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Wednesday, September 2, 2020



Rudolf Dwayne Jones - has schemed

 the City and County of San Francisco millions of dollars -

all tax payer money.

San Francisco should be ashamed of itself - wasting millions of dollars - paying crooks the likes of Naomi Kelly and Harlan Kelly -over 400,000  a year each - failing us - and more people of color.

The City and County of San Francisco employs 33, 000 employees - and 19, 000 make $150, 000 plus benefits and perks.

I  have posted an article that speaks more of the abject corruption - so many making $200, 000 plus - wasting tax payers money. Truly shocking.

All the time hard working San Franciscans - laid off - many do not get any unemployment - San Francisco the one of the world's richest city - suffering from - " food security ".

We have over 20, 000 homeless - and the SF Board of Supervisors - still favoring poor and indigent people leaving in Single Residential  Occupancy (SROs) - and Supervisor Aaron Peskin talk the talk but cannot walk the walk. 

The SF Health Department must stay away from SROs - and congregate living in the SROs and Covid-19 virus - do not mix well. Doctor Cohen may say what she says - but Whites in general cannot speak for the poor and people of color for sure. 

They can take their ass and expertise elsewhere. Our City and County of San Francisco has lost its soul - and it does not help having House Negros - being corrupt - and casting a dark cloud on all people of color. Foremost Naomi Kelly and Harlan Kelly. 

Our Senior  and infants, children, youth - going to bed hungry - this is wrong. 

The SF Board of Supervisors, the Mayor London Breed - keeps blaming - others.

Mayor  London Breed makes in access of $400, 000 - and does not deserve that salary - constantly barking up the wrong tree - spewing - diatribe. 

London Breed is not only corrupt - but more amoral.

 Rudolf Dwayne Jones - he must be brought before the courts -

the millions recovered - his minions charged too.

This plot to steal millions of dollars - all tax payers money - started in 2010.

After  years of collecting information - we had to make it easy for the San Francisco Controller's Office to see the plot for himself and his team of Controllers. It is three years now - and they are still - pussyfooting - the Controller's Office and the SF City Attorney - are impotent - they have NO balls.

The SF City Attorney has signed and approved - hundreds of contracts - including Community Benefits - and thinks he can fool all the people - all the time.

Harlan Kelly hand picked Dwayne Jones to distribute millions of dollars. 

On one hand Dwayne Jones was the point person for AECOM - the Prime who got the job - linked to the Sewer System Improvement Project (SSIP).

The SSIP project - started at $6 Billion is now reported to be heading for $12 billion - and may finish costing the City and County of San Francisco - $20 Billion.

Prior to this project the costliest project was the Water System Improvement Project (WSIP) - San Francisco invested $2.6 Billion and the Regional partners $2.4 billion.

This woman Juliet Elis has been protected -  again and again -
she has been let go - Scott Free 

she has been handed a subpoena - by the FEDS. 

Right at the top of this article you see the diagram - and how the money was doled out - the Primes, the sub-primes - Dwayne Jones, Juliet Ellis and Masood Ordikhani - who all were part of this nefarious plot.

Does the City and County think that when millions of dollars are wasted - and the laymen - the citizens duly report the matter to the City and County of San Francisco - the SF City Attorney and the SF Controller - continue to kick the can down the street.

Here is our SF Controller - Ben Rosenfield -

it has taken his office three years to adjudicate -

after handling over on a platter - giving the crooks -

three plus years - to waste millions of dollars.

Over 19, 000 City Employees make over $150, 000 plus benefits and perks. Here is an article from Forbes - that sets the record straight :

The way the SF Controller's Office is set up - the Whistle Blowers' Program. 

The Whistle Blowers want to do right - but the SF City Attorney's Office and SF Controller's Office - prefer to kick the can down the street. 

Why would anyone go to the SF Controller's Office and work hard - for free - only to be treated with disdain. This nonsense will come to a STOP - stop hoodwink us - the advocates - in broad daylight.

It is time for the FEDS to  zero in on those who are hindering - justice, fair play - less transparency and accountability - millions of tax payers money - wasted. 

Who is bluffing whom - more amoral folks - who have no ethics, less morals and absolutely NO - standards. Scumbags who are egoistical maniacs - be those that most get caught with their hand in the cookie jar - House Negros.

The result both offices - the SF City Attorney and the SF Controller's Office -  have created a " cesspool ".

Both  offices are now swimming in the " cesspool of their own creation " - and will eventually - drown - good riddance of very bad - rubbish. 

Mr David Anderson -  SF Attorney General  -
is a breath of fresh air - I sincerely hope -
he gets to the bottom of this putrid corruption - in our 
City and County of San Francisco  -
stinking to high heaven.

The Attorney General David Anderson - from the FEDS - had to  step up and act.  

The last time we had a round up of crooks was 80 years ago - and then now - many Blacks rounded up and served the papers - that will send them to jail.

Blacks in high positions have shown us - that they are irresponsible and more when it comes to character - fostering crooked ways.

They talk or Racial Equity - and demand money - character counts - and transparency and accountability - cannot and should not play - second fiddle.

I warned Harlan - he thought he knew better -
today he is at his wits end - his health in ruins -
he has lost all those close to him - he has left -
abject stench.  Money is nothing - Harlan has failed 
to leave a legacy - I mentioned this at one public event -
in  front of everyone - his father, brothers, sisters, and others.

In the past we witness Derf Butler, Keith Jackson - and now Harlan Kelly, Juliet Ellis, Sheryl Evan Davis, Shakira Simley.

Dwayne Jones, Shamann Walton, JayDion Brookter, Elosie Patton, Oscar James, Linda Richardson, Toye Moses, Al Williams, Derek Smith - others too many to name - scumbags of the highest order.

We have a jail bird in the midst of the SF Board of Supervisor taking on the Sheriff, the SF Police Department - he wants access to $21 million to spend in the name Racial Equity and Reparation. 

San Francisco has a population of 3% Black who are dwindling every single day - in two years that population will be 1%. 

One has to read the Unfinished Agenda and the Out Migration - two documents that spell the fiasco - of the Black community at large.

Black on Black violence - the crab mentality among Blacks - that led to their own destruction.

He has had million of dollars - sent to Young Community Developers (YCD) - it is all there for the world to see. 

He did this acting as a conduit for Dwayne Jones - all this will come to light - millions given to YCD - and today - we see no accountability and less NO transparency.

Millions sent to YCD - with NO accountability. 

YCD has been used to launder money - and the crooks - are sweating it out - right now .

The crooks  will have to get used to wear orange jail suits  - and may be for the first time - have good company - others crooks who will teach them a trick or two. 

San  Francisco has failed to address Quality of Life issues.

We have too many homeless - living in tents - in filthy conditions - facing the inclement weather.

More - our Elders - thrown on the streets - through NO fault of their own - Elders dying slowly - hundreds of them. 

The SF Board of Supervisors - more Hillary Ronen wants to point fingers at others - including the White House .

The fact of the matter is the City and County of San Francisco - rakes with stench - all of sorts of sordid crimes - nefarious activities - including a high official having sex in her office. 

Go figure! Take the damsel to some hotel - and rock the place - if you care - STOP - lowering your dignity - and shaming all of us who once thought you would stand up and present,

The SF Board of Supervisors have been complicit -  failed to take the SF Public Utilities Commission to task - more when it comes to Community Benefits.

Millions of dollar meant for the community at large - doled to Young Community Developers,  $300, 000 grants for restaurants none have business - one Black woman has three restaurant - two on Third - no one visits them. 

One at the SF Airport - a franchise  - we want to know who is behind this abject - corruption - using tax payers money.

Not once has the name of Dwayne Jones come before the SF Board of Supervisors - for a hearing - linked to corruption.

The  same hold good for Juliet Ellis.

The  same holds good for many others - hundreds of them  - one of them - Dwayne Jones who does not work for SF Public Utilities Commission.

Yet Dwayne Jones handles millions of dollars - has his finger in every project - pretends he works for SFPUC.

Dwayne Jones  is allocated 20, 30, 40, 80 hours - on many projects - and paid for each project - thousands of dollars  - with performing on most of the projects - when added up -  millions of dollars and sent to his many accounts.

Look at the top of this article - look at the diagram - then focus on :

CS -165 Program - linked to AECOM/PARSONS - corrupt as ever.

WW-647- BDFP - WEBCOR -MWH - a mess that has failed the City.

WW-628 HeadWorks - SUDT/WALSH - faltering even as it tries.

DB-125  DCS Upgrades - EMERSON - the outreach for 15 years had been handed over to Dwayne Jones and his whores.

The time has come to set the record straight.

For  too long have heads of SF Departments - signed on Community Benefits - and other contracts - without a second thought.

Over 19, 000 highly compensated  SF City Employees earn over $150, 000 pay and perks.

10%  of the 23, 000 SF City Employees  over $200, 000  pay and perks.

Others have signed special contract - $400, 000 plus perks - what is happening to our City and County of San Francisco? 

Another Manager has his wife - yet has two others - women playmates - who works for him.

Taking  them on junkets -  hiring single rooms.

Mixing  deep pleasure with his business - failing San Franciscans - 
decent advocates - he makes $400, 000 plus - even had a large safe - be store his ill gotten - money and more.

Under some stupid pretext -  both the SF Controller and SF City Attorney - are protecting - the City heads of Department - who they say are working for. 

What about ethics? What about standards? What about morals? What about plain decency - some of these heads of departments - working for the City and County of San Francisco - do not meet the base-line requirements - crooks of the first order.

This logic makes NO sense - but then again - nothing in San Francisco makes sense. Logic - and common sense which is a rare sense - does not exists - with these buffoons. 

Check this article by FORBES - the sad state of affairs - 33, 000 City Employees - under Naomi Kelly  and Mayor London Breed - many  employed - nepotism - making hay while the sunshines.

The only workers that matter - essential workers - who come to us for help. Some years ago they did not take a pay raise - now - that they need some help they get nothing.

It is unfair that the heifer gets to take $400, 000 salary at home - all she does - is bark up the tree - and no one in their right mind - listens to London Breed.

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