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Friday, July 3, 2020


This was the facade - before some 
faces desecrated this revered mountain 
owned by the Lakota Nation - all that stands
there today - is illegal and a desecration.

Fire works are planned on Mount Rushmore - for some reason best known to the National Park Service.

The contamination of " Perchlorate " from contamination and severe pollution - resulting from " fireworks " - used from 1998 to 2009 - escapes the National Park Service - may be suffering - memory loss.

The motto of the National Park Service - Preserve and Protect.

Some one must stand up - and speak Truth to Power - screw who order you to do " wrong " - you must stand for right.

Fire works are prohibited in the entire area - why the exception ?

This land all of it - the Black Hills and surrounding area - every square inch is Sacred Land.

This Nation - once known best as Turtle Island - and today in less than 250 years - contaminated, polluted, and what is important to note - desecrated.

For the ignorant some 3,717,812.8 square miles - for thousands of years - the indigenous people have taken care of this land.

Only for the Whites - to destroy all that is pristine and create the present mess we are in.

Each of the faces be Abraham Lincoln, Theodore  Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington - 
all have actions that taint their lives. Be it some were slave owners, other order the indigenous people to be hanged - and all had other other tainted actions - too many to name.

Abraham had 38 indigenous people hanged - initially 300 were supposed to hanged.

Thomas Jefferson was a slave owner - made other tainted remarks that are disparaging. 

George Washington too - was a slave owner. Roosevelt was not ashamed to say a good Indian is a dead Indian - a racist second to none.

No one in their right mind - would think in the middle of the worst pandemic - in the middle of this raging pandemic.

Choosing with intent - NOT to wear a mask - and more choosing with intent - NOT to practice - " social distancing ".

Nine Sovereign tribes - will have check points - to deter the raging Novel Covid-19 pandemic from spreading.

All check points on Lakota Nation land.

Those who must stay home - stay home - and if you venture to play with fire - that is on you.

Chief Sitting Bull had he been alive would not tolerate the present nonsense coming from the White House and the incumbent who lives in it - who has lost his mind.

Crazy Horse would not have tolerate the on going nonsense - those that steal, rape, take all they can take.

Give little in return - speak with a forked tongue.

Rejoice much like the devil - firing " fire-works " knowing it could trigger a large fire - and more contaminate the watershed - with toxic " perchlorate ".

Chief Sitting Bull 
he united the Lakota Nation

Some of us went to North and South Dakota - to stand tall - shoulder to shoulder - with the Latoka Nation - at Standing Rock - close to Camp Oceti Sakowin.

Over 15,000 gathered at the peak -
at Camp Oceti Sakowin -
shoulder to shoulder - from all over the world -
sending a strong message to the 
devils residing in the present White House -
that they are not wanted any where near the
Black Hills of Dakota - more on indigenous
Sovereign Land.

Camp Oceti Sakowin -
close to Standing Rock -
surrounded by the Black Hills 
sacred of to the Lokota Nation -
women and men who have their heart in the 
right place - this moment is ours.

No one is their right mind - in the midst of a pandemic - should mix " fire works " - lack of " social distancing ".

" Not wearing a mask " - but it is happening - led by someone who is an " egoistical maniac " - those that speak with a forked tongue - never, ever to be trusted.

The paradox is that of all the places - the devil himself - has chosen to have his sordid parade on Lakota Nation Sovereign land. 

This is disrespecting the ancestors - something that those who speak with fork tongue - chronic liars, the thieves, those that kill women and children, those that today think nothing - of contamination, pollution, and even the pandemic that is in their face.

The J E R K 

Why would any one want to go - all the way to Dakota to celebrate the stealing of this land - all of which belongs to the indigenous people - sovereign land - much of it stolen.?

Leaders of the Lakota Nation

Enough is Enough

Indigenous people do not follow the norms of those that are NOT spiritual.

No decent human beings - would behave as do these devils.

Who now want to exhibit their evil behavior on Sacred Land by the Black Sacred Hills - making a mockery - on sovereign land.
Disrespecting the Elders - the Elders who have Wisdom - the idiot who have none  - the sourage of the Earth.

This blatant disregard by a " cult leader " - the " devil himself " - is what - some in this Nation - are adhering to and become a cult. 

All over the world - nations are doing everything - to stem the spike of the pandemic.

Not so with this Nation - that has lost its mind - with a " cult leader " - who embraces nonsense - and has embraced this pandemic - from day one.

He is no commander-in -chief did not spend one single minute - in the service of this nation.

This one singular event - where thousands will gather.

Thousands - will suffer the drastic consequences - in just less than two weeks - those that act foolish - will heavily pay - for their stupid actions.

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