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Saturday, June 30, 2012


Leadership does not come easy - and not; more so when in District 10 we have a Supervisor who is a chronic sell out.

Malia Cohen, cannot be trusted, and is working to divide the community - fostering - gentrification.

After every election - and especially in the Bayview Hunters Point where less then forty percent vote - and of those that votes - as many as fifteen percent of the votes are invalidated - for simple facts  - like signatures and addresses not matching.

It comes as no surprise that candidates who are - "crooks", "corrupt to the core", "candidates with a hidden agenda" - come in the community - and using the Rank Choice Voting fake system - win elections - by a narrow margin. 

In one case just 200 votes. Go figure!

Once such person who forced herself on the stage of infamy - is Malia Cohen.

After screwing around - she made her abode in Room 200 at City Hall - learning the tactics from the corrupt that visited her then boss Mayor Gavin Newsom.

Gavin Newsom one of the worst Mayors to enter Room 200 and defile it - complete with lying, bluffing, having extra-marital affairs, taking bribes and the whole gamut - that would put the devil to shame.

And he came out in public - and apologized profusely for sleep with his best friends wife - Alex Trouk - his wife Ruby. What a shame - and what disgrace did this pathetic fool - bring to our Great City of San Francisco.

This is the same Metrosexual who had an affair with his "Appointment Secretary" - the wife of one of his advisers - working with him in Room 200.

Of course - Malia Cohen was part of that circle - and played an important part with Dwayne Jones and others - rigging the elections - that favored Gavin Newsom - earlier.

Some of us decent folks voted for Matt Gonzalez who entered the race late - and was defeated in a very close - decided race - by a margin of - four percent.

Gavin had to bring then President Bill Clinton - at the last moment - to work for him - trying to convince people to vote for Gavin Newsom.

In reality - much of the dirty work was done early - when Gavin Newsom - in the earlier months - worked hard to get those those who were enrolled as  "Absentee Ballot Voters" - to vote for Gavin Newsom.

Gavin Newsom - a consummate liar and crook -had it all figured out early.

That is why - I took upon myself to organize to defeat his Gubernatorial  Campaign with a small force - that followed him everywhere - revealed the lies he told - and forced him out - of the Gubernatorial Race.

Governor Jerry Brown knows some about this but now he knows all of it.

Both; Governor Jerry Brown and I are sound Jesuit products. Gavin may tout he studied and was educated by the Jesuits - but we - who know do not consider Gavin - worth the salt.

Not with him divorcing his first wife - screwing with men and women - and now pretending he is a family man.

You cannot deceive us Mr. Dipstick.

Gavin Newsom did all he could to divide the Bayview Hunters Point Area.

Working with agents like Malia Cohen, Sophie Maxwell, Linda Richardson, Toye Moses, Willie B. Kennedy, Doris Vincent, Calvin Jones, Aurelious Walker, Lola Whittle, the Tabernacle Group - too many others that I will not name - but have in the past - these and more worked hard  to foster - Gentrification.

Malia Cohen did not in the past before entering to be the District 10 Supervisor - attend and participate in any meaningful, focused manner - to better the community.

Be it the Restoration Advisory Board linked to the Hunters Point Shipyard, the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) with Parcel A, the many health forums. the many forums to address Violence and so forth - nothing worth noting.

Yet; today Malia Cohen and prior to that Sophie Maxwell have amassed wealth - without serving the constituents of the Southeast Sector - the areas we call Potrero Hill, Bayview Hunters Point, Little Hollywood, Visitation Valley, Portola District, and beyond.

It is always funny to see how Malia Cohen and before that Sophie Maxwell would attend the San Bruno Avenue fair for example - that is in District 9 - but both pretending that is also part of District 10 - when it was - not.

Malia Cohen for example flooded her "campaign literature" from Silver Avenue to Bacon Street - all in District 9. At that time she lived with her parents a couple of blocks away from San Bruno Avenue - in District 9.

She may lie about it now - but, we know the TRUTH.

Trying her best Malia Cohen - incognito; to deceive the constituent from District 10 - living in District 9 and pretending to serve District 10.

The Machine was quick to aid her - finding her some den  - to live with a queer man - and save the day - now living at Potrero Hill. But not before her devious cover was revealed to the world.

It is this type of machinations and ploys that destroy credibility.

We want to know - if Malia Cohen is a lesbian - and if so - is she in the closet or out of the closet?

She should throw a Block Party - and reveal her - true colors.

We could have Good Vibrations sponsor her party -  getting over it - if she is too bashful - with toys in the open - perhaps she could display - as she does when she is in a parade of sorts.

Today; we have no leadership in the Bayview.

The good thing is that with the demise of the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency - and I fought tooth and nail to bring SFRA down - the well is dry - and the corrupt Blacks mostly - are at their wits end. 

Always wanting something for free - and always behaving like the "House Negro" that Malcolm X spoke off - so eloquently. 

LENNAR is a Rogue Developer - who poisoned our children and elders. We few; who brought Gavin Newsom to his knees, then brought Lennar to its knees - are ready at a moment notice - to rid the community of - "corrupt leaders" - projects that do not embrace the community - fairly.

Let this be a clarion call. Pay heed or forever hold your peace.

To those that are participating in nefarious activities - while pretending to pay  - "lip service" to the community at large - you days are numbered.

Willie L. Brown Jr. is losing his sight - he is legally blind.

For a long time - he embraced the crooks - but not right now - with the Federal Bureau of Investigation - monitoring every detail - and making headway - where the other crooks - are now on the run.

Huge assets in Macau and other dens - are now up for auditing  - once some one in on the trial - and can connect the dots - the rest is far game - we have seen it before - more me - working for some Federal Agencies.

In the end KARMA gets your ass - no matter how far you run - you may run but you cannot hide.

When the FBI and the IRS comes to your door - Malia Cohen - show them your SFPD Badge that you so ashamedly posted on your Face Book. Pathetic. 

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