq too - did not find the sordid  " Weapons of Mass Destruction " - and remember Colin Powell lying - and this one fact and others - cost us trillions.

We, the taxpayers saw this with Libya - paradoxically, Antony Bilken was in Libya and contributed to the confusion - living Libya - in dire straits. 

Why do we interfere in the affairs of many Nations - some mentioned above -who have not invaded us.

Nationa who have not harmed us directly - why should the American citizen - who has read the U.S. Constitution - adheres to the Constitution - more those educated on issues - tolerate the decision of very corrupt politicians. 

When will this nonsense STOP - we spent over $3 trillion - on Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan - for twenty years. 

Some of us remember the bombings of Tora Bora mountains - five thousand pound bombs dropped - each bomb, costing us millions - one singular, twenty one thousand bomb - fallen - to kill the enemy - Al Queda - we keep doing things without a proper exit plan - we have NO sound international policy - not before not today.


As a young man, I traveled the world and saw things for myself.

Four months before the Soviets invaded Afghanistan - I was in Afghanistan and had friends in Afghanistan who could write to me - in Nurenberg, Germany.

It was difficult for me to understand the situation at first - but not when I focused on the great highway - a concrete road the Soviets built in the desert inside Afghanistan - when the time was ripe - the rolled in the tanks, and the rest is history.

The United States spent millions arming the Mujahadeen - Muslim men who came from Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, other places to get rid of the infidel - in this case, the Soviets.

The Soviets came in then left - they suffered too many casualties - parents of the Soviet soldiers - reminisced of World War II - where every family - had someone die - sacrifice their life - to keep the Nazis at bay.

Then in 2021, we experienced an attack - in New York - 9/11 - we invaded Afghanistan - and for twenty long years - had thousands of our soldiers die - while all sorts of complicated things were happening.

American contractors, many with connections to American politicians - bid on contracts - and thousands made millions - if not billions - remember trillions of dollars were spent.

We, the United States, left Afghanistan in disgrace - we muddied the waters - contaminated the land - where they were some semblance today, there is utter confusion.


One hundred and eighty Afghans died most at the Abbey Gate - Kabul airport - other by over the horizon ploys - innocent children killed - an NGO who worked for Americans - when will this nonsense STOP - when will the politicians and our intelligence - be held entirely - responsible.

Afghan women protest - and are beaten - the years we invested in educating women. Talk about democracy - it is no more - the Sharia Law is now the law of the land.  Westerners are held as evil and despicable - demeaned - and not trust at all. We took the Taliban out in 2001, and twenty years later - they took us out!

Scenes like this are etched on our minds - while stupid politicians play with lives - talk and fail to walk the walk. When will we learn - when will we abide by our Constitution - Crimes against Humanity.

Some Afghans who left - many lingering all over the place - Doha, Qatar, Germany, Spain - once they land in the United States - they will be known as " Humanitarian Refugees " with limited benefits - better benefits are being worked out - as advocates with empathy speak truth to power.

These Taliban thugs cannot be trust - never, ever.

We must stand by our Afghan women - they can fill us in on the details.  If we do not do this as soon as possible - we will regret ever invading Afghanistan - and failing to do right.


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