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Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Willie L. Brown Jr the paramount wheeler and dealer - registered one years ago - as a lobbyist - shocking many - who challenged his many deals in the millions - openly canvasing  - the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

The worst among them the Gang of Six - Mark Farrell, Malia Cohen, London Breed, Katy Tang, and Julie Christensen.

We all remember when the Supreme Court made a declaration that  " Corporations are people too".

Leading thousands of Corporations to  funnel millions - to nefarious entities.

 Throwing all sorts of curve balls - tossing Fair Practices out the door - adversely impacting  many elections on the local, State and Federal level.

We all know this - but who is going to fight the Supreme Court?

 In recent days - the Supreme Court - has had people of all sorts - salivating - but forgetting that not all its past decisions - stand the test of time - one being its decision - " that Corporations and People too".

San Francisco has a unique Ethics Commission - with power to do the right thing - has failed to do so - pandering to dirty - politics.

Again and again when it comes to "Whistle Blower" issues, for example the glaring, the sordid issue - linked to Juliet Ellis - who transferred over $200,000 from the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) - to Green For All - a non-profit.

Juliet Ellis  was connected to the Green For All - before she took the position of Assistant General Manager - at the SFPUC.

Juliet Ellis jumped from the SF Public Utilities Commission to taking a over $200,000 salary - as the Assistant General Manager - a conflict of interest - but such shenanigans - form the culture of the Enterprise Department - the sordid SFPUC.

The SF Ethics Commission was slow to adjudicate the case. The State of California - Fair Political Practices  Commission (FPPC) - faulted Juliet Ellis - who agreed to pay the illegal amounts transferred to Green For All - all illegal - back to the SFPUC.

The SF Ethics Commission heard the case - and agreed with the superior Fair Political Practices Committee - took no action - such as a dismissal of the pathetic woman , Juliet Ellis - shameless and a disgrace to anything - decent.

Juliet Ellis got a slap on the wrist and today - continues her ploys and shenanigans.

Recently, offering the Mayor Edwin M. Lee over 2000 positions - Summer Jobs - dipping into the Community Benefits - set aside linked to the Sewer System Improvement Project - some $300 million set aside - as Community Benefits - by a special Task Force.

I attended some of the meetings - to watch the deliberations of the Task Force - and the SFPUC has used the Task Force like a "dirty rag" - used some public entity - for its own sordid, purposes.

We have seen the San Francisco Ethics Commission have long drawn deliberations linked to Tony Hall and the Triple Play Case.

Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi and the case of Domestic Violence which went south.

John Rhaim and the SF Planning Department and all the ploys and machinations going on there.

Juliet Ellis who actually should have gone to jail - with intent - transferring over $200,000  of tax payers money - and  still involved with nefarious entities in the Bayview and in other - places.

It does not help that those working for the SF Ethics Commission - not a Commissioner - the man sitting with his crutches - over looking him today at the SF Ethics Commission - who is responsible - for a lot of the on going - nonsense.

Lobbyists that we know - the few that are sordid to the core - have tainted the name of San Francisco.

The Fair Political Practices Commission:

 The last three Mayors of San Francisco - have used the SF Ethics Commission - to tarnish - fair play and sound adjudication.

The SF Ethics Commission has hurt and destroyed the lives of many an innocent person.

The SF Ethics Commission has failed to serve its purpose - now wants to put on the Ballot what the previous SF Ethics Commission - changed - watering down language - that was linked to the Lobbyists - that San Francisco must debar from doing any business -  for sure Platinum Consultants.

We have some SF Ethics Commissioners who have no clue - nor do they know the difference - between 501 (c) 1 and the more political prone 501 (c) 4. 

Perhaps, they can call upon Fiona Ma from the  State of California  - Equalization Board - to give them a FREE orientation - on this issue and others.

Simply put if any For Profit or Non-Profit is mandated to report to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) - it can and should to a local reporting entity - such as the SF Ethics Commission - monies spent on lobbying that adverse impacts - the decent tax payer.

We do that  now - reporting to the State Attorney's Office - send them a copy of what we duly report to the IRS .

All For Profits and Non-Profits do that -  and I suppose have no problem - what so ever.

When Larry Bush, Patrick Shaw, Marc Saloman, others all decent San Franciscans - attend and speak up -  at the San Francisco Ethics Commission - they do San Francisco - and more San Franciscans - justice.

In recent years under Mayor Edwin M. Lee hundreds of decent, hardworking, San Francisco City employees - have been fired - more those that are whistle blowers. If anyone thinks - this is right - they are WRONG.

Daily millions of dollars are diverted by sordid City employees - who worked hand in glove with Mayor Edwin M. Lee -  recently some audits were ordered by Malia Cohen - only to OPEN a can of worms.

The present San Francisco Ethics Commission must be revamped - and never, ever for a nano second - think or imagine - you are not watched - like a HAWK.

Monday, June 29, 2015


Web of financial institutions

Mayor Edwin M. Lee has been running his mouth - reading his speeches written by folks - who are NOT educated on issues less care about the ordinary San Franciscan.

Still less oblivious of the International happenings - going on right now - in the world - that will hit us hard in the pocket book.

Hot air and the mundane - are things for those that have their own petty interest - folks who talk the talk but can never - walk the walk.

Steve Kawa will read these paragraphs and think he is rolling the dice - and hitting the jackpot - every tenth roll - but all that and more will come to the end - very soon.

We are in at the midst of an artificial - boom, here in San Francisco. First there is a loud boom - and then - just like that - a bust.

The Mayor Edwin M. Lee - spews diatribe - one cliche he uses - "shared equity" - easy to say for one - that has stashed millions - in all sorts of wheeling and dealings - most of it linked to - nefarious, activities.

On one hand these "evil" people talk about "shared equity" - on the other hand they create - the "great divide".

There is no one man that understands it all - for sure in San Francisco and more in Room 200 at City Hall - we do have a Caligula and his minions - playing with fire.

Mayor Edwin M. Lee and his minions - look the other way - watch the increasing numbers of homeless withhout any compassion.

Our infants, children, youth, young adults - suffering from all sorts of adverse issues.

Seniors, facing starvation and other lack of much needed support and aid - in their golden years - and there is none to be found.

The congestion on our roads - falling on deaf ears. The Carbon Footprint increasing - more with the pouring of millions of tons of concrete and other contaminants.

If you are wheeling and dealing - using the tax payers money to make deals - you are riding high.

Throwing out slogans - linked to Bond Measures - tax payers will pay for them - but have you and your minions - at City Hall - have no real goals and time-lines - you are taking the constituents of San Francisco for a wild, wild ride - over the precipice and into the "cesspool" - of your own - creation.

On the International scene there is the looming Greek financial crisis.

Germany, France, other Euro partners - have done their best - the Greeks have reached saturation point.

The Greeks have suffered for too long - and they do not see any HOPE - on their horizon.

Greece the land of Philosophy and other sources of sound culture - now, falling prey to mundane policies - and GREED - made in the United States of America.

Our American Banks and dubious interests own Greek Museums, all kinds of facilities, and enticed the Greeks into all sorts of sordid deals - linked to our 2008 financial, spiraling of our economy.

The Greeks went for the easy money - excess spending - never thinking about the huge interests - and when the time came to pay the Balloon Payments - the Greeks had nothing - but their treasures, their Land Mark buildings, their assets worth little today - to surrender and suffer - starvation on most levels.

Stock and Shares are tumbling:

For the last 7 years - for those who are interested and follow - cycles of a kind - the world's shallow financial - roller coaster.

We have seen Greece go under - float for time - and now waiting - for the great - drowning, moment.

Here is the Bay Area what favors us - are the Billions of dollars - coming in from China and other dubious places - for quick investment - mostly in Real Estate.

Much like the Japanese did in the 1980s.

There is plenty of blood money, available - all you need are the connections.

Willie L. Brown the former thug Mayor of San Francisco and Mayor Edwin M. Lee - are having a "festive time".

Wheeling and dealing - if only there were cameras in Room 200 - billion dollar deals made - lock, stock, and barrel.


This is Ohlone land and all that we see in San Francisco and the entire Bay Area belongs to the Ohlone.

EACH square inch that we see - and which "evil folks like Willie L. Brown and others " - think they can possess and wheel and deal - land that is not theirs - but, they speak and think and purport to be theirs.

Right now a one bed room is fetching $4000 a month in rent.

A one bed room condominium going for $1 to $3 million in the downtown area. Some high end suites two and three bed room condominiums - for $5 to $10 million.

Recently, there has been a slowing down of high end properties - land, homes, condominiums, and the City and County of San Francisco - is beginning to see - this slow down - and wondering - what is happening.

Well, all things come to an end - the good, bad, and ugly.

In San Francisco we have reached - saturation point - when it comes to the - "fake real estate".

All kind of speculations - that trigger - all sorts of machinations, ploys, and shenanigans.

We all remember the years before and after 2008 - all the tricks that the banks used to entice and trap those that - fell for the traps.

As Malia Cohen she will tell you - how her once $580,000 condominium went under.

After that bout - Malia Cohen - got into the "whoring mode" - she had to make up for all that she lost - by hook or by crook. Trap or clap - the "greener" the pour - the better for this one of kind  - Lemur.

Malia Cohen could wheel and deal - lie and cheat - and take part in despicable deeds, acquire fancy cars and more - and do what she does best - become a known - "political whore".

Malia Cohen could be charged today under the Rico Act - and go to jail for a long, long time.

The wealth she has acquired in a short time - is disproportionate to what she makes - she is not paying attention - but her mug and her dressing - says it all.

It is the same with Mayor Edwin M. Lee - how playing with Pension Fund that belongs to the City works - using this money - to fund homes for City Workers - so called "essential workers".

What about the tax payers - San Franciscans - who have contributed so much - to the progress of our unique - City and County of San Francisco? 

Over a year ago I predicted what will happen - to this artificial boom.

Today, we see the real happenings - the Stock Market today - will reveal - how strong it is - really.

In the months to come - we will watch the spiraling of the economy - more after the 7 year cycle - that some of us monitor and can predict - with some - certainty.

Sunday, June 28, 2015



San Francisco has led the way - in bring about - many changes in San Francisco - and many of us "advocates" - have proved again and again - that we can deliver - and that we will deliver.

In 1989 when San Francisco was struck with the Big One - we saw our City and County of San Francisco - FAIL.

We did not have in place any viable and sustainable - organization to deal with the many - emergencies.

Sixth U.S. Army and Presidio of San Francisco - was in place - and the many Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) were vetted - giving me and others - an opportunity to go into action - and serve our City and County of San Francisco.

Among others - I received a Commander's Award - which at that time - I did not think much about - but, now I treasure - as one of my best awards. My reason anyone who loves San Francisco - and had the expertise and skills - would have done - what I chose to do, naturally.

Much like I have done through out my life - all over the world.

We went to the Tenderloin and started our operations - the City per se - was no where to be found. The Red Cross came two weeks later - and appreciated what we had done. We handed over our operation in place - and went back to work.

Today, in San Francisco under the jurisdiction of our City Administrator much is made of our Office of Emergency Service - a pathetic department.

Again and again when we have had a major emergency in the City and County of San Francisco - any major congestion on our roads - this sordid Department that receives a lot of money - hard earned tax payers money - no skills, no expertise to address a " real emergency" what so ever.

Today,our City and County of San Francisco is at a cross roads - again, the advocates have revealed to our pathetic San Francisco Planning Department - about the lack of housing for those the need help most - sincere, decent, hard working San Franciscans.

There is dire need for low income and no income housing - but, the San Francisco Planning Department - is no where to be found.

The Mayor Office of Housing - will say some pretty things - but,there is ends.

Few low income people - more "no income" have a sound tax credit, money to put down as a down payment, (even if the City gives you as much as $315,000) no interest loan - for first time home buyers.

There is no - low income no income to be found - and the only place that once it was available - Public Housing - is now the hunting ground of Bridge Developers, Mercy Housing, and the sordid John Stewart Company.

Most Public Housing that we see today - that has long passed it use - was built by the Department of Defense (DoD).

Transferred to the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) - HUD did a lousy job, only to transfer it to the San Francisco Housing Authority that operated like the Mafia.

The SF Housing Authority used deferred maintenance and other nefarious ploys - much like any Mafia operation - to treat innocent indigent people - with disdain.

Mayor Edwin M. Lee fired the last SF Housing Authority - with Amos Brown as its head - and other devious member like Millard Larkin, Dwayne Jones and others - all were fired.

The Mayor Edwin M. Lee appointed Joaquim Torres the son of Art Torres who is my good friend - to try to bring about a change - and put the former SF Housing Authority on track.

That journey has been very difficult - the SF Housing Authority accrued millions of dollars in debt. Had elevators in most of the buildings that did not operate and often broke down and could not be used for months.

Peeling walls, filthy units infected with pests, other despicable conditions too nauseating to describe. For many living in Public Housing has and is still a - night mare.

There is legal language that HUD developed for tenants to own their own units. These plan was never carried through. A plant to bring in private developers - crooks like John Stewart, Mercy Housing, and Bridge Developers - was initiated to hoodwink the public at large.

There was no Ballot - no meaningful meeting to initiate a City Proposition - to hand over large properties to Mercy Housing, the John Stewart Company, and Bridge Developers - at Potrero Hill, Hunters Point now know as Huntersview, and Sunnydale.

Deals were cut by Mayor Gavin Newsom with the above crooks - Mercy Housing, the John Stewart Company and Bridge Developers.

The so called "sordid developers" got the land for free.

It has been years - Disposition and Development Agreement - the plan that had some goals and time lines - none of which has materialized fully.

Time to legally - make all the Disposition and Development Agreements - null and void - linked to the John Stewart Company, Mercy Housing, and Bridge Developers.

No one has challenged them - and most of them have not bothered to initiate amendments to the DDA - so now is the time - to challenge them in Court - and revert the properties to Community Based Housing Organization - that have the money and the expertise.

Tiffany Bohee, Olson Lee, others know what I am talking about - but, think that we are not knowledgable.

I have know Olson Lee for a long, long time.
Tiffany Bohee a lackey - started with the SF Public Utilities Commission - working as a peon.

Others - who take their instructions from crooked developers - often - hand in glove - with the SF Planning Department.

Within the SF Planning Department - teams - working with several private Project Developers - not so much to help those that need housing - a rood above their heads - but more chose with intent - to facilitate - Market Rate Housing.

Today, in San Francisco we have too much Market Rate Housing - over 500% of the baseline requirement. Much of it sitting there - UNOCCUPIED.

Read this article about Proposition F - and how Lennar Urban and Kofi Bonner reacted to Proposition F - put on the Ballot June 3, 2004:

Over 300% below the baseline requirement - when it comes to low income an no income.

Innocent people who cannot afford a unit for $3500 a month - sleep on our streets, in the bushes, under the bridges - all over our City and City of San Francisco.

In 2004 - I was the proponent of Proposition F - check the facts out with the San Francisco Department of Elections.

I opposed Lennar Urban a rogue developer and their sordid Proposition G - that has FAILED and is failing - even to this day.



Our City and County of San Francisco and for sure Edwin M. Lee who was not the Mayor at that time - Edwin M. Lee  backed Proposition G and Lennar Urban - a rogue developer - for all the wrong - reasons.

We have in San Francisco a hero - one of kind - who has taken upon himself - to be an investigative reporter - second to none.

His name is Patrick Monette-Shaw - he is an angel sent by God - to fight for those that need help most - especially those that cannot .

Again in the trenches I have met him - admired his guts - and the ability to speak to the "Truth" with gusto, accurate, shaming the many City crooks who hold high positions - and are basely cheap, sordid - sell out.

The article below - written by Patrick Monette-Shaw who once run for Mayor of San Francisco - and is a force to be reckoned with.

Patrick Monette- Shaw - has my support - one million percent - the thousands that I rally at short notice to address any issue.

We and other advocates are watching the many sordid action of our City and County of San Francisco - and Mayor Edwin M. Lee - like a hawk.

Here is one of many article - not written by me - but, my good friend and admirer - Patrick Monette-Shaw - that gives the reader - some deep, information.

Exposes - all the illegal deeds - that we the people have not forgotten and will not forget:

Right now - since all of the Disposition and Development Agreement - have not met their goals, failed time lines - the City can turn Potrero Hill to local Community For Profit and Non-Profit - not corrupt,sordid developers who fill the campaigner coffers - of the many politicians in San Francisco.

Leading the pack of crooks Malia Cohen, London Breed, Mark Farrell, Katy Tang, Julie Christensen and worst of them all - Scott Wiener.

Local - Community Based Non-Profits - all with expertise to build and develop sound housing.

Who can raise they own money - not a penny from the sordid City and County of San Francisco - who use tax payers Bond Money - and claim the City can do as they please - they cannot and in this case - will not.

We local Community Based For- Profits and Non-Profit - as is the Southeast Community Development Corporation (SESCDC) -  can develop - Potrero Hill, Huntersview, and Sunnydale - thousands of units - for the many that really need the housing.

We can fulfill the promises we made in Proposition F - in the Ballot Measure we placed before the tax payers of San Francisco in 2004.

We must expose the crooks - who worked for Lennar - all mentioned in the investigative reporting - done by my friend - Patrick Monette-Shaw.

Patrick Monette-Shaw - who should run for Mayor and clean up the current mess - a cancer that must be removed - by any means - necessary.

We the Community Based Non-Profits - not Mercy Housing, not Bridge Developers, not the sordid John Stewart Company - should be developing our Public Housing.

The crooked developers Mercy Housing, Bridge Developers, and the John Stewart Company - should be taken to Court - and all their Disposition and Development Agreements (DDA) declared - null and void.

Further we may debar these sordid entities from doing any business - in San Francisco. This is a clarion call - going out to all - those who can comprehend - have been taking a back seat - united we can get rid of these scum bags - debar them from doing business in San Francisco.

Today they are helped with the Contract Monitoring Division that comes under the jurisdiction of the the City Administrator - Naomi Kelly. I have given you a pass - not anymore.

Today there are billions of dollars available from many sources - to built housing in San Francisco - we do not have to go to the banks.

We do not have to beg Mercy Housing, the John Stewart Company, and Bridge Developers - who want no interest money - basely free money - from the State and Federal Government - and do not want to put their own money down - to help anyone.

I have gone out of my way to meet all the entities that say they can deliver - but are full of Bull Shit.

The John Stewart Company, Mercy Housing, Bridge Developers - and spoken to them in person - pathetic to say the least - they are into "hoodwinking and less into contributing to Quality of Life issues".

In the Mission, in the Bayview that are still plots of land that we can take over - and build - low and no income housing.

Do not fall for the measly $50 million - bread crumbs that the Mayor Edwin M. Lee is offering - the Mission.

We need the City and County to offer - over One Billion dollars - or shut up - with no stupid conditions - attached to the Blue Print and Agreements we can offer.

Do not fuck with us - we are fed up with your ploys, machinations, and shenanigans.

Long before you lackeys developed anything - I did.

I have been observing you all - all fuck ups - crooks of the highest order - enough is enough.

We the people united cannot and will never, ever be defeated.

Time for us to take over the Market Rate Housing that is unoccupied - take it over - and posses it for FREE. Now.

This is the clarion call that is sent to those that know what I mean - and more to those that know - that I have delivered.

Saturday, June 27, 2015


A.M.E Church in Charleston, South Carolina

The "hymn" Amazing Grace sung by the President of the United States at a moment - we all - were thinking about other important, sensitive issues.

Lyrics to the hymn to - Amazing Grace:

But, just that were brought to one place - to focus on "slavery" and the affects of slavery all these many years.

When the President - Barack Hussein Obama - began to sing this "hymn" - and all of us - just like that - joined the President - wherever we were - cries when to heaven and history was made.

This one moment - will go down in history - a moment that will be remembered - the church situated in Charleston - the South Carolina Church - were this Black United States President - left his legacy - forever.

What a poignant moment - when he spoke to the "TRUTH" - spoke about slavery - and all that slavery and those who were involved with the practice of slavery.

Actions demeaning, disgraceful, full of disdain - something we should put aside - if we consider ourselves human - they come out with excuses - and further demeaning themselves - those that still carry on as if all is fine. It is not.

Here is a article - with the President singing Amazing Grace - what a great moment for all of us - human to appreciate and thank God for:

With this said - the Confederate Flag - for whatever it means and stand for to the racists.

To those that want to preserve the memory of that demeaning flag - the "Confederate Flag" - the many who worshipped that flag - that favors the demeaning of humanity - and for sure - favored - slavery.

Our Black President - Barack Hussein Obama - was voted in - by millions of us.

Many of us independent voters - to bring about change.

To give HOPE - wipe out "student debt".

To bring HOPE to poor families - to give opportunities to those that need a little push - "people of color".

To give HOPE to - single mothers.

To make it easy for - "QUEER folks" - all over this in the land to be free and contribute - just like the rest of us.

To give HOPE and offer "health care" and other opportunities to those that needed it most.

To thank the Native Americans - whose land this is - Turtle Island now the United States - who have so graciously accepted us all.

The most demeaning act any other human being can display - that comes to being a "devil" - which is "evil" is with intent - to slave another human being.

With intent - work against the helping any other human being that needs help.

The worst act one can commit is to take the freedom of any human being - implement and practice - slavery.

It is important for us all - to understand what is "freedom" and what is "license". The abuse of freedom is license.

So, when some politicians the likes of Scott Wiener, Malia Cohen, London Breed, Katy Tang,Julie Christensen, and Mark Farrell - say one thing - and practice "evil" - and that with intent - we need to stand together - and check them out.

These so called politicians work for themselves - and divide people - keep people down - and use forces that we know - who they are - to keep - decent people down.

This is modern day or contemporary - slavery.

Our politicians today - most of them do not represent - they play us - asking us to be "politically correct" - there is nothing wrong - whatsoever - to call a spade a spade.

We have political whores - selling themselves to the highest bidder at City Hall. They even wear make up and look like whores.

Working against the poor and those that need help, most - keeping innocent, hardworking, tax paying constituents down - this is - "modern slavery".

The slave owners used verbosity - calling people names, controlling the slaves by whipping them, hanging them, cutting their limbs and pulling their limbs asunder.

Using other methods - liked tearing their limbs by having drawn horses - move in different directions and more. All this while the other slaves - witnessed these despicable acts.

Today we know who are the House Negroes - and who are the field Negroes. We know their place - and we know - who are the sell outs.

The "Crab Mentality" must ceases - and those that sell out their own - must be accountable - for sure they will NOT escape the judgement of God.

Today, our Constitution lays down what our rights are.

But even in this Constitution - the right to vote was denied to many - to all women until very recently.

To people of color until the early 1960's - not too long ago.

There is still work to be done - when it comes to voting - more to tweak legislation - linked to the Native Americans - many of them are not put on the "Federal Register".

In their own land these tribes - Native American tribes are considered - second class citizens - others, live on Reservations - here on Turtle Island - today renamed the United States.

The Great Spirit watches it all.

Many Blacks in the South - especially those today nearing their nineties and beyond - did not have Birth Certificates.

Many still to this day - do not have Identification Cards.

Many are denied other rights - that most of us on the West Coast of America - and other progressive States - offer our citizens of the United States of America.

The Confederate Flag - anyway you look at it - should be placed in the Museum.

A true description given for what the "Confederate Flag" stands for - pros and cons. It should not be flown -  in public.

What happened in the AME Church in Charleston - South Carolina - during the course of that Bible Study - is despicable.The shooting and killing of nine innocent - people.

Only cowards do that - we know it - and yet, for those church members - to forgive the "devil himself" - speaks volumes.

Hate groups like the KKK, others like those that worship the NAZI flag, still others that target the wiping out of a certain segment of the population - are despicable.

But so are politicians who harm thousands by passing legislation that has not be vetted and adversely - impact thousands and millions.

Politicians - who every second of their lives - are busy filling their campaign coffers - and NOT serving - the people of San Francisco or be it any other local, State, or Federal jurisdiction.

This Captain traded slaves for a long time. Then one one he got religion. If you study words of "Amazing Grace" - it says a lot. He repented, he gave back - he changed his life for the good of all.

The President addressed many issues linked to racism at the AME Church where he went to pay his respects to the NINE innocent - who were killed. 

The President was up front and personal - and by singing "Amazing Grace" - shared with us - his deepest feelings, his thoughts, and his firm intention and aspirations.

More - to deal with blatant - on going racism in the United States of America and here rampant - in San Francisco too.

Politicians who keep poor people down, failing to provide housing, failing to address education and truancy among the youth and young adults.

Deferred maintenance when it comes to Quality of Life issues - all that and more that those who should represent - do not do - and less - represent.

The fluff and verbosity of those that make in access of $200,000 and some $300,000 - and they talk about - "shared equity". Shared equity my foot.

Mayor Edwin M. Lee thinks he can fool - all the people - all the time. He should know better.

Lyrics to the "hymn" - Amazing Grace:

Friday, June 26, 2015



Alicia Graza was placed on this Earth to be a leader - having the ability to discern - astute - and very articulate. She has shed light where there is abject darkness - and she has done it with - class.

Alicia Graza is a product of a perfect storm that we experience here in the Bay Area - with today's Supreme Court Ruling - on "same sex marriage" - she can fill in the blanks - and connect the dots - linked to so many issues - human issues that most pay no attention to.

Read more from another angle - wider and better - about how the world received today's one of a kind news:

I know Alicia Graza will feel - validated - in preparing the way - and has every right to rejoice in this - one of kind Supreme Court ruling.

Things must evolve, things must change and will change - and this one ruling will have tremendous impacts - where things were done in the dark - where those filled with hatred - intimidated others - no more.

We have to be vigilant - and we have to be leery - taking too much for granted - especially - letting down our guard.

In a 5-4 ruling in favor - Justice Kennedy swing vote - making the difference. Not an easy decision - but one whose time has come.

Those of us who have been open to change - others who were closeted and now now have come out - still others who were the majority and had it good.

We all cannot wallow - in the biased past - that this Nation chose to - to cling to something that is not holistic - more to being prone to be - cancerous. 

This Supreme Court ruling - that will be debated for months and years - an adjudication - that is fair and just - but now in the eyes of those tied to the past - and stuck and surrounded by tunnel vision.

A decision that this Nation has embraced - changing its mind - as has been revealed in the many recent, polls - on "same sex" - marriage. More decent people looking forward to change - even as the human race - evolves and people of color - open doors to a rainbow of a kind - never, ever seen in history.

We, in the United States of America - are a Nation of laws. We must learn to live and share our talents - our morals, and more our common destiny - to help one another.

In the trenches - we advocates often worked hard with advocates such as Alicia Garza. Alicia has been an inspiration to many - me too.

It is not easy to push hard - to fight for what we all stand for - joining hands with all - to bring about change - all people - human beings - homo sapiens - standing for what is - right.

I came to know Alicia when she was with People Organized to Win Employment Rights (POWER) - and I am richer for that - experience.

The many trips we made to places for lunch at MOSHI's - the many talks and meetings we had at COFFEE HIDEOUTS, the community meetings linked to our fight in the Bayview - standing tall with the Senior, single mothers, infants, children, youth and young adults - we did it - it was not easy - and we prevailed.

Campaigning and organizing - validating signatures - working on Propositions - fighting against odds to put the Propositions on Ballots - all that work and more - Alicia Graza was on the front line with many of us - and we all respected her kills and capacity building. Today many of us are richer - for working with Alicia Graza.

Alicia is a Sister - one of a kind - with whom I could share - many things that I could not share with most.

When you are in the trenches - you may think your education, your experience, your ability to deliver is important - but what I feel strongly - is "compassion" is what truly matters - and when it comes to compassion - Alicia is second to none.

Now heading " #BlackLivesMatter " and before that the National Domestic Workers Alliance" and previous to that POWER - I have seen Alicia grow strong,determined, and have a kick ass attitude that matters.

Alicia Garza has won many awards before - among them the SF Bay Guardian Local Hero - that was when the Bay Guardian - was respected by most advocates.

Alicia also won award from the Center for Media Justice - the Jeanne Gauna Communicate Justice Award. Emphasis on Communicate.

Alicia makes her home in Oakland - she has her roots in Marine County - has made San Francisco her second home - and is well known - by most stellar advocates - as a force to be reckoned with.

Alicia is also an award winner from the Harvey Milk Democratic Club and two time winner of the Bayard Rustin Community Activist award.

Alicia as co-founder with Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi of #BlackLivesMatter - which today has grown into a National Organization - spot on - addresses the inherent discrimination, hate, and divisive - prevailing by those that are cowards - who will kill, defame, maim, harm and commit despicable acts - under the cover of darkness.

I was born in Nairobi,Kenya - the home of humankind.

My life that spanned over six decades - and I have seen a lot - today, this ruling on "same sex marriage" will change the way the world looks us in the United States.

In this contemporary world - change is difficult - we are a Nation of laws - and the Supreme Law has spoken. With Justice Kennedy being the swing vote.

Alicia is one of those that has seen rapid changes - an evolution of norms and fast changing norms- for the better.

Alicia Garza understands what is means to discern - and more has the ability to create a Blue Print - complete with time-lines and goals. While all the time staying cool and bring about consensus and progress.

I always have counted Alicia Graza as a good friend.

I wish her all the best.

You go girl - with your kick ass attitude - send me a "smoke signal" - if you look over your shoulder - and need a little help from a friend.

We are watching you - the sky is the limit - and as I said thousands support you Alicia Graza.

Shed light where there is abject darkness - and take us all to a better, place. Aho.

Here is the text of the Supreme Court ruling - very impressive: