San Francisco has an "element" of sordidness - follow the money they say - and with the former "thug" Mayor of SF - Willie L. Brown Jr - in the cock-pit - this is all the more relevant.
When you follow the money - large amounts of money - it will lead to door of Willie L. Brown Jr and his minions.
Follow the doings of Platinum Consultants and all the minions that work for that very corrupt entity - the likes of Dwayne Jones - and you have opened up - a can of worms.
Many of those at City Hall and more from Room 200 - must be cited with the RICO ACT - why this has not been done - is anyone's guess. They say they are in the works - Malia Cohen is one of them that should be dealt with - her evil tentacles - are deep into getting bribes - and making hay while the sun shines.
Lennar brags that it is building some homes - the homes are being built on a Superfund Site.
As most in the know - know, that Hunters Point Shipyard all of it including Parcel A - the only parcel conveyed to Lennar Urban is very contaminated. Only the worst contaminated sites - are put on the "Superfund List".
The Mayor Edwin M. Lee and those that he works with day in and day out - know that there have been very high recordings of Asbestos Structures on Parcel A.
The paradox is that those that are buying these contaminated homes - have no clear idea - about the contamination and more the prevailing - very high levels of Asbestos Structures.
The Regulatory Agencies - the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Regional Water Board, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), the SF Department of Environment, the SF Health Department, the Division of Environment linked to the SF Health Department - Amy Brownell and Stephanie Cushing - look the other side - while innocent people are being exposed to very high levels of Asbestos Structures
Anyone who lives in or anywhere near these contaminated homes - those that have been there before - for example living on Cleo Rand hundred feet from the Lennar Urban Project - have come down with all sorts of "tumors".
All sorts of cancers - all well recorded and known by Barbara Gracia - Director - of the San Francisco Health Department - with a $2 Billion budget.
The Department of Building Inspection - and I have sent articles about this to the Department of Building Inspection - Angus McCathy - who reads English - and can explain the contents to those that do not. The Department of Building Inspection Commission has been fast asleep at the cock-pit. Wake up and do what you all are suppose to do - now.
The Department of Building Inspections - was paid millions - to monitor and evaluate what Lennar Urban was doing - but has done nothing - and has very little to report to the Public at Large.
Time for a hearing - on all the shenanigans happening on Parcel A.
Until recently some of us would receive the Asbestos Readings - and when the reading were too high - mandating a Notice of Violation (NOV).
I would forward such readings to the Mayor Office for Mayor Edwin M. Lee to see for himself - what he and his minions were endorsing. Such detrimental emails to those of us that received them - have stopped - the devil does not want to others to know - what truly is happening at - ground zero.
We have the Precautionary Principle on our books - I have mentioned this many times.
Our Mayor Edwin M. Lee for all his drab talk - has not exercised this Ordinance a Law - the Mayor and his minions - look the other way. The reason is simple - they are on the take - time to sound the alarm - and enforce the RICO ACT.
The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission - one of the most corrupt Enterprise Departments in the Nation - will not abide by the laws and follow the Precautionary Principle - too.
Right now the man holes and the clean water and sewage pipes laid by San Francisco Public Utilities Commission - using companies like Ranger and others - are contaminated with layers of dust and dirt - all laden with Asbestos Structures.
The other Primes and sub-contractors bid and were given contracts to build homes.
The workers working on Parcel A - have been adversely impacted with pay and other pertinent issues - like sexual harassment.
Several issues linked with proper payment and payment on time - former friends of Lennar Urban - today openly are against Lennar Urban for non-payment of work completed. One of them Al Norman - who has an Electrical business.
One Prime - Obiyashi will not pay - even though they have the money - they will go pass the 120 days plus - with our City and those in charge with all of the vain talk - looking the other way.
What is Naomi Kelly doing about this very serious issue?
The workforce is disgusted with the non-payment issues - the workers are treated like dirt - and our Mayor Edwin M. Lee has been informed - but is doing nothing about this very serious issue.
You would think Steve Kawa and Tony Winniker would step up - and fix this situation. Especially the situations of sexual harassment.
The few women who work at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - on Parcel A - the only parcel conveyed to the City and County of San Francisco - who is turn - conveyed it to Lennar Urban - the few women who work - are experiencing - deadly - " sexual harassment".
Again, the Mayor knows about this but has done nothing - the many women groups that the Mayor funds - know about this deadly situation - but have done nothing - about it.
For all the talk about protecting women and their rights at the workplace - this City and County of San Francisco has failed on Parcel A - miserably - at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.
Tiffany Bohee the loud mouth and Naomi Kelly the women City Administrator - better step up and do something - before the word gets out in a big way - that that the two of you are - chronic - "sell outs".
The very corrupt and inept San Francisco Public Utilities Commission is now poised to provide Lennar Urban with so called " Clean Energy" - they have been deliberating this concept for the last five years - and have no clear - Blue Print.
Much as they have been deliberating the "design and build" of the "digestors" at the Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant - without accountability and transparency. A $ 2.6 Billion project - that is slow and has a low profile - the crooks want it all - and want to make a lot of money.
Some of us backed Brown and Caldwell - and CH2Hill - but these two primes have failed the community at large.
It has passed 18 months and there has not been one single public meeting - as to who has been chosen to build and place the "digestors".
The type of model chosen for operating purposes - we hear - it is a design - from DENMARK - and something surely stinks in Denmark - from all the diatribe that we have been hearing.
Of course the Primes are there bidding - aided by Ivy Fine - on all the Sewage System Improvement Projects (SSIP) - a very corrupt and more inept person - from Contracting.
Now with Emilio Cruz gone - the door is open - and Ali Baba and the forty thieves are working hard - to make hay while the sun is shinning.
You would think Lennar Urban is corrupt and evil - but wait until you peel the layers and find out how the San Francisco Public Utilities works - it stinks to high heaven.
The Nurseries by the present Raw Sewage Treatment Plant - under the jurisdiction of the SF Public Utilities Commission - have been given a notice - move to Brisbane.
The SF Public Utilities wants the space - thousands of square feet - from which for the past 30 years plus the SF Public Utilities Commission has been receiving over $30, 000 a month - and have failed to invest anything much in the properties - failed to put in - in terms of toilets, shower rooms, roads, the usual much need amenities needed.
Yesterday, the SF Public Utilities Commission gathered some folks - to figure out some design plans - at the Southeast Community Facility Commission Building at 1800 Oakdale.
Pampering those that are hoodwinked - with pizza and other such fast food that is bad for you.
These type of dog and pony shows have been going on - under the directorship and dictatorship of Juliet Ellis.
Juliet Ellis the Assistant Manager of External Affairs - who should be fired - but is still polluting and contaminating the environment - at the SF Public Utilities Commission situated at 525 Golden Gate Avenue - and from there her tentacles - spread wide and far. Time will tell.
I will be at the SF Public Utilities Commission today - July 28, 2015 - at 1:30 pm. to reveal more - time will tell. Aho.