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Monday, May 27, 2013


All those many years - I worked at the Presidio of San Francisco - the Memorial Day celebrations were - very special. I have and will continue to have fond memories of those days and the celebrations that took place - one of a kind.

The Sixth U.S.Army and Presidio of San Francisco - had its own Military Band - one of the best in the Nation - that is - the United States of America.

Much before the Memorial Day arrived - the practices for the upcoming Veterans' Day celebration - began.

The Sixth U.S. Army band practiced - and they were great. We all who worked at the Presdio of San Francisco - more those that worked at the Main Post - enjoyed the music - because of the close proximity of the Main Post Parade grounds.

Mostly choice pieces composed by the world renowned composer and band leader - John Sousa - were played. Classical pieces of music - enjoyed world wide.

Then; we had our own soldiers - the best I ever knew - and they were drilled well - at the many practiced drills for major events - including memorial day.

I had just to look out my window - and feel proud of "my soldiers". Women and men the best soldiers from all over this Nation - who served our Nation well.

Sixth U.S. Army was: " Born Of War " - and outside building 39 at the Presidio of San Francisco - is a plague and on this plague - are the words " Born Of War " - and the choice words - about their achievements - mostly during World War II.

In the midst of all the buildings, the open spaces, the Chapel, the Officer's Club, the Non-commissioned Officers' Club, Pershing Square, the Main Parade Grounds, the Fire Station, the Commissary,  the over 650 buildings, the over 2000 housing units - is the Veterans' Cemetery - and here - lie the best of the best.

Among them the over all Black - 450 Buffalo Soldiers  - from the 9th and 10th Calvary - the 24th and 25th Infantry regiments.

Many Black Buffalo Soldiers - whose remains were dug up from the many Post that were closed or deactivated - on the Mexican border and elsewhere  and brought to the nearest National Cemetery and interred - and that was the Veterans' National Cemetery - at the Presidio of San Francisco.

This history is not taught to our children, more our Black youth in the many schools.

It is over looked in favor of other mundane history - favoring those that stole the land, raped the women, scalped the Native Americans - some sordid history that is tainted and not worth the salt.

Now politicians come at these ceremonies - as they will do today - at the Memorial Day speeches.

Politicians who have no heart; to provide succor - to our Veterans today - who have returned from the wars in Iraq, from Afghanistan - injured and hurt - many have lost their limbs, they have to deal with the Post Traumatic Trauma - and they are told to wait.

Waiting for Godot!

No one told the soldiers of our Nation to wait - when they were ordered to fight - to lay their lives so that this Nation may be free and protected.

The Secretary of the Veterans Administration - has made many statements before the many committees.

He has been stating again and again - that the waiting period - for the Veterans to get their benefits will be - less than a year - for any Veteran to get help at our many Veteran Hospitals.

Even now; after may years - many Veterans have been waiting for 2 and 3 years - to get the help - they need. This is a crying - shame.

If you ask Congressperson Nancy Pelosi why this long wait - she has nothing much to say.

If your ask Senator Dianne Feinstein; why the delay to serve our Veterans - there will be finger pointing.

The politicians are the scum of the Earth - never, to be trusted.

When we honor a Veteran - we must honor them by our  actions.

We must help them, their families, and those that support the injured and ailing Veterans - in whatever - capacity we can.

Added to the shenanigans are the many horror stories at the Walter Reed hospital in Washington DC.

The many Veteran hospitals here in the Bay Area - where there are no sufficient medicines to go around.

Where the treatment is inferior - and where we treated our "heroes" - with disdain - when we must respect them and give our Veterans - the very, best.

This all must change - if we are a Nation of compassion.

If we truly respect our Veterans.

If we respect the Constitution - that provides for those that fight for the best interests of our Nation - the United States of America - our FREEDOM.

Today, in America there will be parades, lots of hot dogs and other fancy eating.

At the Bar-b-ques - there will be long, drawn out speeches, some will fake their love for our beloved Veterans.

All the Veterans ask is to respect them and provide them the necessities to survive, live and support their families.

The Veterans love this Nation - there is no doubt about that.

The 66 million dollar question is - when will this Nation learn to respect our Veterans - you can talk the talk - but can you - walk the walk.

To the many Veterans I say: " We love you, we honor you, and we will do what it takes to speak the TRUTH ".

We will fight for you all - as we must - you, who have done so much - so that we may be FREE.

Our Nation is still at war:

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