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Tuesday, August 15, 2017


San Francisco City Hall -
the wheeling and dealing has reached -
saturation point.

The San Francisco Bayview has produced stellar leaders - innovative - and some that went beyond their calling - one comes to mind - Mrs. Ruth Williams - after whom the Bayview Opera House is named.

When the Bayview Opera House in the late 1970s - began to feel the wear and tear - the many deferred maintenance work orders - not taken care off - by the City and County of San Francisco - this landmark - was on the verge - of being declared unusable and red tagged.

Mrs Ruth Williams raised the money - with the support of the community - and saved the Bayview Opera House.

Actors the caliber of Danny Glover and more - trained themselves at the SF Bayview Opera House - only for some good for nothing folks - attached to the SF Arts Commission - high hacking the operations of the SF Bayview Opera House.

That gate should be removed - it is a symbol of - divisiveness.
Much like the wall Donald Trump wants to build on the Mexican border. 

Those folks who the SF Arts Commission approve to come into our community - after so much damage - are put on notice.

The Department of Interior set the mandates linked to the Landmark Buildings - the  ugly Rock Garden and the Iron Gate - do not meet those requirements - those mandates - and must be removed and disposed - immediately.

Again and again when the constituents - want to rent the SF Bayview Opera House - high rents are quoted - and all sorts of rules and regulations mandated - some of which are concocted - on the spot - just to keep the mostly Black constituents - out.

The Board that is on the SF Bayview Opera House are all sell outs.

 Leading the charge - a young Black man - a sell out - Theo Ellington. 

We have seen skunks like him before - pandering to the " Masta " - a House Negro that now wants to run for the position of Supervisor - of District 10.

The demographics of the SF Bayview has changed with the Latinos being in the majority - closely followed by the Chinese who take their social obligations very lightly -  even voting slates - ready made  - for them to vote - coming all the way North from Chinatown.

The tension in the community has now reached saturation point - with crime on the increase.

 Those that have nothing left - accept themselves and their poverty - are preying on those that have so much -  those that are indigent and poor - wonder where all the money is coming from.

If a home or building is put on sale - in come these vultures - complete with suitcases - full of hard cash money.

Property after property - are gobbled up  - not so much to rent or develop - but sell it to other - vultures -  we the community are left - dumb founded, perplexed, astounded, and shocked.

The Southeast Sector that includes the SF Bayview is the last frontier. 

Mayor Edwin M. Lee
a very corrupt person of sorts.

We the community have to go through this - have been neglected by SF City Hall, the SF Board of Supervisors, and the past Mayors - including the present one - that is the worst of them all - Mayor Edwin M. Lee.

The 30, 000 units promised by Mayor Edwin M. Lee - a wheeler and dealer - and very corrupt - the most " corrupt " - Mayor to set his foot in City Hall - and more make his abode in Room 200.

The 30, 000 units - all planned to be built on land prone to severe liquefaction and flooding. 

Never mind the area right now - has registered very high levels of respiratory diseases. Asthma is so high among the infants, children, and youth - all well know by the SF Health Department and its Director Barbara Garcia - but who gives a hoot.

Heart disease and more strokes are on the increase - and it is such attacks and diseases that land home owners in the hospital - and just like that - they lose their homes and more their savings.

Add to that large tract of land over 1500 acres - is declared a Superfund Site - depleted uranium was first test on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - as part of the World War II - operations.

The non-profits are suffering - more those that do not get anything from the SF City and County of San Francisco. Those non-profits getting money from the SF City - carry on - their known tactics pushing Mayor Edwin M. Lee's hidden agenda.

Mayor Edwin M. Lee -  is dipping into our community's benefits - money set aside from the Sewer System Improvement Project (SSIP)  doling money to the Mayor - stipends to sponsor 2000 Summer Jobs - and dipping more for more funds - for other sordid uses - while the SF Bayview and its advocates - are left to wither on the vines.

This nonsense will come to an end - when the community - with unity  takes on the rascals -  those sell outs who are having a field day Linda Richardson, Dwayne Jones, Doris Vincent, Veronica Hunnicutt,  Dr. Cesar Churchill, Eloise Patton.

Poverty Pimp Pastors the likes of Calvin Jones, Aurelious Walker, Amos Brown - political whores and pimps - Malia Cohen, Shaman Walton, Theo Ellington,  Sophie Maxwell - organizations like Young Community Developers, Baycat, Girls 2000 - the SF Bayview Opera House thugs -  other nefarious organizations - one worse than the other.

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission - has now a new mantra - the Task Force that once set down and demanded 5% of the $6 Billion - set aside to address the Sewer System Improvement Project (SSIP )  that really amount to $300 million - $50 million on a billion - times 6 - which comes to $300 million.

The above equation has been arbitrarily changed - as there is nothing is writing - meaning NO legal language to demand what supposedly the Task Force - fought for.

The new understanding or sorts -  arrived by the SF Public Utilities Commission is 5% on $2.9 Billion - which permits the community to - have access to less than $30 million. So much for the ploys, machinations, and shenanigans.

The time for Revolution is now - the few of us that understand the issues -  have the empirical data -  more understanding to put the "legal language " - that will hold good -  in our Courts - where these debacles - must be adjudicated.

These mostly Black sell outs are pathetic - they have destroyed the community - for all the talk about 30, 000 units on land prone to contamination - for now - there is NO walk - it  is for nought.

The Chinese are demanding their money back the EB-5 permitted them to invest $500, 000 a pop and get a EB-5. 

Well the White House has decided it wants to review these ploys - and those entering our Nation must speak English.

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