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Friday, July 27, 2012


Any government official understands the fundamentals - health, education, housing, safety and transportation.

Not so in San Francisco - the advocates have articulated the above principles and fought for them - over the years - only for those in charge - to belittle the advocates and cater to folks who make huge salaries - over $175,000 plus with benefits - and give little to the Constituents of San Francisco - in return.

Again and again the City's Leadership has not attended to contamination, pollution, the access particulates, and blatant injustice with sewage, cement, aggregate, millions of vehicles spewing particulates, methane gas over 200,000 tons - one ton of methane gas equals twenty two tons of carbon dioxide.

So much for the City silly - Carbon Footprint.

The San Francisco Health Department with its over $1.5 Billion budget has failed San Franciscans.

More during the tenure of Mayor Gavin Newsom and the then Health Director - Mitch Katz - who did nothing when Lennar, a rogue developer poison our children and elders.

The newer portion of the SF General Hospital was built through the good offices of the Bayview Hunters Point - Model Cities. The City officials have NO clue about this very important fact. Check your facts.

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District fined Lennar over $515,000 - which Lennar paid - thus acknowledging the many Notice of Violations. Parcel A on Hunters Point was graded and the entire area bombarded with Asbestos Structures.

Our children and Seniors and others - exposed to the Asbestos Structures - with our City - the Mayor then Mayor Gavin Newsom and the SF Health Director - Mitch Katz - looking the other way.

Our SF Planning and our SF Board of Supervisors in the majority - siding with Lennar - a Rogue Developer.

From the year 1999 to the year 2010 - thousands of young men were shot and killed in the Southeast Sectors.

We need a in-depth report as to what were the factors - that suddenly led to such - an increase in the death and maiming of so many - most of them Black constituents. Most of them youth under 26 years old.

In the last 10 years thousands of Blacks have left the Bayview Hunters Point and the Southeast Sector.

Some call it "Out Migration" - much as some migratory birds - fly from place to another place - to procreate, seek food - and then fly back from whence they came.

In this case the Blacks just leave San Francisco - dejected - to fend for themselves and most of them are adversely impacted - and die a slow death. Much like a Holocaust - a modern day episode of sorts - signs of the times.

This type of gentrification happened in the 1960s when Blacks were removed from the Western Addition and were removed to live in Single Residency Occupancy Hotels (SROs).

At that time heroin, alcohol, prostitution, poverty, lack of sound housing, and other adverse impacts - ruined Middle Class Black families.

The present demographics of the Bayview Hunters Point has changed dramatically. Today Asians and Latinos are predominantly visible - with few Blacks in the Bayview Hunters Point - and most of them that remain - while away their time - sell drugs and have no jobs.

As the Director of Environmental Justice Advocacy and having an office on 4909 Third Street since 1999 - I have seen it all.

Prior to that I worked at the Presidio of San Francisco and observed the many changes in the various neighborhoods - zip codes 94107, 94124, 94134.

There are over 10,000 small business in the these areas - the zip codes I have mentioned - the area is an Industrial Area.

The fancy name PDR - which I believe stands for Production Development and Research.

The 2008 economic crisis badly affected this large area - with little or no assistance from the Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Work Force.

To date we do not have a list of all the small business in the zip codes I have mentioned.

We the people need this information a simple format - so that the public and those interested in establishing a small business can have a better understanding of the business and the areas lacking where - newer business can contribute to the progress of our fair City and County of San Francisco.

I am requesting Mayor Ed Lee to facilitate this as quickly as possible.

Also, a one stop where those wanting to create a small business - can easily get the permits - and are encouraged to contribute to the wellness and progress of all San Franciscans and San Francisco. Some businesses have to wait for two, three years to get their permits - approved. This is a JOKE.

Our Mayor and our SF Board of Supervisor has lost their sense of priorities - they have allowed themselves to sink and drown themselves - in mundane issues that DO NOT favor progress, unity, and the progress of our fair City and County of San Francisco.

They can pause, think, ponder, and find out if this is true. May be no one has brought this fact to their immediate - attention.

Our SF Fire Department and our SF Police Department are compensated. These City employees receive on any average over $175,000 with benefits. Yet, we always hear - that our Fire Persons and our Police Officers - want more. They may want more - but they will break the back of of our City's economy.

Our City's pension system favors double dipping - and it is a paradox that many a Fire Person and Police Officer will receive more in pay - when they retire - and they can retire at age 55 years. Go figure.

Our education more Public Education in San Francisco is in shambles.

Soon a number of schools will have to be closed and already one Middle School - Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr., Academy will be torn down and some housing built.

The developers the all Black Tabernacle Group - Poverty Pimp Pastors - lacking experience and less accountability and transparency. Having no qualified experience to built - not even a dog house.

Indigents who live in Public Housing in the Southeast Sector - be it Potrero Hill Public Housing, Bayview Hunters Point Public Housing, Oakdale Public Housing, Sunnydale Public Housing are treated with disdain - by our SF Housing Authority.

Many of the housing units boarded up - and those left open for use - are not maintained in San Francisco. 

Deferred maintenance has been used as a ploy to run down the units and also evict the tenants or harass the tenants of Public Housing - so that such actions - facilitate - blatant discrimination and gentrification.

Some Blacks on the take - are party to these ploys and machinations - reminiscent of SLAVERY - the field negro and the house negro. These sell outs - mostly Blacks - act as the go between.

Nothing much has changed - because the Blacks have NOT learned the values of education and less of empowerment - today we have and see a different kind of - plantation.

While much has been said about "affordable housing" - no mention is made of "low income" and "no income" housing.

I was the Proponent of Proposition F - when the Zionists and many in authority at City Hall today backed - when they backed Proposition G and Lennar.

Lennar promised the City the world and has defaulted on each and every time line linked to its Disposition and Development Agreement. Lennar spent $5 million on Proposition G and won.

We the people spent $5 thousands - were winning - until the $10 thousands television advertisements made in roads into our campaign and we lost. We gave them a run for their money - and many astute San Franciscans still remember this fact.

Where are the Zionists today that tried to disparage my good name. The Zionists went on to destroy our economy - the likes of J.P. Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs - and we have them in important places - in our City of San Francisco holding good jobs - and catering and perpetuating the the evil policies of the Zionists.

In the interim our education, our safety, our health system, our housing standards, transportation have been compromised.

We must now take charge of our destiny - and that moment is now.

We have a very narrow window of opportunity - with the crooks I have mentioned above in the cockpit in many of our City's Departments.

We must remove them - by proving that they are detrimental to Society and more to our progress. We must learn to connect the dots.

Our City is expensive to live - one of the richest cities in the world.

We have a population of about 805,000 and our City and County employs over 26,000 employees - some say 28,000. We have over 20% of our City making over $175,000 with benefits. Most of them NOT living in San Francisco - all they do is earn a good living and spend their money - elsewhere.

The paradox is we have over 40% of our population - many of them Seniors - making less than $30,000 a year. These folks cannot survive.

Those making less than $20,000 - are living from pay check to pay check - and what is more have to beg and get food from the Food Bank.

For the first time in the recent history of San Francisco even the Food Banks - do not have sufficient food to go around.

From the year 1999 to the year 2010 - thousands of young men mostly and Black have been shot and killed in certain hot spots - the Bayview Hunters Point, Sunnydale, and Western Addition being the predominant locations.

In these same areas - housing is not available for the poor.

More importantly the City know about these hot spots and knows that for the last 10 years unemployment has been over 50% and nothing - I repeat nothing has been done.

Added to the above there are over 350 toxic hot spots that the City Administrator knows about - the responsibility of the City - and these toxic hot spots - contribute to adversely impacting the health of the constituents of San Franciscans. This nonsense has been going on for the last 55 years.

Entities like Young Community Developers, City Build - other that have sprung up are quick to ask for money - to train the folks for some weeks - four weeks, eight weeks, 12 weeks, 16 weeks - and then the youth have to fend for themselves.

This City and County of San Francisco with all the diatribe it spews on Work Force does not have the availability to create - CAREER JOBS. 

Transportation is lacking in the poorer neighborhoods - there is no reliable transportation going to the Bayview Hunters Point for example. At night single women, women in general, our Seniors have to face the element weather and are often preyed upon by - thugs.

The Town Hall meetings held as the one that we had yesterday - are more for a venting session - NO action - and less no accountability and transparency.

What does the Mayor, Ed Lee have to say - what do the SF Board of Supervisors have to say? I want to know - for I have more to reveal - deeper and in detail.

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