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Thursday, July 31, 2014


It is a shame to see mostly Blacks in the Bayview Hunters Point bark up the tress with no viable and sustainable plans in hand.

Not when it comes to education, safety, transportation, and less with the on going violence and killings - mostly Blacks killing Blacks - with the Black leadership - no where to be found.

The last frontier that is the Southeast Sector - has been invaded by "developers" - and the Black sell outs have laid out the carpet for the developers - pandering to the developers - the likes of Lennar a rogue - developer.

In the Southeast Sector the District 10 Supervisor, Malia Cohen has been pandering for the longest time ever. And those supporting Malia  Cohen - must be ashamed of themselves.

Today the divide between the rich and the poor - this disparity has reached a saturation point - and soon there will be a - revolt.

There are thousands of young adults unemployed and Malia Cohen has done nothing.

All she does is have hearings and at this late date - she is creating a "task force" to address the rampant killings and shootings.

I was the proponent of Proposition F - and we wanted to clean up the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and the Candlestick Area.

The above area prone to liquefaction, contaminated, the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard has recorded high levels of radioactive elements - but those who favor - " development" do not care.

We have the Maher Ordinance and the Precaution Principle as tools.  The District 10 Supervisor, Malia Cohen has no clue about these tools. Malia has gone out of her way - to pass legislation that favors capping, taking measures to NOT clean up the contaminated area. The constituents kept in the dark.

This is happening on Parcel A at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, Candlestick Park, the Schlage Lock Company, and over 1500 toxic hot spots - all covered by the Precautionary Principle and the Maher Ordinance.

With Proposition we  also had a plan to address the Housing Problem facing San Franciscans with Proposition F - 50% Market Price, 30% percent affordable with caps, 10% low income and 10% no income. 

Lennar was the proponent of Proposition G - favored by Diane Feinstein, Gavin Newsom, Carmen Chu, Sophie Maxwell, Angelo King, Lola Whittle, Aurelius Walker - and a host of mostly Black sell outs.

From 2002 to now - Lennar Urban has adversely impacted the community - bombarded large areas with Asbestos Dust and harmed our children, our elders, those that are vulnerable.

Today, there are high reading of Asbestos Dust known to Tiffanee Bohee, Amy Brownell, the Hunters Point Citizens Advisory Committee including Veronica Hunnicutt. 

The workers who are working without face masks have been adversely impacted. The reading are there for all the world to see. You can ask for them from the Division of Environment within the San Francisco Health Department. 

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District - others get these reports one day after the laboratories test the samples.

In the meantime our workers - are exposed to high levels of Asbestos structures - go figure.

It is shame - a disgrace - when mostly Blacks take money from the developers and sell out their community.

This crime cries to heaven for justice - and those that have sold our our community - still continue to sell out the community.

Today the mostly Black on Black violence in the Bayview Hunters Point Area and all over the Southeast Sector has brought disgrace to our City and County of San Francisco.

The District 10 Supervisor - Malia Cohen is asleep at the cockpit and has been pandering - and now with the Bayview Opera House closed for repairs, less opportunities given to our youth and young adults - what else can one expect?

But what has Malia Cohen and her cronies done to stem the violence, the killings, the maiming? Nothing.

Malia Cohen now wants to form a "Task Force" - what task force - we all ask? This woman has lost her mind.

Who are the front line policy makers - addressing violence and killings,  and what have they done - all these many years?

Why are the front line workers - addressing violence, killings, other trauma - treated with disdain?

Why are there NO resources that can empower the workers -  with sound working conditions - providing the right resources to help the front line workers?

Why is the City and County out sourcing - who is fooling whom?

The recent path the City and County of San Francisco is taking - is to out source - creating more adverse situations - where violence, killings, maiming - cannot be addressed in a holistic -  manner?

There is no one at the Mayor Office that fully comprehends Violence, the Killings, the Maiming that is systemic.

There is no comprehension using empirical data - and some folks think they can fool the whole world.

The City and County must put the money up - and support those that do the actual work - linked to violence prevention and intervention.

Provide the best facilities - much like a hospital, a center that deals with trauma - with viable and sustainable models - the work demands that - much like those dealing with trauma and stressful situation - again and again - every day - that compounds.

Right now the few - who go into the field are paid less and asked to work more.

The City and County of San Francisco is out-sourcing the work - and washing its hands. Running away from its obligations to pay benefit as do all City and County workers. Mayor Edwin Lee better look into this - pressing situation. Controller Ben Rosenfiled too and so Chief of Police - Gregory Suhr.

Creating different groups and trying to consolidate them - with a Blue Print that has NOT been tested, vetted, proven to work.

In the meantime in the Southeast Sector - the mostly Black sell outs are getting money - to run their mouth. Leading the pack - the District 10 Supervisors - Malia Cohen.

Time for the Mayor Edwin Lee to STOP out sourcing - when it comes to killing, violence, and maiming.

Address Quality of Life issues in the rightful manner. If this is not done - the repercussions will be severe. There is no escaping the adverse impacts - in fact what we see now - is the tip of the iceberg.

We would not do that with our San Francisco Fire Department or the San Francisco Police Department.

Who remembers the time we had a Mayor Office Criminal Justice? 

Who remembers the time when those who addressed violence, killings, maiming, other trauma - worked for the City and County of San Francisco? What happened?

Today our City and County cannot help with the rent to provide - an environment that is holistic, wholesome, for those workers that do the front line work.

Malia Cohen has no clue who is doing the front line work - and under what conditions?

She should go visit the shack at Old Bayshore - a shack for 25 people with one bath room.

A shed that is boiling hot when it is hot - and cold when there is no sunshine.

Then she should come and visit the conditions at 5 Thomas Mellon Circle, Suite 108 and see things for herself. She has no clue - how the workers on the front line - work. Who is helping them.

No clue what so ever.

In the mean time our City is giving the mostly Black sellouts - all the money they want to created confusion and propagate - pandemonium.

This has been going on for the last 30 years.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Malia Cohen must comprehend that she is an outsider - no one worth the salt - respects her. Not in the Bayview - not anywhere where sanity and normality - reigns. 

The same holds true of some other policy makers - who have NOT respected the youth and young adults all over the City and County of San Francisco. More in the Bayview Hunters Point. We are watching you all - like a HAWK.

 So this is what I will say - if you cannot RESPECT and cannot create OPPORTUNITIES with tax payers money - get out of the way - now. It does not matter how you all fell about yourselves - it is all about - how we feel about you crooks.

Malia Cohen and practically anyone who works with her - are "out of sync" with the community. There is such disparity - and the pain is so acute - that as much as we all have had patience - patience is running out. The evil whore must go.

When no one respects those that must be respected - and get no respect in their own backyard.

Especially the youth and young adults in the Bayview Hunters Point area - not only the Blacks, the Asians, and the Polynesian and others - all hell will break loose.

There is more to come - in proportion to the madness that is meted out by the "stupid" - policy makers - and folks like Malia Cohen - you see it and it will not be pretty.

What we can do in the work we do - is listen to those that are suffering and help them. So when we feed 500 plus people a day - Tuesday to Saturday. We are helping the City and County of San Francisco.

When the young adults come to help and we help them  dipping into our own savings - we are helping the City. The same holds when the children some to us - many of them - have no father and the single mother - have three and four children - by different fathers - the City know about these factors - and looks the other way.

Malia Cohen has been trying to hoodwink the community at large - appointing some "queer youth" and working with some "fringe individuals" - to serve in capacities that these fools - have no idea about. I have met them and they are not from our community and what is more have no history about our community.

This nonsense will not work. We know Malia Cohen - she is a SELL OUT.  The worst type that one can come across - smile on your face and stab you in the back. Make promises and fails to keep them - each and every time.

Again and again - with the Mother Brown episode - and the 100 beds that a grant was given for - by the State of California. Opposing the community - fighting the "indigent" segment of the population - who are mostly Black like Malia Cohen.

100 much needed beds are needed - and here is this Black woman - who is as fake as they make them - fighting the community. Fighting against the community trying to help the indigent - population.

Bringing in some fake ass yuppies from Potrero Hill to tell us the community - that the indigent folks - most of them from Bayview Hunters Point - all former resident - who fell on bad times.

The paradox most of those that need the beds - who now sleep in chairs and in the bushes.

Blacks as I said - fallen on bad times. How can these poor souls - day after day crash in the open - and face the inclement weather? 

Malia Cohen is heartless - she is a whore who has no soul. She should be ashamed of herself and those that reared such a worthless piece of crap.

Here is a Black woman - who should know better - opposing the community and all that Mother Brown's institution does for the community and the poor. Feeding the poor, giving them succor and trying to do best for the poor.

It was the same with the Wellness Center - where poor children are taken for their health issues. The parents have to face the heavy traffic, the dangerous particulates, the stench from the near by Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant. The Wellness Center - situated at 3450 Third Street closer to Cargo Street.

Malia Cohen pushed for this Wellness center - operating in an area that is very contaminated - 3450 Third Street - by Cargo Way. Millions of vehicles ply by this junction each year - a well known "contaminated hot spot".

Our children should get the best - they get the worst. Go figure!
25% of the children from the entire city live in the Southeast Sector of San Francisco.

Again Malia Cohen fought the community - went out of her way to work with Nadine Burke and other nefarious folks - to put our children in harms way with intent.

Used pressure to force the corrupt SF Planning Department with the help of Barbara Gracia - to place this Wellness Center - on a contaminated site.

This woman Malia Cohen must go - for one simple reason - she cannot and will not comprehend - the "true needs" of the community at large. How can she represent - when all she cares is her evil, self - "ego".

For over one year and before that since the year 2000 - some of us have been trying our best to work - with the community.

Each and every time we expand our own money and make some progress - here come the corrupt and put hurdles in our way.

Some City agencies that get the money to address the issues linked to the youth and young adults failing the youth and young adults - putting hurdles in our way. Expanding tax payer money for other mundane needs.

We had drawn up plans to address Violence Prevention and Intervention. Each time we draw the plans - all efforts are made to sabotage our plans.

Who do you think in behind this plot - Malia Cohen much like Sophie Maxwell did the same - when she was the Supervisor of District 10.

Malia Cohen has spear headed "gentrification" - and you have to watch she her express herself - she is simply "out of sync" with reality.

Her own personal life - is a mess. Now this crazy woman is messing with Quality of Life issues that she does not - fathom less comprehend the details.

Good leaders know the way, show the way and go the way.

This crazy Black woman - Malia Cohen - must get out the way.

The Mayor Edwin Lee and the Chief of Police, Gregory Suhr - have to take the reins - and do something soon - have a plan with stellar leadership at the front end.

Right now there is NO stellar leadership - to address the killings, the shootings, the plans to deal with the youth and young adults, the adverse impacts of the "gang injunctions".

Training and jobs - career jobs not those jobs given for a week or two and then the youth - get laid off. The stipends given during Summer - and then the youth have to fend for themselves.

The youth have to deal with serious problems. No money in the home - hunger and mental issues. Contamination and toxicity that contributes to anger, stress and related issues.

No one is looking at the issues and applying them to the consequences - we have folks like Malia Cohen - who has no clue about the Community. 

Always laughing - always grinning - much like a jack ass.

Right now the City is using tax payers money - pandering to "idiots" who are  sell outs.

These vermin the likes of Malia Cohen and those few who get funding - acting as sub-contractors - raking in money - getting contracts that are "out sourced" - these types of shenanigans will not work.

I had an opportunity to talk to Maria Su who heads the Mayor's Office of Children, Youth, and Families.

Maria Su has been in the trenches with us - but really does not have the "pulse" of what is happening - at ground zero.

No one has to beg - for a measly small amount of money - to provide resources that the City and County of San Francisco has to provide in the first place.

We tax payers pay the City workers - and no one should get more than $100,000 - I am talking about managers - but guess what the policy makers and those that control the policies - make in access of $175,000 easily with benefits - many making over $200,000 - our tax payers money.

More than 25% of the children in the City and County of San Francisco live in Southeast Sector of San Francisco.

I have known these children for a long, long time. Many of them come to me for help - and when I can - I help them.

It is the same with youth and the young adults.

It is a shame that the City and County of San Francisco with a $9 Billion dollar budget - cannot help our youth and young adults. 

Always lying, promising them something and giving them nothing.

Closing and rehabilitating recreational facilities during Summer time - putting our youth - in the streets - to fall prey to violence and killing and mayhem. 

Malia Cohen has been a panderer all her life - and if you look how she behaves - like  a reed - blowing in the wind.

No one worth the salt respects her. I have observed her - for a long, long time - pathetic.

The Mayor Edwin Lee must now investigate why our children, our youth and young adults are neglected in the Southeast Sector. 

Who are the organizations getting money - and why our youth and young adults are falling prey to adverse impacts. I am an open invitation to come to my office - sit down and bring along the Chief of Police and I will explain to you two - what is happening.

Tape the deliberations and play it to our esteem advisers who have FAILED to deliver.

Our youth and young adults are  neglected - too much money spent - at the top - and those that can deliver and are on the front linees - are given bread crumbs.

Since when has it become a norm that we citizens who have worked hard - must spend our own money - to take care of the concerns of the City and County of San Francisco?

You truly want to play this game? Bring it on.

When San Francisco and Mayor Edwin Lee as much as we explain to him what is happening - listens to the crooks, the corrupt, the panderers - our City will fail - more with very poor - representation.

The Mayor knows me and I will speak the "truth".

 I am not afraid of these panderers - and I have the support of those that can do the work and deliver and have for over 35 years.

Every time we try our best to provide our best - at our expense to those front line workers - others want to ruin our plans.

There is an out house - you must go an visit it - truly a shack - by the Old Bayshore where some of our front line workers - are asked to work in. 

This is a shame. One toilet for 20 people - and the place will not pass any valid inspection - if the Department of Building Inspection - goes to the place and inspects it - understanding the circumstances - they will not allow any operation - to go on.

The Mayor and the Chief of Police must go and visit this place and find out for themselves - what is happening?

The Community Response Network (CRN) under the Bayview Foundation and one Jacob Moody - ruined the CRN.

Now, the Community Response Network (CRN) and what remain of this organization - has been thrown to the winds.

Those behind the scenes - do not want the "good workers" - to do their job - hurdles are put in the way.

Over $20 million is available to address mental, violence, killings, and a host of issues in the Bayview.

Right now - two stellar organizations address mental concerns with children, youth, and families - one at Evans Street and another on Polk Street - both City organizations - are targeted by Barbara Gracia and her minions.

The Mayor, Edwin Lee has no clue what is happening.

Ben Rosenfield the Controller has no clue what is happening. 

These workers - front line workers - and treated with "disdain". I know the workers - and each and every day - corrupt supervisors - are making their lives - hell.

Now imagine front line workers - dealing with patients - hundreds of them have mental issues - we must protect these workers and help them. Right now the opposite is done.

No one who truly understands "cultural competency" - truly does not have the pulse of the Black Community.

There is talk about  - "people of color" - but beyond that nothing - people suffer and no one cares.

Put in charge of the organizations above White folks - who run their mouth, do as they please - while away their time - and target those that do the work.

Barbara Gracia has met with the workers with the SEIU representatives - and nothing is coming out from these talks.

Barbara Gracia has millions that she gets for the Bayview - and very little is put into the community.

It is time to protest and take over City Hall - much like we did when we had to rein in the City Officials - when Lennar - a rogue developer - was adversely impacting our community.

Barbara Gracia has been hood winking the Bayview community - because of Malia Cohen - and others like Malia Cohen who is a pander - and is a sell out - working withe Barbara Gracia - approving the Wellness Center for our children - operating on a contaminated site - 3450 Third Street near Cargo Way in San Francisco.

Malia Cohen now wants - to appoint a Task Force to address the killings and shootings.

 I surely want to meet this "Task Force" - where have these folks - been - all this while - while we have put our lives on the line?

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Over one thousand five hundred Palestinians dead - among them over one hundred fifty children - most under twelve years.

This is a crime - crying to heaven for justice.

Mothers, Father, sisters, brothers, relatives - their hearts heavy - and it is difficult in the given circumstances - to forgive those that commit daily - this atrocity.

Israel armed heavily with United States help is committing these blatant and glaring atrocities - for all the world to witness.

We in the United States must stand for what is right and more compassion.

The "occupiers" cannot run away from their on going shenanigans.

Today, they are exposed for lying, deceiving, exploiting, depriving innocent people of clean drinking water.

Electricity, stopping imports of essential goods, medicine, and depriving the people in the Gaza Strip of Quality of Life issues.

This tryst with destiny is not one that will go unnoticed - a line has been drawn in the sand - and in this "digital world" - no one can run away from the - "truth".

Here at home we know who destroyed our economy.

Here at home we know who controls our media with misinformation and disinformation.

Here are home we must be Americans first - and do the right thing. 

Truly speaking at home today - our leadership in Washington DC is so weak and shaky - and we are taking orders and listening to an entity - that cannot be trusted.

We must stop providing any assistance - and what is more - stop assisting any country and that includes Israel - killing over one hundred and fifty innocent children - and most of them under twelve years old.

From the days of Moses and that of the Pharaohs we know - those that spill the blood of children - will suffer - and the time has come to speak the truth.

The "rain of fire" will incinerate those who have the blood of the children upon their hands.

Never mind the flimsy excuses - if you do not speak the truth - if you try to cover your evil deeds - your punishment is at hand.

Make no excuses you will suffer - a thousand fold you and your ilk.

The kind that makes the world - shudder in disgust as you kill with intent, maim, and target innocent civilians and children.

America has warned you and you do not want to listen.

Well you will perish and you know that - enough said.

The "rain of fire" is imminent and when that day approaches - you will have only yourself  to blame.

Stop this violence now - and stop being an "occupier".

Every Zionist is a Jew but not every Jew is a Zionist.

Stop thinking and behaving like an "occupier" - the Palestinians any way you look are the children of Abraham and you are are cousins - be it you are tainted with blood and a behavior that reeks with hatred.

America an step up now - and start with the two states model - and give some hope to those now occupied - to live a life that makes sense. Where they can enjoy peace of mind and good health.

No decent nation can behave in the manner today's Israel is behaving and think for a second - your are respected. No one can brainwash the world - by lying, deceiving, killing, and denying. 

It is time to change your behavior drastically and stop the unnecessary over kill - the bombing and killing of innocent civilians and innocent children.

Anyone who kills the children with intent - cannot be ever forgiven - those that practice humanity know this - no one should go Scott free - who kills innocent children with intent.

Monday, July 28, 2014


As I mentioned I was there at the last San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA) meeting - held July 22, 2014 in Room 250 at City Hall.

There for all the world to see - was the vice- Chair Scott Wiener -  of the San Francisco County Transportation Authority Commission -having a side-bar - when he should have been sitting down on the Chair - and chairing the meeting.

John Avalos the Chair of the SFCTA Commission - which consist of the SF Board of Supervisors sitting as a whole - was missing in action.

There goes one more so called "progressive". Why? Drowning themselves in the "cesspool" of their own creation. They talk the talk - lacking morals, ethics, standards - thinking more with their "little head".

As some of these progressives think more with their "little head" - less with their head -  "homo sapiens" - they bring disgrace - and let down thousands - and more those that fought so hard.

Once these buffoons are elected - they forget who elected them. Now is the time to sound the clarion call - send a couple of salvos in their direction. Boot them - let them go somewhere else and pussyfoot - around.

The poor and the middle class are suffering - and here some of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors - are making hay while the sun is shinning. Cheating, stealing, lying, and pussyfooting around.

While all the time getting paid for their sordid representation. Spewing toxic diatribe - wagging their tongue - and reducing "Public Comment" from three minutes to two minutes - and when they see me - one minute or less.

Scott Wiener wants a Bond Measure to be voted by the constituents - linked to the Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA). 

We the constituents of San Francisco - must say NO.

More we must boot this transplant from New York out - send him to the Bronx.

These hundreds of millions of dollars in BOND MEASURES - will impact our City and County of San Francisco.

Future Mayors will have to deal with the General Fund with less money for needed services - while these fake BOND MEASURES - deter future progress and leave nothing for a "raining day" fund to deal with emergencies.

These Supervisors more Malia Cohen, Scott Wiener, London Breed, Jane Kim and David Chiu are suspect.

Any proposition that comes from these " crooks" - is suspect.

Any thing these folks initiate must be vetted - some of them are already being investigated by Law Enforcement. Time will tell.

Now, Mayor Edwin Lee has a narrow window of opportunity to speak up.

Speak directly to these buffoons who are pussyfooting around - trying to make it difficult for future generations - to live well in our City and County of San Francisco - more with Quality of Life issues - intact.

The Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA) is a JOKE.

The more money - one pours in the MTA dark hole - that hole is so deep - it will suck - all that is poured and more.

We all - must be fully aware that these San Francisco Supervisors  once received about $38,000 with benefits - now they receive over $150,000 with benefits and more perks.

Here is a Proposition that should be put on the Ballot - reduce the salary of the San Francisco Supervisors - to $40,000 without benefits.

Make them pay for their pension, make them pay for their health benefits - get rid of all the benefits they receive - now.

One more that may shock many - reduce their term - to one term - one term of four years. This final proposition if it passes - will bring sanity to the prevailing - "madness".

At one time - some of us advocates would go to City Hall and participate in the deliberations.

No more - most of these San Francisco Supervisors - do not represent the true needs of the constituents of San Francisco. 

Always busy making small talk - good for nothing - and always plotting how to move up the ladder - more like crabs - crawling in the cage.

Malia Cohen, Scott Wiener London Breed, David Chiu and Jane Kim - may think they are fooling the constituents.

No one can fool all the people - all the time.

We need cameras put in the offices of the San Francisco Supervisors - complete with good speakers that can record meetings held by the lobbyists.

We need full accountability of the scheduling - we already have sufficient information - to nail some of the above mentioned - San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

The Supervisors the more arrogant ones - think they can do as they please. Making deals with California Pacific Medical Center, TWITTER, LENNAR a rogue developer, other developers, other crooks - wheeling and dealing.

Do not put the burden on innocent, hardworking San Francisco constituents. 

We pay your salaries. 

You do not represent us San Franciscans as you should.

You have your opinions - but we the people - do not give a rat's ass - if your opinions and actions - do not serve the constituents of San Francisco.

Stop putting these Ballot Measures that adversely impact San Franciscans - who already are burden.

Trying to fool them with statistics that are fake - and language that is misleading. You cannot take the astute constituents of San Francisco - for a ride.

Mayor Edwin Lee speak up - take the devils by the tail and toss them out. Enough is enough. If you want a good plan to deal with this matter - let us meet at my office - one on one.

Any San Francisco Board of Supervisor who is not with the people - must be booted out.

We do not want transplants from New York - folks like Jane Kim and Scott Wiener - trying to bite the hand that feed them.

Adversely impact good, decent, hardworking - San Franciscans.

Wake up San Francisco - and nip this nonsense in the bud.

Sunday, July 27, 2014


There use to be a time - when you went to City Hall and more sat down and witnessed the deliberations in Room 250 - the August Chambers of the City and Count of San Francisco.

You truly witnessed - folks that represented our City and County of San Francisco.

Not so any more - not with shallow, inept, spineless, lacking morals and ethics - so called SF Board of Supervisors such as Malia Cohen, Jane Kim, Scott Wiener, David Chiu, and London Breed.

Watch these vermin - slowly but surely - work their way to a point - where they take over - the reigns of the SF Board of Supervisors. Take our City and County down - down the cesspool - of their own - creation. 

We saw the play the last time around - the play with Malia Cohen and Jane Kim - trying to vie for the seat of the President of the SF Board.

Then both of them withdrawing their names - only to project David Chiu - who has been a JOKE and will be a JOKE - more if he dares enter the State Capitol - which he will not.

Scott Wiener truly thinks he will be the next Mayor. 

London Breed  from District 5- running her mouth and displaying arrogance - will meet her fall - sooner than she thinks. These vermin are pathetic.

I attended the San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA) meeting July 28, 2014 - held as the SF Board of Supervisors - the SF Supervisors - sitting as Commissioners of the SFCTA and the board as a whole.

Absent John Avalos - the rest of the Board were present - the majority of them - having side-bar discussions - and not paying attention - to the matters - deliberated.

John Avalos the Chair -  missing in action because of some sordid action - Scott Wiener - pretending he as the Mayor for the day - forgetting he is still a "drab" Supervisor - not worth the salt.

At these meetings reports are shared - and millions of dollars -  given away, attached to projects - many of these project - "pork" - and this nonsense has been going on for years.

The manner in which these idiots display their ignorance and arrogance is beyond the beyond. Who do these so called representatives think they are.

Why do we the constituents of San Francisco - permit such nonsense - with no accountability and less transparency?

Here, in Room 250 - millions of dollars linked to transportation projects  - added up - in the Billions over the years.

No one is really paying attention - the aides of these Supervisors - providing some information - some pointers - some talking points. Nothing substantial - nothing worth the salt - no one care - more the SF Supervisor - who do not want to represent their constituencies. 

The SF Board of Supervisors - could not care less.

Nothing much has changed since Jose Moscovich moved suddenly away and faded for some health reasons from San Francisco County Transportation Authority.

Tilly Chang now suddenly - by passing Maria Lombardo (with more experience and fortitude) - being chosen - behind the scene - as the Director of San Francisco County Transportation Authority.

It is this agency - that has failed miserably - and has grandiose plans - linked to the Van Ness Corridor, Folsom Street, Market Street.

The Geneva Harney project in the Southeast Sector - never mind the increasing congestion - on 3rd Street closer to Market.

The growing congestion and accidents on 19th Avenue, Lombard Street, the Geary corridor - who is fooling whom?

These buffoons - have failed when it comes to transportation and less to help the growing congestion. 

Sometimes it takes 45 minutes to pass by four City Blocks - more during Peak Hours.

These idiots could not care less - not with all the talk and bragging at the many SFCTA Committees, the drab candidates on the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) - to the San Francisco County Transportation Authority.

It is time - the Controller of the City and County of San Francisco - Ben Rosenfield - audit the SFCTA and its relations with the many SF BOS - there is something happening - behind the scenes.

Do you really have to go behind close doors.

Clear the chambers - this was not done before.

Just  to evaluate the Director of the SFCTA - and come out of the close door - session - and give her Tilly Chang - as excellent - grade? Who do you think pays the Director her - salary?

What do you think is missing in this picture?

This reminds me of Ali Baba and the forty thieves!

In the interim - our San Francisco Transportation is going down the drain - the congestion has increased - and all these ploys with the bike lanes - in this hilly City - has been mind boggling.

With all the talk - more innocent pedestrians - are dying - falling prey to accidents one of a king. Sometimes bikes plowing through the pedestrians - killing some - maiming others.

The SF Board of Supervisors - have failed when it comes to low income and no income housing. 

There is a Housing Element - this is the third one - brought out every five years - that is faulty - and going before the Courts for some review and sound adjudication - the third time around.

Does anyone see a pattern? Has anyone read the latest Housing Element mandates by those policy makers - Region wide  - Association of Bay Area Governments:

Malia Cohen, Jane Kim, Scott Wiener, and London Breed continue to talk the talk - less walk the walk.

Jane Kim the weasel - giving TWITTER -  tax breaks while pretending to be for so called affordable housing - with no detail plan, no funding, no timelines - short time nor long time.

Talking about "regressive tax" when it suits her - but trying to hoodwink the public. Why did you - Jane Kim go to bat for TWITTER?

Now you are against putting a higher tax on sodas and soft drinks - that are known to harm those that drink them? Where is your logic? Who do you think you are fooling?

Like the time you refused to participate with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America - and now suddenly trying to go along - who does this woman think she is?

Take your subjective opinion to North or South Korea - but please abide by American values - more if you want to represent?
More if you want to be a San Francisco Board of Supervisor.

London Breed has no clue about legislation - asks a dumb question what can her office do about Hotel Tax revenue - and how best to implement these money.

As with other issues London Breed - thinks she and her aides - none of whom are Black - know better - when we know - she is just a novice and has a long, long way to go. Ghetto!

 London Breed is Black - is arrogant and it is this arrogance  that will bring her - down. 

She still thinks as if she was in the non-profit world - where she had her way - begging for money and getting it from sordid - entities and individuals.

Malia Cohen has no idea about true transportation and less about Transportation Management.  About housing as it ought to meet the needs of the people - she does work with Lennar - a rogue developer and has filled her campaign coffers - with "blood money".

Had failed her District - District 10 with more shootings and killings - more Black on Black killings - Malia Cohen is Black - even though she has a Jewish sounding - name. Pathetic.

Malia Cohen wants to form a Task Force to address the growing violence and killings.

Let us see who she appointments to this Task Force - and if it deals with cultural competency.

If her Task Force truly represents the community - as it reflects the latest - demographics - in District 10.

It is a shame that one segment of the population - is the only segment of the population killing one another - that is Black on Black violence. Malia Cohen cannot do nothing much.

Malia Cohen has no plan, has no objective.

What Malia Cohen is good at is circumventing the issues and pussyfooting around.

She is a professional sell out of the first order.

Here is some information that may enlighten the readers:

Saturday, July 26, 2014


Malia Cohen the District 10 Supervisor - is now talking about forming a Task Force. 

We want to see - who from the community is on this Task Force to stop the killings and the shootings.

We want to know - who has a vetted plan - and what are the short term and long term goals. Why should not Malia Cohen get out of the way and resign.

Malia Cohen has no clue - about Violence Prevention and Violence Intervention.

Here us our plan to address the issue at hand with Community Policing:

I would dare her to sit down with Simi Iulio and Mitch Salazar - others that I can name but these two stellar and astute men that I have worked with for the longest time - to address Violence Prevention, Violence Intervention, Work Force Development - other Quality of Life issues - all laid in our various Blue Prints - that we have been implementing since the year 1999.

I am the Director of Environmental Justice Advocacy and have an office at 4909 Third Street by Palou Street - right in the heart of the Bayview Hunters Point. 

These two men - Mitch and Sim were introduced over one and half year ago - to the Chief of Police and others in authority  - to bring about an better understanding of the situation at hand - to share needed resources.

The fact of the matter - is in all our deliberations - every plan take a very long time - most of the time - we carry out the action plan by dipping into our own personal savings - and our own resources.

The City and County of San Francisco prides itself - setting millions for administrative work - spending money in the millions - that are meant for Bayview Hunters Point - diverted to other issues. This has been happening more since 1996.

Malia Cohen is a "puppet" - her main reason is to push for development - the worse type of development.

Crooked and corrupt developers - Lennar for sure the Rogue Developer that fills her - campaign coffers. 

In recent times the developers at Pier 70 with Joe Boss who is backing Malia Cohen. We know what is going on behind the scenes. Time will tel.

Malia Cohen has no idea - what so ever when it comes to issues linked to Education, Safety, Transportation, Childcare, Recreational Facilities - housing more for low income and no income.

Health, our aging population, our Mentally and Physically challenged - the many other issues that go into Quality of Life issues.

Again and again when the Violence and Killings spike - she has in the past resorted to gathering the Black Pastors - and has not succeeded much.

The Black Pastors - will join any movement - where there is "money involved" - they cannot and will not go to the front line and care for the sheep.

They are shepherds that run away and hide - when the sheep are in trouble and need protection. Leading this pack - Amos Brown.

The over 55 Black Churches in the Bayview for example - are just that - standing still - and doing nothing much. Most of them the "living dead" - spiritually - bankrupt.

In the interim - ever since the break up of the Community Response Network - the taking over of some aspects by Healthright 360 - some of us are facilitating and trying our best to support - daily and have for the last one year - addressing those pressing issues - we do this because we love San Francisco - the real San Francisco - with Fathers, Mothers, families with children - a notion that is missing in the policy making of our City and County of San Francisco.

We have been doing this for a long time without any help from the City and County of San Francisco - more - if you count our other related activities going back to the year 2000.

Who has a longer track record - addressing Quality of Life issues - more than Dr Espanola Jackson and I. People see what we do - and wonder for how long can we deal with the devils - the likes of Malia Cohen - smile on our face and stab you in the back.

The past Mayors and the present Mayor, Edwin Lee cannot for a moment think that all the developing can be done - in a War Zone.

That thousands of units can be built on land prone to liquefaction. That the Maher Ordinance and the Precautionary Principle - can be cast aside.  That he can make statement and just like that things will happen.

No one can address adverse impacts - by allowing the infrastructure to fall apart - then suddenly wake up and try to do something.

If an evaluation is done - when it comes to Safety issues - those that are on the front line have no long term stability.

They do not have a facility - a sound premises - clean and healthy - where they are given the resources to conduct their operations - to the best of their ability.

You cannot have a doctor work on his or her patients under a tree. 

You cannot have a doctor work with primitive tools.

No one can address any critical situation - day after day - for months on end -  reach saturation point and then address the situation at hand.

We have seen stellar people the like of Cati Hawkins and others burn out. It seems our City love to do this to those that work hard to help our City and County of San Francisco - address Violence Prevention and Violence Intervention.

That has been happen for the longest time ever.

In all of  the operations - no one truly comprehends - cultural competency.

No one wants to address the unique elements that adversely the Polynesian Community - more the Samoans.

The Asians who live in fear. The Latinos who mostly have fallen prey to the sub-prime loans, the Black who are fleeing and leaving - gentrification. The Whites who are moving in with their poodles. The influx is too much to bear - my office has been there - right at the center of it all - Third Street and Palou.

The demographics of the Bayview rapid changes have reached Malia Cohen but she cannot discern. She cannot discern - because she is not educated on issues. Her consultants - mostly inept share her shallow values.

Malia Cohen - has no clue about "true diversity"  she operates - listens to her corrupt team - that use ploys and machinations - to win elections. 

Finding loopholes - in the Rank Choice Ranking - as Malia Cohen did the last time around - winning by a few hundred votes.

Not this time around - for sure.

I have been at meetings - where Malia Cohen has mentioned the Law Enforcement in a negative manner for no cause what so ever.

Instantly proceeded to chide Law Enforcement - to some how project that she has power. I have stood up - and corrected this nonchalant Black woman - who is truly - out her mind.

Does not comprehend how Government works. And if she went to University of San Francisco - a Jesuit Institution - some one must brief her - that she has learned nothing - except "pussyfoot" - around.

The only ones that follow her - are those pander to her - the ones that Malia Cohen channels favors and money.

Malia Cohen herself - has never ever participated in the detail deliberation - linked to the community - going back to say 1999 to say 2010.

It is a shame how the Democratic Party and Machine - has propped up Malia Cohen - who has no clue what she is doing - expect grinning and laughing like a sorry ass - jack ass.

Can you imagine when we have had instances about killings and shootings - Malia Cohe gets reports - but she is never, ever found on the front line. 

Now, she wants to form a Task Force - all of them mostly cronies - sell outs - who have no clue about drawing up a Blue Print - with action items.

The Community needs resources now - as we  are the ones - who are doing the work - are addressing the issues.

Where has Malia Cohen been?

Malia Cohen is a disgrace to the human race.

Here is a plan - that all those who want to join the fight to address Quality of Life issues can read and be informed - and that includes the dumb, inept, shallow, spineless - District 10 Supervisor - Malia Cohen: