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Monday, July 28, 2014


As I mentioned I was there at the last San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA) meeting - held July 22, 2014 in Room 250 at City Hall.

There for all the world to see - was the vice- Chair Scott Wiener -  of the San Francisco County Transportation Authority Commission -having a side-bar - when he should have been sitting down on the Chair - and chairing the meeting.

John Avalos the Chair of the SFCTA Commission - which consist of the SF Board of Supervisors sitting as a whole - was missing in action.

There goes one more so called "progressive". Why? Drowning themselves in the "cesspool" of their own creation. They talk the talk - lacking morals, ethics, standards - thinking more with their "little head".

As some of these progressives think more with their "little head" - less with their head -  "homo sapiens" - they bring disgrace - and let down thousands - and more those that fought so hard.

Once these buffoons are elected - they forget who elected them. Now is the time to sound the clarion call - send a couple of salvos in their direction. Boot them - let them go somewhere else and pussyfoot - around.

The poor and the middle class are suffering - and here some of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors - are making hay while the sun is shinning. Cheating, stealing, lying, and pussyfooting around.

While all the time getting paid for their sordid representation. Spewing toxic diatribe - wagging their tongue - and reducing "Public Comment" from three minutes to two minutes - and when they see me - one minute or less.

Scott Wiener wants a Bond Measure to be voted by the constituents - linked to the Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA). 

We the constituents of San Francisco - must say NO.

More we must boot this transplant from New York out - send him to the Bronx.

These hundreds of millions of dollars in BOND MEASURES - will impact our City and County of San Francisco.

Future Mayors will have to deal with the General Fund with less money for needed services - while these fake BOND MEASURES - deter future progress and leave nothing for a "raining day" fund to deal with emergencies.

These Supervisors more Malia Cohen, Scott Wiener, London Breed, Jane Kim and David Chiu are suspect.

Any proposition that comes from these " crooks" - is suspect.

Any thing these folks initiate must be vetted - some of them are already being investigated by Law Enforcement. Time will tell.

Now, Mayor Edwin Lee has a narrow window of opportunity to speak up.

Speak directly to these buffoons who are pussyfooting around - trying to make it difficult for future generations - to live well in our City and County of San Francisco - more with Quality of Life issues - intact.

The Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA) is a JOKE.

The more money - one pours in the MTA dark hole - that hole is so deep - it will suck - all that is poured and more.

We all - must be fully aware that these San Francisco Supervisors  once received about $38,000 with benefits - now they receive over $150,000 with benefits and more perks.

Here is a Proposition that should be put on the Ballot - reduce the salary of the San Francisco Supervisors - to $40,000 without benefits.

Make them pay for their pension, make them pay for their health benefits - get rid of all the benefits they receive - now.

One more that may shock many - reduce their term - to one term - one term of four years. This final proposition if it passes - will bring sanity to the prevailing - "madness".

At one time - some of us advocates would go to City Hall and participate in the deliberations.

No more - most of these San Francisco Supervisors - do not represent the true needs of the constituents of San Francisco. 

Always busy making small talk - good for nothing - and always plotting how to move up the ladder - more like crabs - crawling in the cage.

Malia Cohen, Scott Wiener London Breed, David Chiu and Jane Kim - may think they are fooling the constituents.

No one can fool all the people - all the time.

We need cameras put in the offices of the San Francisco Supervisors - complete with good speakers that can record meetings held by the lobbyists.

We need full accountability of the scheduling - we already have sufficient information - to nail some of the above mentioned - San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

The Supervisors the more arrogant ones - think they can do as they please. Making deals with California Pacific Medical Center, TWITTER, LENNAR a rogue developer, other developers, other crooks - wheeling and dealing.

Do not put the burden on innocent, hardworking San Francisco constituents. 

We pay your salaries. 

You do not represent us San Franciscans as you should.

You have your opinions - but we the people - do not give a rat's ass - if your opinions and actions - do not serve the constituents of San Francisco.

Stop putting these Ballot Measures that adversely impact San Franciscans - who already are burden.

Trying to fool them with statistics that are fake - and language that is misleading. You cannot take the astute constituents of San Francisco - for a ride.

Mayor Edwin Lee speak up - take the devils by the tail and toss them out. Enough is enough. If you want a good plan to deal with this matter - let us meet at my office - one on one.

Any San Francisco Board of Supervisor who is not with the people - must be booted out.

We do not want transplants from New York - folks like Jane Kim and Scott Wiener - trying to bite the hand that feed them.

Adversely impact good, decent, hardworking - San Franciscans.

Wake up San Francisco - and nip this nonsense in the bud.

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