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Tuesday, August 31, 2021



Willie L. Brown, Mayor Diane Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, and the then Undersecretary of the Navy transferred the SF Hunters Point Naval Shipyard to the City and County of San Francisco - who turned it 680 acres to the then SF Redevelopment Agency.

San Francisco is a Racist City. Today it stinks to high heaven.

Right here in San Francisco - the Southeast Sector of San Francisco - the former Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr. and his lackeys, most of them very corrupt Blacks - chose with intent to make money - while other Blacks poor and in need - were left to die a slow death.

Arrangements were made to transfer Parcel A - some 680 acres at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard to build condominiums - sold to the Chinese who for $500,000 down payment - could get a visa to the United States.

Behind -  this scheme Willie L. Brown Jr. - the world knows about it - more the Democrats - all of them are part of the cesspool.

For some years now, the Chinese who invested - want their money back - it is too late - a fancy website - with young Chinese models - selling their wares - suddenly was taken down. 

Supposedly some of the money from the Chinese paying $500,000 a large jackpot - was to be used to help the inner-city youth - none of this happened.

Some money went to the Mayor Office of Economic Development when Jesse Blout was there - more when Michael Cohen was there.

In recent times, Joaquim Torres - also soiled his hands with blood money. Joaquim Torres trained as an actor - in charge of the Mayor's Office of Economic Development. 

Joaquim Torres has been promoted to the Assessor's Office - the incumbent Carment Chu- in recent months - promoted to City Administrator.

A small circle of very corrupt folks who talk but cannot and will not walk the walk.

There is more to this story, but as anyone knows, San Francisco's corruption has reached saturation point. 

The Mayors from Willie L. Brown, Gavin Newsom, Ed Lee, Mark Farrell, and present Mayor London Breed - the worst one being the current Mayor - not educated on issues - open her mouth and screams diatribe - hot air that is toxic in nature.

There is cancer prevailing, leading to the firing of Juliet Ellis and Harlan Kelly from the SF Public Utilities Commission.

The firing of the previous City Administrator - Naomi Kelly, the wife of Harlan Kelly.  Both had special agreements signed with the City and County of San Francisco - each making over $400,000 plus benefits. Go Figure!

Check this out:

JT, a young man, approached me and others, and we decided to address the situation. The above documentary has been seen before - now enhanced with better slides and photographs.

I am seen giving my impressions - I did this around 2004, and it is 2021 - I started writing and revealing about the abject around 2000 - and cannot believe that the corruption today - is raging like the fires in Northern California.

There is an ongoing corruption - metastasizing - as has never, ever seen before. 

Why should our infants, children, youth, young adults, beloved Elders, single mothers, those with compromised health - more physically and mentally charged - suffer and die a slow death.

Millions of dollars were exchanged - the money doled by Lennar Urban.

The blood money - doles to all mostly Black the likes of Sophie Maxwell, the poverty pimp pastors - created a company to build home - the Tabernacle Group - other poverty pimp pastors became spokespersons - Aurelius Walker, Calvin Jones, Amos Brown - other poverty pimp pastors - too many to name.

Joined by Malia Cohen, Shamann Walton, DionJay Brookter, Linda Richardson, Toye Moses, Elouise Patton,  Dwayne Jones, Veronica Hunnicutt,  Doris Vincent, Theo Miller, Oscar James - other too many to name - all suffering today - some charged, other from ill-health - still other dying a slow death. 

Money corrupts - and those who take blood money - will fall flat on their faces.

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission - was involved in working with Lennar Urban - laying down sewer pipes - sewer containment holes, other infrastructure - in charge of this project - Julie Labonte - who is being investigated.

Harlan Kelly. The Manger of SF Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) has been fired - charged with many crimes - his involvement with Walter Wong - who agreed to cooperate with the authorities - snitching and winning some browny points. 

Some of us remember - Communities Of Opportunity - led by Dwayne Jones - $ 3 million squandered by on mundane - much like meetings and conference - held to address Violence and other issues - by Sheryl Evan Davis and her lackeys. 

Millions of dollars - Community Benefits linked to the Sewer System Improvement Project - has been squandered by Juliet Ellis and Dwayne Jones.

A task force was formed - the Task Force - requested help for the Community - the Southeast Sector - no money was spent on our infants, children, youth, young adults, our beloved Elders, those with compromised health - more the physically and mentally challenged.

Mayor London Breed should be ashamed of herself - she has failed us on every front.

Mayor London Breed has failed - helping our essential workers. The essential workers had to protest - outside her home.

This nonsense building 30,000 homes on contaminated land - land prone to liquefaction and flooding - in and around the Bayview Hunters Point - serves no purpose - placing innocent people on contaminated land.

We now have empirical data - where Biomonitoring tools allow the experts to test the blood and urine - of those exposed to toxicity over a long period of time.

No one should be living on land that is contaminated - more contaminated by Depleted Uranium.

These fools breaking ground that is contaminated - more, Depleted Uranium -  here, you can witness - some the corrupt - smiling with glee - all of them in one way or the other - will fall flat - on their face.

Once the largest crane on the West Coast - large submarines could be lifted and repaired - and there was more.

JT with his camera - always pointing in the right direction. The youth of SF Hunters Point did not have to suffer - nor, the infants, the children, the youth, the young adult, our beloved Elders, those with compromised health - more those mentally and physically challenged - God sees it all. Here we are in Sacramento - we paid for the buses, served what we could, stood together, and united - love, fortitude, and tenacity. Our youth heard the Elders - but nothing worth the salt came from our efforts. I have thousands of photographs documenting our effort - talk is cheap - good action counts. Thank you. JT, my Brother.

Caravan For Justice - we took 10 to 15 buses at times - 400 to 500 hundred strong - we stood united - speaking truth to power.

Monday, August 30, 2021



President Joe Biden - this one singular mistake - exiting Afghanistan in a manner - causing pandemonium - will come to haunt him for a long, long time - Pathetic.

Many a veteran - many Afghans who worked with our U.S. Armed Forces - laid down their lives - thousands were left to defend themselves - many will fall into the hand of the evil Taliban and by default in the hand of Isis-K.

My association with Afghanistan goes to the early 1970s. I was a young man and always wanted to travel to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia ( now Bosnia and Serbia) - Greece, Italy, Austria, Germany - the Scandanavian nations - and many more countries.

The Taliban do not have the ability to govern - they bully folks - most women, young girls, and those that cannot defend themselves - the Taliban - will get a medication of their own dose - it will be terrible - bloodshed and trauma - never, ever seen - before in Afghanistan - the terror pouring into Pakistan, 
the neighboring nations -  America has created a nightmare.

We honor the 11 Marines who died - one from the Army and one from the Navy - we salute them all - and grief with their parents, families, loved ones - and all those who care and love our military.

Among those killed were 5 Marines - all in the 20s - men who took an oath to protect and serve this nation - all of them were compassionate - and met their death - by a young terrorist - brainwashed  - using his body with a bomb - to carry out the dirty deed. This type of madness will repeat - again and again.

 Thousands gather to flee the Taliban - and have many trials and tribulations - in the years to come - some do not have documents - others - have just the clothes on their back - the U.S. went into Afghanistan uninvited - took out the Taliban - today they - the U.S. left Afghanistan - the Taliban rejoicing - praying to God - their enemy lost the battle - after 20 years.

This demon made an agreement with the Taliban - sat down with them and made a deal - left out Ashraf Ghani, the President of Afghanistan - put our military and those that helped our military in harm's way. Stalled the processing and issuing - of the Special Immigrant Visas - what a JOKER - set as back a decade - and on many fronts COVID-19, blatant racism, Supremacists of the worst kind - he single-handedly divided our nation that belong to Native American. 


Over one hundred eighty Afghans had died  - most by Abbey Gate at the Kabul Airport - other when you took out a vehicle laden with missiles - killing one Aisis-K terrorist - over the horizon - drone. 

This Taliban Spokesperson is out of his mind - the Austrians - are hesitant to take Afghans - as they are with other - people of color and have threatened to send them back to Afghanistan. The Spokesman seen above - says he welcomes them home - will be judged by the Courts - the cases judged according to the Sharia Laws - and the rest will be hell for his own people.

The Main Media is full of it - they suffer from a bastardization of BS in their DNA -  they seem to want to sensationalize every element of thought - failing to address - that no one invited them  - to Kabul, Afghanistan - George Bush had an ulterior motive. Barrack Husein Obama - was no better - he kicked the can down the street.

Then came the devil himself - Donald Trump - and set a trap for President Joe Biden to execute - some moron.

Imagine inviting the Taliban to the United States and sitting down with the Taliban - and agreeing to an agreement without a meaningful and holistic - EXIT.

President Joe Biden - could have made an agreement to fortify Bagram Airport and Kabul Airport for six months - I bet you the Afghan forces would stay put, and the EXIT would have been accomplished with flying colors.

We would have the prisoners in place at Bagram Airport - one of the largest in the world - we could have processed all the Special Immigrant Visas, the P2 visas - and the United States Department of State - could have learned from all the stupid mistakes they made and will make in the future.

Missing in this equation are the Afghans - who daily have to hear the utter nonsense - mostly Whites - who themselves are the cause of the downfall of Afghanistan.

Can you imagine that over $2 trillion were spent over 20 years by most contractors who had a connection with corrupt politicians -  made tons of money?  

All this talk about Non-governmental Agency (NGOs) how do you think - they got their money. It is all about money - and today, no one is honoring the Afghans who died - no empathy and less compassion. 

Will those who died - be compensated?

Do you know thousands of court cases have been filed - those who filled their applications - with the U.S. Department of State - three, four, and five years ago - have not got a response - from the U.S. State Department.

Back in Kabul - the Taliban got hold of thousands of documents - providing the sensitive information - on those Afghans who served the United States - contractors, military personnel, others who need a translation - and for all their hard work - they all got royally - fucked. 

The Taliban got our Biomatrix software and hardware - they can now stop anyone - and if the information - reveals the identity - of an Afgan working for the Americans or for the matter the NATO allies - Germany, British, Italians, Australians, Norwegians, others - if found most have their head chopped off.

Who is responsible for this utter nonsense?

U.S Secretary of State Anthon Blinken.

Anthony Blinken has failed the Afghans - leaving thousands behind - more in peril - if those left behind - fall into the hands of the Taliban and the more vicious - Asis-K - no one takes responsibility - for their death. 

Anyone can talk the talk - but who will walk the walk - more speak Truth to Power.

Over 180 plus Afghans have died - and we brag moving 120,000 plus - spread them all over the place - to fend for themselves - and brag - that we did well. 

Sufficient to say those who pat their behind are fools - look at Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan - remember the Banana Republics - we must learn from our mistakes - and understand our Nation today is divided - we have millions of terrorists - right here in America - Supremacists. 

Take 9/11; most of those caught were from Saudi Arabia - so what made us go to Afghanistan?

Remember Collin Powell - and his fabrication - that Iraq has weapons of Mass Destruction - that turned out not to be true?

For God's sake, we left $80 billion in arms and ammunition, helicopters, Biomatrix software and hardware, other sensitive material - and the politicians still talk from both sides of his mouths - one of them - Antony Blinken.

God save America - let us read the Constitution - and more speak Truth to Power. 

We honor all Marines - and our hearts are heavy - as we pray and send our condolences to the 11 Marines - killed by the Abbey Gate - at the Kabul, Airport.

Semper Fidelis. 

Sunday, August 29, 2021

United States - State Department spokesman - loves to spew diatribe - his department has failed miserably to issue Special Immigration Visas - P2 - failed, to back up those with Green Cards (Permanent U.S. Residents) - he talks the talk - there has been no walk. 

The United States - State Department has been very slow and inept in prioritizing human issues - thousands will be left behind in Kabul, Afghanistan.

The Main Media - preferring to address some mundane issues - sensationalizing. 

The Main Media - loves to sensationalize issues - hardly had the Main Media learned - that the former President of Afghanistan - Ashraf Ghani - a coward - fled in a helicopter - loaded with millions of dollars, some luxury cars - the Main Media was caught - unawares having no clue - about the present Taliban takeover - and less about the suffering Afghan population.

Afghanistan was in turmoil - addressing its third surge linked to COVID-19 pandemic, the entire nation Afghanistan was in economic turmoil - in dire straits.

The United States did not expect the Afghan government to collapse - surrender 80 billion-plus of military assets - guns, ammunition, tanks, helicopters, planes, and other susceptible hardware and software - Biomatrix  - with sensitive information.

The Taliban do not have the wherewithal to survive - they need help - that is why our U.S. authorities - use convoluted language - " we share vested interests " - as if saying we scratch their backs and the Taliban will scratch ours. 

Families flee - taking risks.

U.S. Secretary of State - Antony Blinken - failed the nation miserable - his duty was to address the Special Immigration Visas - he should have had a better idea linked to the EXIT plan - that today is a mess and was a mess from day one. 

President Joe Biden - tons of hot air.

We are leaving thousands of good, decent, hard-working, honorable Afghans - who we swore to help them - asked them to fill out applications linked to Special Immigration Visas.

Repatriation applications - and the U.S. State Department - has no clue about processing or follow up - you call them - they kick the can down the street. 

We honor our Marines - Semper Fedelis.

We honor our Marines, who have evacuated over 120,000.

We honor and will remember those who laid their lives - Marines, one from the Army, and another from the Navy.

Stephen Miller - with intent stalled the processing - of Special Immigration Visas - working with Donald Trump.

This scum bag Stephen Miller above - with intent - stalled the Special Immigration Visas - working with Donald Trump.

This information was given to Antony Blinken - he sat on the information - Special Immigration Visas - he failed to prioritize and consequently could not do a viable and sustainable needs assessment.

The flag of the United States

We citizens of the United States have failed to deal with those who commit treason. This cancer is spreading - politicians are at the core of the problem.

Right now, the amount of misinformation and disinformation - has saturated our airways. Few want to speak Truth to Power.

Few know what is truly happening in Afghanistan - more in and around the Kabul, Airport.

Afghans who have their valid documentation -  are now told to stay put - and ordered not to go to the Kabul - Airport. Their fate is in the hands of those that are evil.

Thousands of decent Afghans will now be in peril, which means those the Taliban seize will have their heads chopped off.

Saturday, August 28, 2021



Tony Bilken - Secretary of State.

The many Afghans who want to leave Afghanistan - cannot approach the airport - are stranded - through no fault of the Afghans - who are afraid they may be killed. 

Many Afghans are left to themselves - we screwed big time - failing to process the Special Immigration Visas  (SIV) and P2 Visas.

Paradoxically even those that have Permanent Residence status - and are Afghans are turned back. If you have a Permanent  Residency - and your Mother and Sister want to accompany you - have Repatriation documentation in hand - the Taliban - abuse the Afghans who should be given access and told to go home.

Other Afghans who have American Passports - are treated with disdains - abused, and even, in some cases, beat up. The Taliban shooting in the air - is nothing new - these thugs control the Kabul Airport - and Tony Biken says we do not trust them - but each of us, the United States and the Taliban - have mutual interest.


We all remember this jerk - the former Secretary of State - 
Mike Pompeo  - he and his lackeys - with intent -
messed the Special Immigrant Visas (SIV).

It is a shame that Mike Pompeo - went out of his way to arrange for the release of many Taliban -  jailed in Pakistan.  One of them
is a key leader - now directing the Taliban - to work with the United States authority - Secretary of State - has given tacit agreement - to the ploys, machinations, and sordid shenanigans. 

We thank General Frank McKenzie -
Commander Central Command - those 
working on the ground and directing key operations
have done well - our hearts are heavy - the deaths 
of the 13 soldiers - remind us all - who lay down their lives -
those that protect others - and make many sacrifices.

The so-called experts will discuss this evacuation linked to the Kabul Airport - the arrangement made with the Taliban - who know nothing much but spew - diatribe. 

The Main Media is busy giving commentary - and those who listen to CNN and other cable news - gullible - have no clue - why we got ourselves in this mess.

The politicians and that includes President Joe Biden, and Vice-President have BLOOD on their hands.

Right now, hundreds are being beaten - others beheaded - and once the United States troops leave - there will be a pandemonium of the highest order.

I got involved in the evacuation because I understood the process - having worked for the Sixth U.S. Army and Presidio of San Francisco.

Desert Storm/Desert Sheild - presented some issues - and we took care of most of them - without much delay - maintaining very high standards.

That war ended within months - we move out - and had to deal with our soldiers suffering from exposure to Chemicals and other adverse impacts - it took us 10 years - to bring some concrete help to our soldiers.

For the first time, Desert Storm/ Desert Shield sent our Reserves to fight that war - many of the women played a key role in Transportation missions and did a great job. 

Many U.S. women were attacked - warded off the enemy - and in some cases saved the men soldiers - took them to a safe place.

The United Staes - the women soldiers, stood out - their exemplary bravery and these facts - have not been told - because we know there is No - walk for all our talk.

This Kabul evacuation is taking a heavy toll on our service members - I talk to them - and can feel the exhaustion - bordering toxic stress.

We must not forget who made the evil agreement -
with the Taliban - his bench man Stephen Miller.

Stephen Miller - he did all in his power- to stall -
the processing of Special Immigrant Visas - 
this man is anathema to humanity - a scumbag.

As a citizen - one must speak Truth of Power -
President Joe Biden failed on this evacuation - 
he will pay for this mistake - because he failed to listen -
to those that knew better - and he thought he knew best -
history will judge him. We do not follow the dictates of those who cannot make a sound judgment.  For reasons better know to Joe Biden, who spent an inordinate time in the Senate - as the President of the United States - he does not endorse getting rid of the Filibuster. He talks a good talk - history will judge him -
by his actions - this Evacuation of Sorts - was just that -
many Afghans will lose their lives - many folks could have been evacuated - if they had their Special Immigration Visas - why
was the process delayed?  Who the hell make a deal with our enemy, the Taliban - and as an excuse say - we have mutual interest. Do we ever think - we had no business going to Afghanistan - we knew the majority of those involved in 9/11 were Saudi Arabians - why did we not bomb the living hell - and track the Saudis a lesson -
when will we learn - not to invade any nation - without a just cause? 

We thank our Marines - Semper Fidelis!

We got your back - do not trust the politicians -
they are busy filling their campaign coffers -
spent 2 trillion dollars - pretending to help Afghanistan -
still on first base.

Friday, August 27, 2021



This Taliban and others like him are trusted by us to protect  Kabul Airport. Many ignorant - asked to review documents - thousands turn away just because some ignorant Taliban said so - if you say a word they pistol whip you - more fire the pistol - what is happening?

We must get to the bottom situation - when one single - Isis-K thug - took the lives of many Marines so far 13 - many others clinging to their life - why where so many Marines congregated - at one location - we the taxpayers and U.S. citizens want to know - 18 Marines wounded - this heavy toll - need deep investigation.

The Afghans are still going to Kabul, Airport to get out.

The Abbey Gate is closed. The other Gates still controlled by the Taliban - most ignorant- chose according to the whim and fancy - who gets into the Airport and who does not.

Even now, with fewer evacuees - nothing much has changed - one Afghan that I am in touch with - showed his papers - the Taliban told him to go away - abused him - then took his pistol - and shot some rounds - near his feet.

What is happening - one must have their document in place - but there must be coordination between the U.S. State Department and the

Imagine the Afghans, not all of them well versed in English.

The Afghans are trying to listen to the United States Department, which has consular services at the Kabul Airport, kicking the can down the street.  

Call the U.S. State Department and check out for oneself - if can one can get help: +17034120500

American Citizens  - be they Afghan and those Permanent Residents ( Green Card) - have to make several trips to the Kabul Airport.

Each trip - is dangerous - depending on where the Afghans come from - Herat, Khandahar - the many checkpoints - and the abuse they have to take from the Taliban.

Over 170 Afghans have died.

Afghans report over 170 Afghans dead - many more injured - we must not forget the Afghans helped us - 9/11 happened because more Saudi were involved - we chose to go to Afghanistan - why?

President George Bush Jr has BLOOD on his hands.

So far, we have lost 13 Marines - Semper Fidelis.
Why do we continue to put our Marines in harm's way?
The corrupt U.S. politicians and an egotistic maniac 
Donald Trump - who created this mess.

President Joe Biden - continues to talk from the sides of his mouth.

President Joe Biden - has failed us - this is not the time to point fingers - this is the time to be an American - have empathy and do the right thing.

Right now, the United States State should address the situation at Kabul, Airport - as an " EMERGENCY" -  all those having their documents - should be evacuated -  the U.S. State Department - at Kabul, Department -  does no good - kicking the can down the street.

If the NEO unit is requested to help anyone or group - they should be exhorted into the Airport - not given some hope, and then left to fend for themselves.

If the Taliban targets anyone right now - the massacre of the entire family. 

We know this, but we choose to pussyfoot with lives - the United States State Department - must evacuate those Afghans that have their documents - and many support letters - from those they served.
They must do this on a War Footing.

General Christopher Donahue - Sir, we have but a few days to help those Afghans that need to evacuate those in desire straits.
We ask you to use your authority on behalf of all decent Americans to do the right thing. We thank you sincerely - our hearts are heavy - Semper Fidelis. God bless you all.