We the people - united - will not be defeated.
Once politicians took pride in representing - no more.
Now the worse of them - vultures - with no values, less standard, absolutely NO morals - are working hard behind the scenes - propping themselves to run for Mayor of San Francisco.
Former Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr -
the wheeling and dealing that goes on -
his finger in every pie - and with that $$$$$$$
The San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee - has been caught fast asleep at the cockpit.
The values that we once adhered to in San Francisco - the land of the Muwekma Ohlone - and now treated with disdain.
Crooks and the corrupt abound everywhere - like cockroaches.
The SF Democratic County Central Committee ( SF DCCC) slates - prodding innocent, hardworking people, constituents - San Franciscans - to vote for those the SF DCCC - vouches for - bragging - they are in charge and knew what was best for San Francisco. No more.
Scumbags all - never, ever to be trusted.
The aging Senator has a new " pace maker " -
hopefully the heart beat will now encourage -
compassion and will that quick healing.
The aging Senator Diane Feinstein - is on the sidelines for now - a new " pace maker " - I hope that heart with a better beat has compassion - to make up for all the sordid actions of the past.
The Pacific Heights Mafia - has been alive and kicking for a long time.
Recently - they have had surprises - those in the know - are reviewing the dossiers - the many wheeling and dealing - evil deeds - that have raked in millions - for those that worship the devil and more " money ". Greed.
Congresswoman now practices -
singing the Blues - by the Lincoln Memorial -
in Washington DC - joined by other - losers.
You would not recognize Congressperson Nancy Pelosi - who now is found in front of the Lincoln Memorial - singing songs from the 60s.
Trying the convince us - she is a peoples' person - when we know - far from that - she is the reason - why we have a monster - in the White House.
Here comes City Attorney Dennis Herrera - the same person that negated our 33, 000 signatures - linked the former SF Redevelopment Agency - at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.
We have NOT forgotten - and even though for keeps sake - we forgive - we few with the institutional memory and more experience - will NOT forget.
Today over 30, 000 units a planned to be built - others rehabilitated and upgraded - all on very contaminated ground.
Depleted Uranium was test on these ground - and even today high levels of radioactive elements. Go figure.
Donald Trump is here is stay - and those corrupt - the the likes of Mayor Edwin M. Lee - are now - disturbed - pretending to defend the people of San Francisco - do not trust this lap dog - Edwin.
Washington D.C has issued an order - to watch out for the lap dog - and deplete funding for San Francisco.
Every SF project - will be reviewed - and cuts made in proportional to the " wheeling and dealing " that took place when President Barrack Hussein Obama - was in office.
Suddenly funding for those with compromised immune systems, our transportation system - more the " high speed rail ' and related issues - will be curtailed - in many cases there will be little or no money - coming to the projects - where millions were wasted.
The shenanigans surrounding the TransBay Center - the Dewatering of the area - some buildings more skyscrapers sinking - more 18 inches.
The decision makers - linked to the many projects - seek Federal money - now are plagued with money issues.
The engineers and architects - working with the Project Managers - to find solutions - none of them expected a Trump to trump them all - and bring them to their knees.
San Francisco has lacked leadership - and Mayor Edwin M. Lee - in all the positions he held before - was a panderer - Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr. - appointed him the City Administrator - that ultimately provided Mayor Gavin Newsom - to anoint him a Mayor - one of the worst this City has seen in contemporary times.
Mayor Gavin Newsom - who played a key role - a Metrosexual Mayor who chose to anoint Mayor Edwin M. Lee - who as we all have witnessed - loves to wheel and deal and has amassed great illegal - wealth.
Mayor Edwin M. Lee - has no leadership qualities - and not worth the salt.
It is too early to think about who is going to be the next Mayor of San Francisco - for sure - we do not want some crooks - the likes of David Chiu who originally hails from Taiwan.
Cheat and lied to get to Sacramento - no one can fool all the people - all the time - watch out for this weasel - David Chiu.
London Breed - who narrowly missed being defeated in the last election. Ignorant, brash, who now has decided to take Willie L. Brown Jr. for dinner - to win Willie over - to back her up - Willie will do that for a price - that is how is operates.
Times have changed - and this time around - an Independent is what the majority of San Franciscans wants - as Mayor.
No one who is remotely involved with the SF Democratic County Central Committee (SFDCCC) - will be accepted by the stellar and astute constituents of San Francisco.
For sure NOT and crook and panderer - the likes of London Breed.
Dennis Herrera wants to impress us that he can take Donald Trump - and irk Donald - this one singular decision - speaks of poor judgement,
A simple City Attorney - cannot afford to take on Donald Trump and win - no one can defeat Donald Trump with one play that he may think will win - a Hail Mary!
We can continue our Sanctuary City polices and have the City and County pay for it. One way we could easily achieve this goal - is trim the salaries of all those City and County Employees - who make over $200, 000 plus benefits - and do not perform.
Have Salesforce, Google, Facebook, Goldman Sacks, Citi Bank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Chase Bank - other billionaires and millionaires - contribute to the immigrants that need much need help - and keep the Sanctuary City program afloat and more alive and kicking.
Contractors too many to name - can contribute to the " Immigrant Issues " - and other Quality of Life issues - that we once fought for in the early 1980s - and now can deal with - without Federal assistance and the many shenanigans coming from monster Donald Trump.
Our indigenous people have a role to play in San Francisco - and we have gathered in huge numbers - on the issues of the shooting and killings on our streets of San Francisco. Shut down City Hall - with folks like London Breed and Mayor Edwin M. Lee - going in hiding.
There is more coming - not so much at City Hall - but outside City Hall.
The murders and deaths of Alex Neito, Amilar Perez Lopez, Luis Gongora Pat, Kenneth Harding Jr., Mario Woods, Jessica Nelson Williams - others.
These folks should not have died - and they were murdered by rogue officers - who should have known - better. Time will tell.
We have gathered to bring to the attention of Mayor Edwin M. Lee, the SF Board of Supervisor and its President London Breed - the results of the Blue Panel Report and the SF Police Commission and related entities - that seem to kick the can down the street - and failed to bring about - prompt and meaningful - adjudication - when it comes to the murders on the streets of San Francisco.
The very poor performance of the SF Office of Citizens Complaints, SF Police Department dealing with the Police Officers Association - the SF Police Officers Association itself - the SF District Attorney and the lack of progress in charging the rogue SF Police Officers - the few bad apples that are disgracing our City and County of San Francisco.
The SF Grand Jury has brought to the attention of all - the lengthy and futile - processes involved in our adjudication system - when it comes to killing and murders of those killed by the SF Police Officers.
More the rogue police officers - who seem to go Scott Free - aided and abetted by the Police Officers Bill of Rights.
San Francisco do not wait - to take on those that want to control San Francisco - the land of the Muwekma Ohlone - we do not want crooks - more known crooks and very corrupt - to dictate to us - tax paying - hard working citizens - telling us and more ordering us - what to do - and what is good for us. Aho.