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Monday, July 8, 2013


This on going violence and killing - the result of years of neglect - lack of opportunities - rampant use of drugs and more crack cocaine.

Decimation of the family - incarceration of mostly Black men - and the constant harassment and lack of reaching out for good by law enforcement.

Failing to encourage community policing - has created  "several war zones" - in the City and County of San Francisco.

Those in charge of stemming the violence and killing - resort to power points and faulty, baseless policy making - that is far remote from what is going on at ground zero.

This Anderson guy at the Mayor's office and Maria Aroche - do not have the true history - and use pacification to address - problems - that they are not trained to handle.

The San Francisco Police Department has wasted millions of dollars - tying to pay consultants to come into the community - to solve problems to no avail.

Thousands of men and women hours - fostering para-military tactics - coming down harsh - creating more confusion and what is more make the community - belligerent.

Right now the Polynesian and Black community are tethering - each poised to carry on some devious action - because - for the longest time - no one has kept an open mind - sound communication and lack of fortitude.

Law Enforcement keep using the old tactics - paying "snitches" - to give information - which is mostly dubious in nature.

It did not help when Dennis Herrera tried to use " Gang Injunction"  and first brought about this - at Oakdale Public Housing - a small one small block area - with little or NO - results.

From day one - I have been following Gang Injunctions - and a serious of tactics - that serve more in War Zone nations like Iraq and Afghanistan - and even there the local people - with less have been able to defeat on many occasions - those that have superiors weapons - hands down.

U.S. Army Generals finally resorted to paying the leaders - large sums of money - just to keep the peace.

It was difficult to pin point those - using tactics - for which the U.S. Army was not trained - house to house fighting - with a large population - more densely populated - consisting of women and children.

Initial moves to attack one and kill hundreds - brought our Nation a  bad name.

Even today in Iraq and Afghanistan - Pakistan and Libya - other countries too many to name - the many injustices done - far out number the good done.

War is not about bring justice, using fair play, and find solutions. War in today's world is about dominating - stealing resources - and trying to say - that the United States - is a world power - when it is not.

The violence and killings in our inner Cities - all over the Nation is systemic - and those that control and give the order know that - the order does not come - from a place of justice, fair play, compassion. We have seen it in our City - again and again.

Few care to remember the San Francisco SWAT team - the equivalent of the riot police - fully armed - invade and attack students and others at Thurgood Marshal school  - the end result - no fair adjudication - tons pain and continued suffering.

Attacking and molesting children at Kiska Road on the Hill - on Dr. Martin Luther day - just because some one called and said the children were playing music.

None of those children made it - one by one they got caught - in the violence, the killing, became despondent - some one ruined their lives. Some one has BLOOD on their hands.

Again and again all over the world be it Bosnia, Rwanda, Haiti,
Pakistan, Ireland, Malawi, Brazil, India,  China, Thailand, Burma, Chicago, Paris, New Orleans, here in San Francisco - people revolt because they have reached saturation - point.

No one has proven that using para-military tactic - pointing the gun and killing - bring about peace - no one - because it simply does not work.  

You push people hard and they revolt - and today in the areas - we deem - "hot spots " in San Francisco - the youth are fed up and revolting.

Where there is "no trust" - fire will be met with fire - change the tactics and facilitate the community to do the work - known as Community Policing - using proven principles linked to Restorative Justice - and all will be well.

You cannot tell that to the para-military fanatics - most of them use guns to kill - and policing really is not about - killing. Case in point the police or Bobbies in England.

The City and County of San Francisco is encouraging - " gentrification" - targeting people of color and the poor - the City simply do not want them; the indigent - at Potrero Hill, Hunter Point, Oakdale, Sunnydale, in the Mission, in and around what in now named Caesar Chavez, Western Addition, and in the other places - too many to name.

The City and County of San Francisco has craved and given Potrero Hill to the Bridge Developers, Hunterview and the surround area Kiska to the John Stewart Company - all of Sunnydale to Mercy Housing - each of these entities - despicable.

We the people must keep them out - now - all forever be sorry - in unity is strength - and what is it - that we do not - comprehend?

The City and County of San Francisco is building market price units - and gives a rat ass - if families - the indigent - those seniors who have fallen on bad time - sleep on the streets on San Francisco.

The indigent in Single Residency Occupancy (SROs) hotels - in filthy, full of bed bugs, rats, cockroaches - the San Francisco Health Department does not care. Barbara Gracia does not care - those is charge do not care.

People sharing a kitchen, people sharing filthy toilets, people walking on filth of the worse type - Mayor Ed Lee must take a walk and see for himself - with Jane Kim - who pretends she love the people of the Tenderloin.

The Department of Building Inspection (DBI) - has been dormant - doing nothing - accept moving people around there stagnant Department - changing Directors.

You have one now - you cannot comprehend what he is saying. What a mockery have they made of the DBI. What is Angus McCarthy doing? What are those backing him up doing? I know those that are behind the scenes - raking in the millions!

Thousands of housing units - all over San Francisco are not seismically sound. Thousands of buildings - have not been inspected - all prone to fire and other maladies.

The Big One is here  and we have 85% certainty in the next 5 years.

The Pagoda in China Town - will soon come down - some inept contractors has the contract.

This Pagoda building - seismically cannot stand much of a quake - on either side of this building - are other buildings - that will be impacted. Adversely impacted. Mayor Edwin Lee better act on this tip - if not he will have tons of explaining to do.

From plain observation - if the Pagoda is brought down - demolished by some entity - that does not know what is it doing - lives will be lost. Check on these facts - and stop this tragedy in the making. Silverado!

The DBI has not monitored people living in despicable conditions.

People who live in despicable conditions - get angry - they are not healthy - and all this contributes to violence and killings. There is a lot about contamination, pollution, unhealthy places - violence and killing - the health experts know that, the psychologist know that, good leaders know that, those educated on issues know that - so what is happening?

Our City's so called Representatives know about this - but do not give a rat's ass. Leading the charge Malia Cohen - notice how she took front row - when the Same Sex announcement was
made. She love to pussy foot - she love the fame -  even if it ill fame - she love it - nearer to the "clap".

Standing next to Willie L. Brown Jr. the former " thug mayor" of  San Francisco - on the infamous day and announcement.

Other shady characters - who will fight for sodomy, pervert habits, equate it with the Civil Right Movement  - but, fail the City when it comes to serving those that need help most. Fail the City when it come to curbing and stopping - Violence and Killings.

Last Saturday a group - who want to do something - came to Third Street - made several stops on their march up and down - Third Street - and a trip to Hunter Point - where former "gang members" - others who have embrace religion - gave testimony.

I just happened to be going to my office on Third and Palou - stopped listened, met many of those present, took some photographs  and applauded those that had the courage to speak to the "TRUTH".

Now and then I see some one person barking using the bull horn - purporting to reveal the Bible and what the Bible says - in all the wrong manner.

Much like the Black pastors - not all but many - Poverty, Pimp, Pastors - that have sold out the community - leading the charge Aurelious Walker and Calvin Jones and  Amos Brown.

Those committing the crime - do not congregate in and around Third and Palou - not the ones; toting the guns - you have the other indigent - who could care what is said - most of them hungry and high. Those barking with their bull horns - better go the hot spots and act - good actions count.

The SF Police come by  Third Street in the cars - the cameras are all over the place - " Big Brother" is watching - these tactics help anyone gather information.

Much like the U.S Government does monitoring our telephones, check on our Credit Cards, screwing with this and that - until they get caught - and then they have excuses.


Simply put Law Enforcement and Big Government has lost control of their senses.

There is intense - "paranoia" - by those who have lost control of their thinking and power to adjudicate, fairly. Much like a mad person - they will act and then justify their actions.

These forces lack spirituality - our Founding Fathers - did not have such evil and corrupt forces - full of paranoia in mind, never ever - in the Republic they created - there was always room for fair, play.

This is NOT the government of the people, for the people, and by the people - it is controlled by very powerful, corrupt, and evil forces.


President Barack Hussein Obama - wanted to do good - but, he cannot - he is surrounded by the - "Zionists" - check it out - and tell me if I am wrong. You see it - but they say - it is not politically correct to call - it. 

If you speak to the "Truth" - these evil forces will target you - especially the "Zionists".

Zionists - who are selling our Nation - the United States of America.

Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi - all pander to Zionism - through marriage - and deep connections - where they have sold our Nation - while pretending to serve our Nation.

Richard Blum wants City College and all the land. City College has a nice location, near all kinds of transportation, other amenities - perfect for a Gated-Community.

Richard Blum; the husband of Diane Fienstein - the students have been fighting to keep City College open and won some. I joined the fight too - on too many levels.

Worked hard to put Shannel Williams to represent and she is fine and will make the calls - and take up the causes.

But, some one wanted to impeach her - as if  she held some very high office - shot it down - I know where to go and how to do it.

Now the powerful, evil forces - want to discredit City College - make all their certification process and certificates - null and void. That is too much. Hitting below the belt.

San Francisco City College that has touched and helped - thousands of students all these many years. 

Now, some corrupt forces - more political forces - are harming innocent students - those who want higher education - those who want to better themselves. More after retirement - those seeking upward mobility, those who have time; and  want to better themselves with sound education.

Criminal Justice courses are given at City College - the City and County of San Francisco, the SF Police Department, other City Departments - use City College and its facilities.

Our City must step up, the millionaires and billionaires must step up - and do something. Walk the walk.

These is how the corrupt do it - they deprive the poor of housing and amenities.

They for sure do not want them to be educated - they for sure - do not want them to be armed to protect themselves.

Slowly with intent - neighborhood after neighborhood is being decimated - by our City heads who have to clue what is happening.

The San Francisco Supervisors - pandering - wasting time and not representing.

We have a $8 Billion budget - and we cannot encourage Community Policing, other novel but holistic models.

All those dubious;  pretending to help, keep giving - money to the Community Based Organizations - like City Build, Young Community Developers, Girls 2000, the Bayview Foundation, other CBOs - one worse than the other.

The San Francisco Police Department spent over $400,000 on the Police Executive Research Forum ( PERF ) and other documents - where is the implementation. Who is fooling whom - and for how long.

Remember, no one can fool all the people - all of the time.

Here are some photographs of the people from Mission - who had the guts and the fortitude to come to Third Street with their message - to STOP the Violence and the Killings in San Francisco:

Thousand spent on the Police Executive Research Forum - which I participated in. The document sitting on the shelf - and thousands - down the drain. Read this document - if you care about San Francisco - the report published in 2008:

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