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Sunday, November 25, 2018


Malia Cohen -
a lobbyist for the Cannabis Moguls -
backing JUUL a e-cigarette company -
taking bribes for favors granted and doors opened.

Here is San Francisco - we are blessed to have so many intelligent women - I do not count Malia Cohen and London Breed among them.

I believe politicians - be it a women or men - must represent the best interests of the tax payer, the constituents, the citizen.

Both London Breed and Malia Cohen - have amassed millions - and they have done that - by pandering - they are as I have describe them before - professional political whores.

They are downing in " dark money " and this and more has tarnished their names.

They are disgrace to the human race.

They have amassed millions and turned their back on those who need help most - our infants, our children, our youth and young adults, our Elders, those with compromised health - more those physically and mentally challenged.

There was a time - when the authorities - began doling Cannabis Club licenses - saturating Cannabis Clubs - six or seven in one small area. 

It took some time for the people to understand the situation at hand. No citizen in their right mind - wants a saturation of Cannabis Clubs - even if one is a weed eater.

The San Francisco Chinese community came in droves and opposed the situation of Cannabis Club - but Malia Cohen and others like her - turned their backs on the constituents.

They also turned their backs - on decent citizens - London Breed and Malia Cohen - as displayed by their actions - are a disgrace to San Franciscans.

At the opportune time - pretending to streamline the process - Malia Cohen has entrenched herself as a Point Person.

Malia Cohen is a lobbyist for the Cannabis Moguls - many of them promise to abide by the law - but paradoxically many of the owners and those back the Cannabis Clubs - have previous - felony charges.

Bottom line -as far as Malia is concerned  -  the bottom line is - Green - a different type of green.

So where was Malia Cohen - when the saturation of Cannabis Clubs sprouted all over the place -  too many in some small targeted areas - locations be it District 6 or District 11 ?

Why is Malia Cohen - so interested in helping the Cannabis Gurus? Why the fake talk that the sale of Cannabis Club will amass over billions by 2020? 

When did she become an expert in " weed"  in so short a time.

Both London Breed and Malia Cohen are products of the Emerge Movement - the Emerge Movement has helped many women get elected to office.

The two worse ones - that Emerge have produce - are London Breed and Malia Cohen. 

These two women are tarnishing the name of  " Emerge " -wallowing in " dark money " and in open defiance to any decent - and holistic principles.

Again and again - I have been approached by many - letting me know who London Breed and Malia Cohen truly are - their nefarious activities. 

Wheeling and dealing with Big Developers - laughing all the way to the bank.

How they dole favors and  favor some women - just because they are women. 

I do not think the  "Me Too Movement " - would approve such tactics or mentality. The " Me Too Movement " - has many decent men - fathers, husbands, loved ones - men - who have supported their mothers, their wives, their sisters, their loved ones women - it takes all - to make good things - happen.

London Breed and Malia Cohen - loved to jump on any band wagon - where they can exploit the situation. The first question they ask - what is it that they can gain - from jumping on the band wagon - mostly at the eleventh hour.

Let me try to enlighten the public a bit - many a time - I am asked if I am a feminist. I say yes.

Why do I say - yes. I say yes - because I strongly believe men as well as women - must be fair - be qualified to do a job - if you can do a job - you earn the respect of all.

As I have explained above - all those with their heart in the right place - women and men - can take anyone and more - to a better place.

I know men who are not feminist - they side always with men - and I oppose them - and have won the hearts and mind of many women - in my life. 

Many women at times - have been targeted by men - because they do to want women to compete with them - or because the women are better educated. 

Then try to convince me and others - that just because they are men - they should be listened to and favored. This is plain - BS.

We have seen this at City Hall - and in the Chambers - and for a slight moment - I will move to Catherine Stefani - she blurted out - that women are the majority - as the SF Board of Supervisors stands now -  and can do a better job. 

Little knowing that stupid comments like that -would come to haunt her ass - especially after the recent mid-term - elections. 

The mid-term elections have brought more men in at SF City Hall and in Room 250.

The SF women Supervisors  - these women who had their majority - in the Chambers - Room 250 are no more able to say that soon. 

I would like to hear - what Catherine Stefani - has to say - about the change in the SF Chambers -  Room 250, now ?

As I said earlier - it is not about men or women - it is about representation. I it  about being fair.

It is about being educated on issues. It is about discerning - making sound choices. 

Now let us turn to London Breed - who has a Chief of Staff who is woman - and has NO clue about Emergency Services.

This woman - making general statements - at a meeting - that address Emergency Services.

No wonder when we experienced two weeks of the worst air - in the world - nothing much came from the Chief of Staff - nor - our inept, ill informed, less discerning - Mayor, London Breed.

London Breed known in many better and informed circles as - " The Loud Mouth ".

During the mid-term elections - London Breed went out of her way - knowing well " dark money " was used by Conway and others - to back one woman candidate from District 4 - who lost miserably.

Two more women candidates - from District 6 - who lost miserably too. 

All three women were groomed by " Emerge " and it is time that  " Emerge "  - take note - and vett candidates who run for office - is a more sensible manner - and avoid - toxic folks like London Breed.

Noticed the right about turn - London Breed made on Proposition C - now she against it - and then when the Proposition C win - she is for it. 

London Breed is like a reed - blowing in the wind - and this willy nilly mentality - must come to an end. London Breed does not have the gumption to lead - she a panderer - more who is confused.

In San Francisco we are blessed with fair women - among them I count Fiona Ma and many others.

These stellar and astute women - took a stand and stood their ground. 

Many of them started at the SF Board of Supervisors - and now hold high, sound and good positions - and yet they serve the people with humility and that is the bottom line - sound representation.

London Breed and Malia Cohen - are so pompous - that each time they open their mouth - lacking sound manners and etiquette.

These two women will neutralize - the role of decent women - which is an important factor to note that has earned  both Malia Cohen and London Breed - earning the unsavory title of  - " professional political whores ".

The saturation of Cannabis Clubs all over San Francisco - much as the proliferation electronic cigarettes - and JUUL a e-cigarette company - situated at Pier 70 - a contaminated place - backed by Malia Cohen.

At Pier 70  now an evil empire has been created by JUUL that is adversely impacting the health of millions of youth. Over 60% of our San Francisco youth - are hood on e-cigarettes - that is adversely impacting their health - across the board schools like Lowell, and Saint Ignatius and others adversely impacted.

Some of us get side tracked when these professional political whores - are shown on SF Public TV - ribbon cutting, doling Commendations and Proclamations - and making small talk - all this and more - does not matter.

It really matters - when innocent infants, children, youth, young adults, our Elder, those with compromised health - more our mentally and physically challenged are slowly dying.

Most anyone will tell you - women have more empathy, compassion, affection, genuine love - bringing memories of our grandmothers, our mothers, those women that have played an important part in the our lives - I am talk as a man.

Both Malia Cohen and London Breed - are saturated with hate for men - distrust - and love wheeling and dealing - and will fall flat of their face.

Now more and more we have some women - acting tough - hating men - putting men down - more Black men - while these two professional political whores - have NO clue the damage they are doing to San Francisco.

Most of the women - who follow London Breed and Malia Cohen - the majority of them Black are under investigation.

They will fall in the trap - and when the Feds - do their job - they will allow the ones - they are monitoring - all the time - as they carry out their nefarious activities - nonchalant - and then nab them - play all their sordid actions - for them to review - complete with the empirical data. 

Mayor London Breed -
better known - " loud mouth ".

Both London Breed and Malia Cohen have been investigated before - today both are involved with " dark money " - both have amassed millions - and they know they are playing with fire. They are NOT to be trusted.

One has just to visit the SF Ethics Commission website - the SF Ethics Commission and the Controller's Office have been slow - focusing on the vast amount of " dark money " that have filled the campaign coffers of both Malia Cohen and London Breed.

On most fronts - linked to our congestion on our roads in San Francisco - both Malia Cohen and London Breed have failed.

Malia Cohen favors building high density homes on land prone to liquefaction and flooding, Malia has no empathy nor compassion linked to the chronic homeless citizens - slowly dying on the streets of San Francisco. 

As SF President of the SF Board of Supervisors - Malia Cohen has disgraced that office - and continues to make a mockery - bagging the gavel - and acting arrogant - all this will come to nought.

Our Senior population go to bed hungry, and so do one in three children in San Francisco. One in four Senior go to bed hungry - past the fifth of every month.

Many cannot afford Health Insurance. What is important to note - people have to work three and four jobs - to rent a one bed room for over $3500 and a two bed room for over $5500. 

These professional political whores - are busy pussyfooting - shopping and spend in access of $5000 each are every shopping spree - and have NO qualms of conscience. 

When we advocates attended the SF Board of Supervisors - we watch the ploys, machinations, and shenanigans. Once were permitted 3 minutes during Public Comment - now a measly two minutes.

We watch the SF Board of Supervisors - and now it is time for the men who will be in the majority - to represent - to remind jackasses like Catherine Stefani - who was anointed - that she has failed in her mentality - to comprehend politics - opened her mouth and shoved her foot in it.

Malia Cohen will be history - and Sacramento are used to handling those that are stupid - cutting them to size in a jiffy.

Malia Cohen can pussyfoot there with another jackass Scott Wiener - who is always coming up with cockeyed legislation - to win some attention - be it for all the wrong reasons.

November 2020 - is round the corner - we do not have an astute Mayor - we have a "loud mouth " at SF City Hall.

More London Breed - cannot think for herself - she is as confused as they come - has chosen a Chief of Staff - that panders to London Breed.

There is only so much ass licking one can do - before falling prey to buffoonery  - be booted out in disgrace.

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