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Wednesday, March 9, 2016


On all fronts - Mayor Edwin M. Lee
has failed San Franciscans - 
and now this COPS entity - has failed us all.

Law Enforcement - all over this Nation has failed - simply because those in authority are patronizing. 

They talk down to the people - thinking the people - the commons - have no idea about - Community Policing and simple concepts like " respecting one another" - " being educated on issues " - universal principles linked to  " compassion " and " fortitude " - that mean a lot to the people - as things stand - do not exist with those that must respect and protect us - all.

All you want to learn about COPS - an entity that has failed with its two initial meetings - in San Francisco:

COPS is conducting " listening session " - using out dated models -  modes that yet need vetting - and gathering information through some - primitive and untested methodology - begging the question.

San Franciscans are fed up -
with all the disparity in our 
City and County of San Francisco.

Since the days of " slavery " the police that we know today - have had blood on their hands - and continue the age old practice - of using  " deadly force " -  just because they are armed - some using this added protection given to them - to kill and shoot and then ask questions. Most of the victims - innocent.

COPS has failed to do their home work - here in San Francisco.

Since 1998 we have had a detailed plan - linked to Community Policing.

Even though the City and County of San Francisco - former Mayors - and the San Francisco Mayors - Willie L. Brown Jr. and Gaven Newsom - agreed - to following the plan - using Community vetted - Community Policing Plans - only to go back on their - sordid  - " promise of sorts ".

Mayor Edwin M. Lee 
loves to talk the talk - but 
has failed to walk the walk.

We the people are not here to train the police - we are not here to participate in some forum - where there is a lot of " hurt " - people angry who cannot fully express themselves.

The on going case in our Federal Courts - at 450 Golden Gate Avenue - nearing adjudication today - is heavy on our hearts and minds.

More the abuse meted out by our City and County of San Francisco - City Attorneys who continue to badger the witnesses -
in a case that is - " clear cut " - Alex Nieto was murdered - in cold blood - " shoot to kill " - act that cries to heaven for justice.

A gathering to support Amilcar Perez Lopes -
another case that weighs heavy on 
our hearts and mind.

San Franciscans - never, ever expected this entity called COPS that once visited us in 1998 - over a debacle - where the San Francisco Police Department - were embroiled with the use of over $3 million dollars - in the hiring of extra San Francisco Police Officers.

Having meetings and collecting information and using such information - from tired San Franciscans - fed up with divisiveness, increase in petty crimes - increase in homelessness - and add to that the deadly killings and shootings - waiting adjudication - without a word from our Mayor, Edwin M. Lee - on the cases and no apology to the parents of the victims.

Mothers from all over the Nation -
gathered in the Bay Area - to
reveal to us the poor job done 
by the Department of Justice -
all talk and no walk -
 their children killed with no adjudication worth the salt.

COPS an organization that is NOT trust has been chosen - to create documents - where the comments are tainted - given the present climate - where our hearts are heavy and our minds - clouded .

The many sordid acts - committed by those who are sworn to protect us  " some rogue police officers ".

Sensible experts those who purport to study and have a basic understand of the human psychology - human sociology - other human elements - are confounded by what is happening in San Francisco. 

The Department of Justice (DOJ) - Office of Community Oriented Policing Service (COPS) would do well get the latest PERF document - linked to the San Francisco Police Department - and related issues - this document is sitting on the shelves - gathering dust.

We San Franciscans do not need the entity  COPS to manipulate us.

 The commons are not fools - further - to collect vague and fake information - using antiquated methods.

Asking - the audience to throw word to the wind - captured by the mikes - and transferred by some antiquated software - such exercises -work in small groups - where there is " deep" - consensus - building - already in place.

Hundreds of youth and young adults -
protested - in front of the Federal Courts -
450 Golden Gate Avenue - mandating justice -
for Alex Nieto.

To the discredit of this entity -  COPS - their first meeting with poor outreach - had speakers - taking for hours - then when it came to the audience - five members from the public where chosen - and given a measly - two minutes.

Anand Subramanian from PolicyLink was missing at yesterday meeting - held at the Mission High School auditorium - March 8, 2016 from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Those conducting the meeting - were White with one Black person - in the mix - all of them lacking Cultural Competency - having absolutely no idea - how diverse San Franciscans are - and more our Brown and Black - unity is here to stay.

It does not help that this meetings - took so much time - to take place.

Right now now with the Alex Nieto hearing going on -  our Federal Courts - at 450 Golden Gate Avenue - we see, hear, and read reports - of our City Attorneys - defending - " rogue cops " - and more attacking Alex Nieto's parents - who took the stand - and were badgered - and this must - STOP.

Decent human beings - must have " compassion " and our City Attorney Office - better tone down - furthering divisiveness - and creating convoluted questions - to trap the witnesses - in the Alex Nieto case.

The decent witnesses - who have stated again and again - that Alex Nieto had his hands in his pocket.

At no time did Alex Nieto - train his taser at anyone one.

Today before 12 noon - we will find out - March 9, 2016 - if the court decides in favor of Alex Nieto - justice will have had its day.

More - we do not need these drab COPS hearing - we need to go to Federal Court - and take the culprits to justice.

Use the RICO ACT protecting those that are evil - the rouge police officers - who have created this mess - exacerbating - each and every day.

We the people - the commons are educated on issues - and we have studied well and for a long time - the many injustices - committed on innocent constituents - who pay our taxes and abide by our laws.

Our Law Enforcement - has failed - protecting more - " rogue police officers " - we pay their salaries - and these "rogue police officers " - shoot to kill - and then ask questions.

In the case of Alex Nieto - four rogue police officers - are being charged - and the Jury - will determine and adjudicate the matter today - March 9, 2016 - around 12 noon. 

Subjectively speaking the COPS entity have created further animosity.

 We know they were sent here with the blessing of the Nation's Attorney General - the 83rd Attorney General -  a Black woman - who must take - full responsibility for putting San Francisco - through this mess.

Further - adversely impacting us all - and creating further division and divisiveness -  between the City Officials.

 The Mayor of San Francisco - Edwin M. Lee - failing to represent the constituents of San Francisco and less the victims who fell prey to bullets from rogue San Francisco Police Officers. 

The two novice San Francisco Supervisors  - London Breed and Malia Cohen - who asked for this so called independent - investigation - more from the Department of Justice - the body that deals with Racial Injustice and our Civil Rights.

Only for us the constituents to suffer - go to these meetings - and witness the " dog and pony shows " - Mickey Mouse rantings from those that should - conduct themselves - with some professionalism.

This COPS is a Joke - they made a fool of themselves - they might have heard the public at large - and most of the comments - in short told GOPS - to go home.

Go home to Mama - Loretta Lynch - who sent them here - to make more trouble - created a greater divide in Trust - all the while - while we wait for the Jury today - to decide the Alex Nieto case.

Bad timing - COPS is a farce - and their poor outreach - even with the attendance - at Mission High School  - yesterday - speaks - volumes against their - drab performance.

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