There use to be a time when you could shake someone's hand - and that would do a lot to reassure of the good that humanity - offered.
Humans that listen, give moral support, share compassion, have fortitude - the best elements that we humans have and can share with us - it means a lot to so many - when shard dignity, concern, support, understanding are shared - unconditional - love.
Even today I have so many good people that I trust and many good people that trust me.
Grass roots support is important. Vital when you are dealing the crooks and those that try to take advantage of those that cannot defend - themselves.
So when sometimes - some one reaches out to me - I reach out too - but it is important - within one's circle to be strong. In giving something there are consequences - and that is why I say - you have to be strong and not attached.
Speak to the Truth, be sincere and speak from the heart - and at all times work with support of like minded people - and most everything will be in place.
Spiritually strong takes you a long way. Have standards that can stand up to the devil and the very evil - politicians that hover everywhere you go. Also many sellouts - who take money to fill their pockets - often stale bread crumbs - but their time has come - the well is now - dry.
In San Francisco we have some politicians they talk the talk but cannot walk the walk.
David Chiu, Jane Kim, Malia Cohen, London Breed, David Campos and Scott Weiner who have sold their souls.
They use their verbosity, rolling their eyes as does Jane Kim, smiling like a jackass as does Malia Cohen.
Lying to the public as does David Chiu, saying one thing and doing another as does David Campos - and worst of them all Scott Weiner from the Castro.
The above are working with Lennar a rogue developer, the John Stewart Company that has adversely impacted thousands - and these so called representative will aid and abet - and yet try to say they represent all. No - they have BLOOD on their hands.
There was a time when there was some decorum in Room 250 - the August Chamber - of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors at City Hall.
No more; now it is more like " Ali Baba and the Forty thieves" - accept now they are 11 - saying they serve the 11 districts in San Francisco - and do as they please.
All the above mentioned Supervisors - wheel and deal - and it does not help that "Rank Choice Voting" help these rascals.
Malia Cohen a useless piece of crap - won this way - 23 candidates vying for some few votes - and she won by a margin of a few hundred. Useless to the core - a sell out to the community.
Another is Jane Kim having no clue about congestion in her District. Raking in campaign funds - an outsider who planted herself in District 6 - just to move up the political ladder.
The Korean American - from New York - dubious in nature who thinks she can charm folks - by that struct of hers - and rolling her eyes. Despicable.
Scott Weiner loves to spew toxic diatribe into the air - his idea to build 100 square feet units - much like those few - who shack up with their dogs.
Always picking on the poor, the indigent - loving to deprive people and giving them less time to speak - during Public Comment.He hails from New York and his way are not appreciated by many.
Know your rights - if you do - you can take these crooks to court and even without going to court - shame them - in other forums - but you have to be
vigilant and be educated on issues.
All of the above are whims - none of them schooled in manners and etiquette.
Most of them came up shacking around - and now think - we do not know their past.
That trio David Chiu, Jane Kim, and Malia Cohen - watch out of these three - good for nothing - useless representatives - that stink to high heaven.
Here is a manual that you must know more about:
These politicians think they can play with the lives of people.
All of them can face large fines and be sent to jail for a long, long time. You must document them - and soon one if not two of them will be taken to court.
Malia Cohen, Scott Weiner, David Chiu do not have a good track record when it comes to ethics, morals, and standards.
These three have been reprimanded by the Ethics Commission and other bodies - and these folks are shameless.
Politics is no more a place where those representing are trusted - not with Congress and the Senate - having such low scores in the thirties - and no one respecting and less trusting these - scoundrels.
The lack of trust filters down to the local government - and our Law Enforcement has been slow to do their job. the RICO ACT must be enforced - we have the Mafia right here in City Hall in San Francisco.
We have three in California Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, and Diane Feinstein - all three are known for their verbosity - hoodwinking and amassing large amounts of illegal - wealth.
We must boot them out - and with that chaff - the local - good for nothing - excreta - like Malia Cohen, Jane Kim, David Chiu, London Breed and Scott Weiner.
Humans that listen, give moral support, share compassion, have fortitude - the best elements that we humans have and can share with us - it means a lot to so many - when shard dignity, concern, support, understanding are shared - unconditional - love.
Even today I have so many good people that I trust and many good people that trust me.
Grass roots support is important. Vital when you are dealing the crooks and those that try to take advantage of those that cannot defend - themselves.
So when sometimes - some one reaches out to me - I reach out too - but it is important - within one's circle to be strong. In giving something there are consequences - and that is why I say - you have to be strong and not attached.
Speak to the Truth, be sincere and speak from the heart - and at all times work with support of like minded people - and most everything will be in place.
Spiritually strong takes you a long way. Have standards that can stand up to the devil and the very evil - politicians that hover everywhere you go. Also many sellouts - who take money to fill their pockets - often stale bread crumbs - but their time has come - the well is now - dry.
In San Francisco we have some politicians they talk the talk but cannot walk the walk.
David Chiu, Jane Kim, Malia Cohen, London Breed, David Campos and Scott Weiner who have sold their souls.
They use their verbosity, rolling their eyes as does Jane Kim, smiling like a jackass as does Malia Cohen.
Lying to the public as does David Chiu, saying one thing and doing another as does David Campos - and worst of them all Scott Weiner from the Castro.
The above are working with Lennar a rogue developer, the John Stewart Company that has adversely impacted thousands - and these so called representative will aid and abet - and yet try to say they represent all. No - they have BLOOD on their hands.
There was a time when there was some decorum in Room 250 - the August Chamber - of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors at City Hall.
No more; now it is more like " Ali Baba and the Forty thieves" - accept now they are 11 - saying they serve the 11 districts in San Francisco - and do as they please.
All the above mentioned Supervisors - wheel and deal - and it does not help that "Rank Choice Voting" help these rascals.
Malia Cohen a useless piece of crap - won this way - 23 candidates vying for some few votes - and she won by a margin of a few hundred. Useless to the core - a sell out to the community.
Another is Jane Kim having no clue about congestion in her District. Raking in campaign funds - an outsider who planted herself in District 6 - just to move up the political ladder.
The Korean American - from New York - dubious in nature who thinks she can charm folks - by that struct of hers - and rolling her eyes. Despicable.
Scott Weiner loves to spew toxic diatribe into the air - his idea to build 100 square feet units - much like those few - who shack up with their dogs.
Always picking on the poor, the indigent - loving to deprive people and giving them less time to speak - during Public Comment.He hails from New York and his way are not appreciated by many.
Know your rights - if you do - you can take these crooks to court and even without going to court - shame them - in other forums - but you have to be
vigilant and be educated on issues.
All of the above are whims - none of them schooled in manners and etiquette.
Most of them came up shacking around - and now think - we do not know their past.
That trio David Chiu, Jane Kim, and Malia Cohen - watch out of these three - good for nothing - useless representatives - that stink to high heaven.
Here is a manual that you must know more about:
These politicians think they can play with the lives of people.
All of them can face large fines and be sent to jail for a long, long time. You must document them - and soon one if not two of them will be taken to court.
Malia Cohen, Scott Weiner, David Chiu do not have a good track record when it comes to ethics, morals, and standards.
These three have been reprimanded by the Ethics Commission and other bodies - and these folks are shameless.
Politics is no more a place where those representing are trusted - not with Congress and the Senate - having such low scores in the thirties - and no one respecting and less trusting these - scoundrels.
The lack of trust filters down to the local government - and our Law Enforcement has been slow to do their job. the RICO ACT must be enforced - we have the Mafia right here in City Hall in San Francisco.
We have three in California Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, and Diane Feinstein - all three are known for their verbosity - hoodwinking and amassing large amounts of illegal - wealth.
We must boot them out - and with that chaff - the local - good for nothing - excreta - like Malia Cohen, Jane Kim, David Chiu, London Breed and Scott Weiner.