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Wednesday, October 12, 2016


All talk and no walk -
with all the talk - again and again -
the data is not there - to find the concrete solutions.

Mayor Edwin M. Lee says a lot - he has not delivered - and for all his vague talk - the man has NO balls.

 The SF Police Department for all practical purposes - has gone - " rogue ". Controlled by the sordid SF Police Officers' Association - we all have to work hard - to get rid of the chaff - and with the ones that remain - re-train them - more with issues linked to " implicit bias" and cultural competency.

Community Oriented Policing Policies (COPS) has created work for them - this first stage - that took 8 months - is just the tip of the iceberg. They have over two and half years - to complete the project they have embarked upon.

The 94 findings and  274 recommendations lap over the information provided by the San Francisco Grand Jury - the Blue Panel Report with its 81 recommendation -  the COPS entity browsed over the Grand Jury's report and the Blue Panel Report - and came  out with their - " fake ass recommendations of sorts ".

Here the COPS head - is spewing more of the same -
saying too much and meaning - nothing -
this man and his team - are in for the long haul -
3 years - is a long time - we the tax payers - will be paying
the stooges - most of them - good for nothing.

The stooge that you see speaking from COPS is the head of COPS .
An entity that talks to people - and creates these large documents - they have no investigative power and for sure cannot adjudicate.

Their findings are NOT their own - they took most of the suggestion from the San Francisco Grand Jury and the Blue Panel that consisted of  wiseJudges, stellar Lawyers,  Universities  from San Francisco and Stanford, other astute folks - who worked for FREE - because they loved San Francisco and San Franciscans.

They worked for FREE - they volunteered - because when the Mayor Edwin M. Lee was asked to expand some money - he said NO. The man must NOT be trusted - and he thinks - he can fool all the people all the time.

The Mayor and his lackeys could spend millions of their summits and bring people from the East Coast to tell us how and what to do. Millions of tax payers wasted on the many summits and other one of a kind meetings - where wheeling and deal is the norm.

When it came to paying the basic necessities to the 3 Judges all experienced and will to put long hours - the attorneys sharing their stellar talents, the Universities offering so much - because they love San Francisco and San Franciscans - Mayor Edwin M. Lee - acted like a measly, totally crazy maniac - and refused to offer one single dollar. This man must be out of his mind.

The Blue Panel Report and its many recommendations - the history of the " rogue SF Police Department chronologically exposed - with the many long tern " consent decrees " that has tarnished the name of SF Police Department.

The present SF Police Department - heavily influenced by the " thug SF Police Officers Association (POA) - that has now - totally gone rogue - has a lot to do with Mayor Edwin M. Lee lack of vision - no ability what so ever - to have a viable and sustainable - plan of action that is holistic.

This son of a bitch - had the audacity to come to the mike - and try to  convince us that he has the best interests of San Francisco - he does not and never will - he is a a lap dog with fleas - and must step down - now.

Mayor Edwin M. Lee and his lackeys are corrupt - and their day is coming - I know I put the " fear of God " in him today - and those that bear witness to my speech - can bear - witness to this fact.

Our Supporters were many -
some were present right inside the area -
the Press Room at 450  Golden Gate in SF -
where the Press Release happened -
 some bid their time - till we all met outside.
For sure God was on our side - all went well.

Brother De Jenny Davis, Brother Maurice Tatum, Brother Daniel Landry,  Sister Cassandra Grant, Brother David - Brother Steve stayed for as long he could - then reported for work.

 Others all contributed - in some measure - including Minister Christopher Muhammad and Archbishop Franzo King to the betterment of this Press Release - event - and to our deliberate and poignant - participation.

More some sound representation - on the front line - represent the families and Mothers of the victims - Alex Nieto, Amilar Lopez, Mario Woods,  Luis  Gongora Pat and Jessica Williams - since the Justice of Mario Woods Coalition was formed and kept alive these 10 months - plus.

These folks from COPS and our lackey the Mayor Edwin M. Lee and others - wanted to pull wool over our eyes.

COPS had all the time to cook the figures - and come out with fancy terms - its head Ronald Davis - who I paid keen attention to - tried to paint a fake some realistic picture - tainted with lack of sound statistics - having no idea about the changing demographics in San Francisco - yet he and COPS  tends to pussyfoot around with drab facts.

This is San Francisco - these outsiders have NO clue about our neighborhoods. The COPS initial meetings - had NO proper outreach - and the staff lack the finesse to understand - much less talk about pressing issues.

These folks are used to go to areas - where the level of education and the understand of operations, organizational happenings - " the situation " is not understood.

San Franciscans - by a larger measure - have a higher education - and most can sense a buffoon from miles away.

Empirical data is data that is factual -  what you see is what you get.

Having first hand experience in this field of data collection - police reports - sync information with the Federal Bureau of Investigation - not to long the SF Police Department - technologically was so way behind - that is used Window 95 on many computers - glorified typewriters.

Incidents were created manually - and there was not a single computer nor software that could query incident reports on one kind - in any given week, month, year - less even a day.

The SF Police Department has gone rogue - and the Blue Panel Report - reveals some - those of us that have experience and in the 35 years that I have monitored the SF Police Department - having personal relation with 8 past Police Chiefs - seeing things on the ground - no one can take that experience from me.

Mayor Edwin M. Lee is not a leader - he himself need a lot of training and must take a workshop linked to " implicit bias " and " cultural competency " - in all his dealings - he comes first - and even though trained as a Civil Right Attorney - today is is a corrupt and more incompetent - " civic leader " - he could be best be characterized - as a " lap dog with fleas " - not to be trusted.

Sister Cassandra Grant was the one - who first brought to our attention - the time, date and location of this Press Release - linked to Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS).

The Assessment Report that took 8 months with its 94 findings and 272 recommendations - are taken mainly from the work done by the San Francisco Grand Jury and the Blue Panel Report - two bodies that must be acknowledged for their excellent work.

What we cannot take for granted - is the Police Officers Association that influences the politics in this town, controls the SF Police Department - has tentacles into areas - that can make and break - individuals and entities.

For all practical purposes the SF Police Officers Association - is a " thug association " - it is either - their way or no way.

It does NOT help the the Officers Bill of Rights favor them - more legislation from the State of California that prohibits sharing vital information - " on the mostly rogue SF Police Officers here in San Francisco and those all over California ".

The above fact - has made it very difficult to charge rogue police officers - who have their roots - as " slave catchers " - many have roots in the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) - whose ugly head - is raising all over California.

Sister Elaine Brown prepared a nice Press Release on behalf of Justice For Mario Woods  - to counter the Press Statement - linked to the Press Release on the 94 Findings and 272 Recommendations by COPS.

It would be remiss for me not to mention this one paragraph from the Press Release and Statement issued October 11, 2016 from the the Justice of Mario Woods Coalition:

" The Coalition ( Justice for Mario Woods Coalition) will not be thrown off course. We will be present, and we will demand an explanation of this seeming trickery as well as a copy of the findings, and we will seize an opportunity to broadcast those findings immediately to the people of San Francisco and the world".

Minsiter Christopher Muhammad - from the Nation of Islam - other astute members of his organization - spurred us to represent - and God made it happened - making it possible  at very short notice - be there to represent and speak on behalf of the  mudered victims by rogue SF Police officers on the streets of San Francisco.

 The many murders committed with intent - by rogue SF Police officers - that have cause to much divisiveness -forcing those SF Police Officer - who adhere to rules and regulation - try to follow the law - putting them at harms way - and targeting by the very corrupt, biased, and notorious - SF Police Officers Association.

 The many families - the Mothers especially - whose pain we feel and they know it best.

All we can do - it stand by those that need help most - and represent well as we can. God help us all.

We had the right people - with their heart in the right place - right there in that tiny  Press room - at 450 Golden Gate Avenue in San Francisco - filled with camera men and other reporters.

 Packed like sardines - and reporters squatting on the floor.

 I had a seat - because I chose to come early - and prepared myself to represent - and aided by my comrades - felt good and spoke as best I could.

Mother Cristina was quick to call me and said to me - even before I could say anything that she was praying for us.

I felt her prayers.  I believe in prayers - that only God can allow us - to undertake our mission to represent - volunteer - take on responsibilities seeking no remuneration - but always being humble and putting God first.

My leg was in severe pain - and when I was called to speak - the pain suddenly left me - the spirit came upon me - and the rest is history.

Then suddenly - had I sat down - I heard the voice of Brother De Jenny Davis. He managed to use his charm - he has he own Media Group and dressed for action - a famous OG from the old school - he has been our " enduring, tenacious - that needed glue to keep us together - cracking us up - when the occasion arises - but always having his heart  - in the right place ".

I thought I was dreaming - but there was Brother De Jenny Davis - assuring me that he had my back - peeping through the maze -  many TV camera women and men and that forest of stands.

How he got in with his Press Credentials - is anyone guess.

I tell you this - our Sisters and Brothers are Warriors.

Like I say - have your heart in the right place - do not tell lies - do not say you will do something - and conveniently forget about what you promised to do. Be humble and learn to respect.

STOP that nonsense - try not to be divisive - it does not pay - in the mission that we have before us.  We must be laser beam focused and God will bless us. We all aim and adhere to the lasting principles to good actions speak more than empty words.

We have work to do - we must be with the families, the Mothers of the victim more - who are hurting - the children that need our love and support.

Our families who bear with us - as we spend countless hours - trying to do good.

 While some divert our minds and try to create - divisiveness. That is the devil - and we must stay united and pray to God at all times.

Rev. Amos Brown was in the House -
he mentioned what I said - agreed with me -
that continued to say that he too wanted justice -
for once he did not go off the wall - and stayed on track.

This COPS Press Release came quickly and out of the blue - to buy time - on the heel of our participation last Tuesday - October 4, 2016 - at City Hall - on the hearing linked to the Blue Panel Report - with the full board in Room 250.

The meeting before the full SF Board of Supervisors - which was a victory for those especially - who worked hard to get Minister Christopher Muhammad - to speak for an extended period of time - representing the community.

Our meeting of Friday - October 7, 2016 in front of 850 Bryant -where we met outside - in the presence of many of the Mothers whose children were murdered by SF Rogue Police Officers - and Oscar Grant in Oakland by another Oakland Police Officer - we know that story well - we from San Francisco actively participated in that episode - that still keeps lingering on.

 Today the announcement will be made - about our new Chief of Police - and judging from what I hear - and I know many people  - they know  - what they speak off - the next Chief of Police will be none other than - Interim Chief Toney Chaplin.

After I posted this article - our presence - and more our participation recently at City Hall - on October 7, 2016 and at the Press Release by COPS - better minds decided - to take some time - vhet the narrowed list - still Toney Chaplin seems to be in the running - time will tell.

I know Interim Chief Toney Chaplin and he knows me - he was watching me like a hawk.

I am not afraid to speak my mind - the Police Officers' Association of San Francisco - must not be given a pass - to do as they please.

The Police Office Association of San Francisco - they must be taken to task -  the worse elements that make up the SF Police Department a " rogue organization " - must be throughly rounded up - cleaned up. Much like some hazmat - abatement and dire mitigation. Their stench pervades like Sulphur - and their wheeling and dealing - must come to end end - now.

The cobwebs removed - the dust cleared - the place cleaned and the windows and doors - left open for fresh, clean air - we can make that happen.

The Mayor Edwin M. Lee must remember we are watching him and his every move. His lackeys the kind of Cheryl Davis, Paul Henderson, Diane Aroche, those that were hovering the Press Release event - had nothing to say - I hope they listened to the questions asked of the Mayor and others.

We San Franciscans are fully aware of the House Negroes who are sell outs - and some were there - they are called to support - the Mayor's Office takes care of them - stipends, grants, favors - or kinds of shitty stuff - that can easily be resolved - by the RICO ACT - that one ACT can put a stop to the all the continuous - wheeling and dealing.

Interim Chief Toney Chaplin -
trying to convince us that he can do the job -
the announcement will be made this evening -
he seemed to be calm - and knows that he won the prize.

I will leave you all with two paragraphs from the Press Release - crafted by Sister Elaine Brown reviewed by the Executive Board - the Justice for Mario Woods Coalition -:

" Without notice of completion of its review or publication of its findings, the DOJ now collaborates with the very subject of its " independent and comprehensive review, " the San Francisco Police Department, in a joint press conference regarding its findings. The Coalition denounces this action as a betrayal of the public trust, only exacerbating the public's mistrust - Worse, the DOJ-SFPD collaborative press conference is being conducted in a covert manner, excluding public participation. "

" The deficiencies identified range from outdated use of force policies to inadequate data collection and lack of accountability measures.

The assessment team identified disparities in traffic stops , post-stop searches, and use of deadly force against African Americans. In addition there are numerous indicators of implicit and institutionalized bias against minority groups. "

The 272 Recommendations part of the Collaborative Reform Initiative - An Assessment of the San Francisco Police Department - October 2016 - are there to be implemented with lasting solutions and betterment of our Society - Quality of Life issues - now we have to roll up our sleeves and do the needful.

Anyone can talk the talk - who will walk the walk.

Good leaders show the way, know the way, and go the way.

The Bayview Newspaper granted me the Press Credentials - this was a unique situation - normally all over San Francisco no one questions me.

Thanks to Willie and Mary Ratcliff who own and publish the Bayview Newspaper. Always very kind to me - and I love them too much - for words.

I did carry my California Identification and Press Card.

 I did go through the screening machines.

Former U.S. retired Park Police Officers - now work part time and full time at the Federal Building - and acknowledged our past relations  - afforded our past mutual respect for each other.

I did serve my Nation - at the Presidio - working for Sixth U. S. Army and Presidio of San Francisco. 

We the few who chose - each in our own way to deal with " the situation ".

 Always seeking the best interests of all.

It pays to know some - and it pays to look after your comrades - and come out with flying colors.

As our Press Release stated - we presented ourselves and more made an impact - at very short notice - to all present.

Bottom line we did well -  God was with us all. Aho.

Here is the Justice For Mario Woods Coalition - Press Release crafted by Sister Elaine Brown and reviewed by the Justice For Mario Woods - Executive Board:

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