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Sunday, November 30, 2014


This Nation was build on the "fair name" of the Native Americans.

Our very Constitution - created by our Founding Fathers - was highly influence - by the Six Nations - more the Iroquois Tribe.

Democracy was practices by the Six Nations for thousands of years. Not the convoluted one we think we discovered - but one that worked for thousands of years.

This history is not taught in our schools and institutions of higher learning - by those in authority.

Th simply fact being they lie, cheat, steal, fail to abide by ethics, sound morals, and standards - and are constantly running away - from the TRUTH.

The Long Cabin and the Matriarchal Society associated with the Six Nations - astounded the Found Fathers - who incorporated so much of these vetted values - in their writings and more in their interactions with the Six Nations - many of them very invited to the White House and at other important - meetings.

Again and again our Nation has forgotten whose land this is - using force and creating some notion that if you see something - you can grab it - more steal it.

It has long been the forte of the 'thief" - which favors the mentality and works of the Colonists - clearly stated the White men.

All over the world we have seen Capitalistic Forces and those who claim to be Communist - perpetuate horrendous crimes on the indigenous people.

Be it the Belgians in the former Congo, the British in East Africa, the Portuguese in Angola and Mozambique, the Dutch in the early days in Ceylon - now known as Sri Lanka - you get the drift.

The Russian are exerting their power as they did in Georgia - the Chinese bulling the smaller nations - invading islands - and using their Naval power to intimidate.

North Korea - fooling themselves - by shooting rockets up into the air - half of them - fail and the rest hit the wrong targets.

It is the same in the Middle East - be it Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan - we did the same in years gone by in South America - fostering the many Banana Republics.

We think that - if we use - force, intimidation, buy governments with sordid money - we are doing something - that is right - when it is - totally - totally, wrong. 

In Europe we took charge of things after World War II - and helped build nations - like Germany, France, Italy, Austria - and those that are educated  - remember that are mindful of our kind - actions.

We helped Sweden, Denmark, Norway and more - and all these nations - still remember us.

Pakistan, India, Burma, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, South Korea.

The nations small like Timor, other smaller nations - associated with Mainland China - Macao and Hong Kong.

Taiwan standing alone and opposing any entity that wants to mess with Taiwan.

All over the world - the people of these nations - look at the citizens of America as good people - having compassion and fortitude.

Not so the government of the United States - more so in recent years - with George W, Bush and Barack Hussein Obama - both of them failing to up hold justice and fair play.

We failed in Vietnam - and failed to admit this fiasco.

We created the mess in Syria - anyway you look at it.

We created the mess in Iran - anyway you look at it.

We did the same in Afghanistan - and to deny it - would be foolish.

We toppled the many governments in South America - and propped  evil entities.

We thought - the U.S. Government -  could get away with murder in broad daylight.

These evil forces failed the American people - and those that are educated on issues - remember that.

Evil forces that take dictation - from those that have failed the Constitution of the United States of America - and failed the citizens of America.

Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, Kuwait, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia - with intent - we have created polices that are detrimental to sound relations.

With intent for selfish reasons - having cozy relations with dictators - and failing to abide with the standards, morals, ethics - found laid clear for all to see, read, learn, and abide - in our Nation's Constitution.

At home we have destroyed the Middle Class - what else is left - but the revolution that is brewing - and some can see it coming - and others are nonchalant.

We must take a stand and abide by those standards that embrace all - we cannot dabble with vain talk - we must act with determination to do right - we must be spiritually strong.

It is pathetic when we see liars, thieves, immoral people, in places of power - doing wrong - with a in your face attitude - and thinking all is well.

Our San Francisco Board of Supervisors fall into this category - our Mayor with all the back room deals in Room 200 - has these actions - written on over his face and brow.

We must be a Nation that is spiritually strong - we cannot influence anyone entity - as long as we continue to spiral down a path - a route steeped with blatant corruption.

A path that takes us down the sordid route - those lack fortitude, lacking compassion - all because they are - spiritually, bankrupt.

People try to make a point - lying and using premises that are devoid of ethics and more illogical. No one can fool - all the people - all the time. Go Figure.

Saturday, November 29, 2014


Few remember when John Rahaim was imported here by former metrosexual Mayor Gavin Newsom from Oregon.

John partner then decided to deface the landmark walls of a landmark building - where once lived the Fire Chief - who played an important role in fighting the 1906 fires - resulting from the 1906 Earthquake.

The short and tall of this story - is that John Rahaim who is queer - had to get rid of his partner - who lost his mind - and would have been a - liability - in the short and long run.

Well, the time has come to get rid of John Rahaim who has long become a liability.

John Rahaim now has it to a science - how to "hoodwink" the constituents of San Francisco.

Hard working tax payers are adversely impacted - while the corrupt SF Planning Department - continues to pander to developers - who do not have the best interests of San Franciscans. Forest Hill is one of them - with very close ties to the Mayor, Edwin Lee, the permit departments, and those who do not have the best interests - of San Francisco.

We are not some City that favors high rises - and those that want to live in such sordid cities - better move elsewhere.

More when you know - that this is Ohlone land - and you all have made it into a concrete jungle - and do not have the best interests - of genuine San Franciscans. Do not test our patience - for you will have no time to repent - once our ire is set on fire.

Enough is enough. 

These techies for example - who have NO culture - but want to reside here to experience the unique culture we have developed - in San Francisco - give nothing back.

These mean, with a gaze far into the universe - take control of housing - and spend money - just because they have it - impacting thousands of innocent hard working folks - their behavior is becoming - poisonous.

Now, the SF Planing Department has decided to grant some permit to Forest Hill to build a large project - impacting the area bordering 5th and Market to the East, 6th Street to the West, Mission Street to the North and Howard Street to the South - at 925 Mission Street.

Stop this project and go back to the drawing board. We want open space - not more than 20 stories - more green and less concrete. Wide roads - smooth traffic - amenities for the Physically Challenged, the Senior, the infants and children - if you cannot provide these and more - move out - and go elsewhere.

Do not test our patience - this is a clarion call to the Mayor Edwin Lee and to those that think - because we have been patient - we cannot act. We will - and with determination.

What type of Planning Department do we have that has chosen - not to abide by the Courts - who in the past have ruled three times - that the SF Planning Department ought to consider, take into account - Cumulative Impacts - linked to traffic, affordable housing, jobs, important facilities like Recreational Facilities, Childcare, Health Clinics, Community Meeting Spaces and so on and so forth.

Quality of Life issues - who are these folks - who think they can come and create these - "concrete jungles" - just because they can make deals - behind close doors - in Room 200.

You are not welcome here - and the sooner you leave town the better.

These high rises popping all over the place - are disgusting - and cannot and will not foster - better living.

Never mind if you get the endorsement from SPUR, the many Zionists who are out to ruin our Nation - and must be weeded out - on a war footing. Many make their abode in San Francisco - and are on Commissions and other bodies - doing the "devil's" work.

Spurred by the Pacific Heights Mafia - and backed by the City and County of San Francisco - all they have in mind - what is best for their own pocket book.

People keep saying that Forest Hill has done a good job at Pier 70 - because most of those wagging their tongues - do not know a thing - have NO clue -  about Pier 70.

Pier 70 is one of the most contaminated sites - in the Southeast Sector. Do not listen to Joe Boss, Malia Cohen, and folks who have not clue about the World War II efforts - and the blatant contamination of the area - by the United States Navy.

The U.S Navy contaminated the sites - and the U.S. Navy must clean it up. Do not think Forest Hill, Lennar Urban, other developers have the best interests - of this City and County of San Francisco - they do not. Greed bastards - who must not be trusted at all.

In the abatement that must be addressed at Pier 70 - one million tons of coal tar that is leeching into the ground.

4 large ammonia spills - from the U.S. Navy operations as part of the World War II efforts - building ships and at record speed - none of which today's so called planners, ignorant folks, and greed developers - know about - in detail.

The Power Plants that were once operating, the Steel Mills, deposited thousands of tons of dangerous particulates, Mercury, Lead, PCBs - those in the know are full aware of these facts.

It is a shame that the Sierra Club and others who did not care to study the area - endorses the Pier 70 project. Much like some fools are endorsing Lennar Urban - who is encountering umpteen - problems at Candlestick Point and on Parcel A - at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

Time will tell - and he laughs best who laughs - last.

The Pier 70 site is prone to serious sea level adverse impacts, liquefaction, and severe flooding - all of which have been documented - complete with empirical data.

White folks mostly - in their innate greed to grab anything - and make a fast buck - will put others in jeopardy.

More without blinking an eye - it is this greed, avarice, worshiping  the mundane - folks having no conscience - that continues to ruin San Francisco.

This is Ohlone land and John Rahaim has met the Muwekma Ohlone Chairperson.

This stoic queer man - who has lost his mind - and thinks - that the kudos he gets from Mayor Edwin Lee and others - will make him a hero - when in fact he is Caligula.

John Rahaim continues to set our great City named after St Francis of Assisi on fire. He must go - and stay away from our City.

In recent years all the Environmental Impact Reports are flawed. Many of them slated for decision making during the holidays - all short of ploys and machinations used - to hoodwink the public at large.

And when it comes to the California Environmental Quality Act - less concern for Cumulative Impacts - and no consideration for the many - adverse impacts - linked to health, safety, education, recreational facilities, childcare, transportation, curtailing the Carbon Footprint. Who is fooling whom?

The Ohlone do not embrace greedy folks - do not embrace those that adversely impact others with intent.

Do not respect Mother Earth - all the more - when every square inch was - stolen.

You all must go - for you do not know - what will befall you - if you do not. The Great Spirit see it all - and if an Ebola type situation comes about - you all that participate in this hoodwinking - will be affected - make no bones about it. Some of you all are sick - in the mind - anal - and more spiritually - bankrupt.

You all are thieves - and to think of building a sordid island - at 925 Mission Street - increasing the Carbon Footprint by 400% - dangerous particulates, back to back traffic - recently it took 40 minutes to move one single - block.

The area is laden with adverse impacts - those residing in this area - bordering South of Market Area - have high rates of respiratory diseases, heart problems, high pressure, mental problems, homeless folks all over the place - and the SF Health Department and more the Director Barbara Gracia - does not give a hoot.

These heads of Departments - many of them do not believe in children, have no children, have a despicable life style - and foster divisiveness - openly defying norms and a culture that is common to those that have families and embrace God and sound spirituality.

In the last 5 years over 40,000 families have left San Francisco - according to the recent statistics.

Those living in the South of Market Area, Middle Market, the Tenderloin, on Sixth Street, further inside on Mason, Taylor, Bush - find it difficult to find affordable housing. 

It is common for a one bed room to be rented for as high as $3000.

No family of two or three can afford such rents - and this City and County of San Francisco and Mayor Edwin Lee - for all this vain talk - is fostering GENTRIFICATION.

With all the projects going up - some 70 plus - congestion is the worst ever on the streets of San Francisco.

Petty crime is on the increase - and the number of pedestrians death has increased - this model that some fools are tying to implement - zero vision" is a JOKE.

The 925 Mission Street Project must wait and the period extended - to at least January 2. 2015 - to permit input linked to the current Environmental Impact Report - the project at 925 Mission - which is totally flawed.

Do not think - you all can hoodwink us all in broad daylight.

You are with intent pushing the buttons of the ordinary layperson - encouraging so much development.

People cannot bear the noise - the pounding from all the heavy machinery - 14 hours at time 16 hours - the worst coming from the pile driving operations.

What does the Mayor think he is doing? This is not Shanghai? This is not Mainland China? Get real people are disgusted with the nonchalant behavior - the Department of Building Inspection - themselves blaming the SF Planing Department.

In the interim - to many Market Rate units - going for over $1 million and some as expensive as $5 million a unit.

All of these - are been built for the "filthy rich" who contribute nothing much - that includes folks like Willie L Brown Jr - a former Black "thug Mayor" of San Francisco - who has been raking in millions as a consultant - Platinum Consultants.

Remember this is Ohlone land - and all of you that are disrespecting Mother Earth - are not welcome here - go back from where you came.

John Rahaim you are warned - stop this nonsense - and put a stop to the building of high rises - that cannot sustain themselves. 

Where will you get the clean drinking water from?

Where will all the sewage go to?

Where will you get steady electricity?

Who is monitoring the Carbon Footprint that has increase by over 400%.

Who is monitoring the high levels of dangerous - particulates?

The many hot-spots that the City ignores - Amy Brownell, Stephanie Cushing, others who are NOT doing their job.

Where is George Gason on this issues, Dennis Herrera, even Greg Suhr - it is all contacted - the District Attorney, the City Attorney, the Chief of Police, and of course Naomi Kelly - the City Administrator and Mayor Edwin Lee - there is only so much of smiling and twitching of your moustache -  you can do - get real and be a man.

Who is running the show - if not the DEVIL, himself.

Friday, November 28, 2014


All over the world - there are those - who take away from those that need it most - led by greed - and then - make rules and regulations - to take more and more and more - until there is NO MORE.

The world population is now in the billions - for sure over 9 Billion - but here in the United States of America - Turtle Island - our population is about 315 million and we live in an area - that is 3,717,812.8 square miles.

On another note we have about 250,000,000 Internet users. There are about 152,000,000 Facebook users - just to give you some statistics - on some things or tools that matter - in our daily lives.

Even as we have access to the Internet, our First Amendment Rights, our unique Constitution and more.

We have, the United Nations that has its headquarters in New York - where international policies and laws flow from.

Some of the best National newspapers - the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times - we constantly are told and read - that our rightful access - more linked to broadband will be curtailed - in one way of the other.

As human beings - we must learn to be educated on issues.

There is a lot of information out there - but the ability to "discern" - the ability to find the best information and learn more from the source.

Use the information - more for its quality, less from from being drab, shallow, worthless, and lacking standards  - it is simply -from quality and filtered information - that leads to sound education.

So as I write and sound the clarion call - I get a lot of emails - from all over the world - and I treasure the sentiments - and as I age - and am privy to information - from my past and present positions - I can do some and make a difference - speak to the TRUTH.

So to you all - I say thank you - and God be with you - may you all enjoy good health and peace of mind.

Closer to home Arshad Muhammad a young man - will rise to the occasion and shine light where there is darkness.

Even as Olavo de Souza who lives in Germany - stands for the TRUTH and more.

We two have shared what we could share - and spread joy - when we could - and excelled in sports and knowledge and more - and still do.

Ruben Santana a business man that the White House honored some years ago - and who is my dear friend - facing the trials and tribulation -  in this spiraling economy - more in the year 2008.

Together we speak to the TRUTH and rise up again and again. Always remembering what his grandmother said - " be humble" - prodding us to go to a better - place.

Yolanda Lewis a "fire cracker" that has put to shame - those that are closer to "greed"  - having no standards - more those that think they are leading the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission projects some where.

Never caring for the population that matters most - always working behind close doors - to fleece the community at large.
Their time is coming they will  land in the "cesspool" - of their own creation.

Samera Edwards from San Francisco now working in Uganda - a good soul - always willing to take people to a better place. God bless her and all those she interacts and cares for.

Thousands more that I can mention -  in our movement - Stop Lennar Action Movement  (SLAM).

We the people won - when we made Lennar Urban - spend $10 million - while we could only manage to dole out just $5 thousand.

God is good - and God will see that we attain our rights - while the "devil" that is Lennar Urban and those that side with it - perish in less than 5 years. Mark my words. 

Macerich will be in for a surprise - even as Kofi Bonner - will be bringing up excuses - it will be too late - perhaps there will be a long silence - and after that more silence.

Again and again major corporations are doing their best to brainwash the constituents of the United States of America - that I prefer to call Turtle Island.

The Koch Brothers, Monsanto, the Main Media, other nefarious media outlets led by the Zionists - are constantly - putting out "fake information".

It is amazing to witness - fairly educated people - fall prey to such shenanigans, ploys, and machinations.

Black Friday was the day after Thanksgiving.

The slave owners - in preparation for the up coming harvest - would have sales - sales of "slaves".

Few understand how for hundreds of years - "slave labor" was used - by heartless, mean, evil folks - to make money - off human sweat and blood.

Now, to think of it that on Black Friday - without comprehending the origins of this day - "Black Friday" - today - so many have fallen prey - to celebrating a day - without any second thoughts. Go figure.

It is all the more disgusting - when "people of color" - grinning, smiling, nonchalant - make a big deal about getting some - "deals"  - forgetting themselves - and less the "origins" - of this day - participating in the orgy of buying - just to satisfy some fleeting - greed of the worst, order.

I once happened to be at the Emporium - some 15 years - now no longer - at 5th and Market - downtown San Fancisco.

People waiting to enter - the Emporium - and when the doors opened - there was a stampede - and a woman was down on the floor - and the people just used her like a "bridge" - stomping on her - and dashing for what they wanted to buy - filled with greed and avarice. 

The humanity of their actions - was there fully displayed - and no one paid attention - until I raised a ruckus - and brought some sense to the melee - what has happened to our people - and why have we who participate in these convoluted sales - brought ourselves to the level - where we have lost our mind.

These shopping sprees - these days set aside - all have calculated ploys and take one no place that is good.

Only those who are spiritually sound, grounded in principles and standards - those educated on issues can see through the sordid materialism - that has made us all - so spiritually - bankrupt.

Can you imagine having a "high end shopping mall" in the Bayview Hunters Point and Candlestick Point?

A place where this City and County of San Francisco with intent - has kept the people down - by depriving them of opportunities?

We have the largest population of children in the Southeast Sector of San Francisco - yet, one in three children do to bed hungry?

We have the highest number of cancer patients. The highest number of infants, children, and adults with respiratory diseases.

The Bayview, Candlestick Point, Hunters Point - that does not have a high end Fresh Produce Market - even though we have a Produce Market - in the vicinity? 

We have Blacks the likes of Aurelius Walker, Calvin Jones, Kimberly Brandon, Linda Richardson, Toye Moses, Lola Whittle, Doris Vincent, Dwayne Jones, Malia Cohen, Sophina Maxwell - others; mostly Blacks - who have lost their mind - and work with the "devil" - to carry out the nefarious activities - linked to Greed, avarice, closer to the works of - Lucifer. 

Let me state categorically that " no good will come at Hunters Point, Candlestick Point, the area around the State Park".

Lennar Urban will fail much like what is happening at Emeryville Shopping Mall in the East Bay - built on top of a Shellmound.

Go to the source and learn why?

You cannot desecrate the Sacred remains of the Ohlone - and think for a second that you will prosper. No way.

This is Ohlone land - in San Francisco the Muwekma Ohlone -  Aho.

Thursday, November 27, 2014


This Thanksgiving and the many more to come - we who came here to Turtle Island   -must give thanks to the Native Americans - closer to home the Ohlone - and even closer to San Francisco - the Muwekma Ohlone.

Again and again - we forget that we live on Ohlone Land here in San Francisco and the Bay Area.

All over this Sacred land were Shellmounds - Sacred Burial grounds - that were desecrated - the most significant - Emeryville - where sits a large Shopping Mall; that project has fallen on bad times.

Kofi Bonner from Lennar Urban - the lead person who help built that evil shopping mall. This day every year - the Ohlone and other tribes gather by the mound and protest.

 Even as Kofi Bonner embarks - bringing together mostly Black sellouts the likes of Aurelous Walker, Sophie Maxwell, Veronica Hunnicutt, Dwayne Jones, Linda Richardson, Calvin Jones, Doris Vincent, Malia Cohen - other worse - Blacks - who do not represent the community.

These sellouts - evil to the core - greedy and lacking fortitude -  attend Public Press meetings and other meetings - doing their "dirty deed" in public.

They fail to comprehend there is a God - and that their day is coming. Many of them have fallen prey to cancer - and even today those that venture - to put that hand - to grab some "stale bread" - and weak at their knees and spiritually - bankrupt.

Lennar Urban is a 'rogue developer" that has failed to realize that Candlestick Stadium has "Sacred remains" - that were removed with the dirt from the nearby Bayview Hill - and used as infill - when the Stadium was built.

We have witnesses who will state that fact - the City officials know this - but do not have the guts to do the right thing. This desecration cries to heaven for justice - and those that play with fire - will perish by fire. Aho.

Again and again Lennar Urban has failed to respect the "Muwekma Ohlone".

It is just a matter of time - that Lennar Urban and those that join them in any venture - will fall flat on their face. Make no bones about that.

MACERICH may have made a hastily arranged pact with Lennar Urban - but it is one that is ripe with convoluted ploys and machinations.

Less housing units and a glorified Shopping Mall - that will be a White Elephant.

Lennar Urban has no money - and has raked up its "credit card".

It plans to use - some high class - shopping mall - in the worse part of town - plagued with liquefaction, flood, and what is more contamination. It plans to attract the Chinese from mainland China - who already know - how polluted the area is - and will have nothing to do with it.

The area surrounding Candlestick Point - has the highest rate of cancer and respiratory diseases.

Many women give birth to still born babies - the near by Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - has high levels of radioactive elements - the likes of cesium, depleted uranium - much of it carried by the wind and land at Candlestick Point.

Add to that heavy metals like mercury, lead - in addition - dangerous particulates - from the many rigs and vehicles - that ply - on the near by roads that need urgent, repair.

On Carroll Street - flows raw sewage and has been flowing for the last 20 years - from the near by Alice Griffith Public Housing - where the resident have been treated with disdain.

The City and County of San Francisco - thinks it can fool all the people all the time.

We saw this with TWITTER - that is now reeling from bad press - and is doing pathetically poor - on Wall Street.

At home the area where TWITTER makes it home - is filthy and this news was broadcast for all the world to know.

Those living in and around Mid-Market - have not received any benefits - but hype.

It does not help that Jane Kim and Ed Lee still think - they did right - by backing TWITTER - with tax payers money - some learn - but those I continue to mention - live in oblivion.

The Southeast Sector is the last frontier - and was contaminated by the United States Navy - as part of the World War II - operations.

95% of the land some over 800 acres is landfill - poor landfill - spewing methane gas - and yet we think we can build on such land. Sea level will inundate this land - and those that are planning for such project - are defying Mother Nature - and will pay a very, very heavy price.

So it does not matter if it Pier 70 - contaminated with over 1 million tons of coal tar, 4 very contaminated hot spots the result of Ammonia Spills.

The SF Port Authority - and others -pretend some hastily half-baked Environmental Impact Report (EIR) - will suffice.

Evil folks like Joe Boss, Malia Cohen, and the other - mostly Black sellouts - who take money and sell their souls - can get some short time gratification - but not for long - they will reap the result while they are alive - and repent for their dirty deeds.

Foremost Malia Cohen - who has done nothing - but sell out the community and rake in money to fill her own - pocket.

History will not be kind to these mostly Black sell outs who have partnered with Forest Hill, the John Stewart Company, Lennar Urban - mostly "greed" developers and Property Managers - who do not have the best interest of the - constituents of San Francisco.

Every Thanksgiving people think the "Turkey" and the many platters containing Turkey meat, Cranberry, yams, and other such fake dishes - suffice to give "thanks" - thanks to whom?

We have had this discussion umpteen times - there was wild fowl, there was corn, some wild berries - most of all there was harmony, rejoicing, respect - at that one glorious Thanksgiving Day.

Today, this day where the Native American came to the rescue of the dying, sick, and hungry - Mayflower strangers - who had landed on some land - they knew little about - should make us reflect more humanly with humility - but that is not the case.

There is not one single legal document that states that San Francisco and the Bay Area was handed over to the 'strangers" by the Ohlone.

18 treaties signed by the United States and the Native American Tribes of California were not "Ratified". Thieves stole the land - and up to this day - do not have the humility of admit that they are thieves.

Yet, the thieves do as they please - and dole out "stale bread" - thinking they can hoodwink - all the people - all the time.

Stick to the basic, eat less, rejoice that you are here - and always remember whose land this is.

Some do not - even know this history - they know the "crap" that is told to them and taught to them.

Some even defy that this land is theirs - when their ancestors - fled from plagues, lack of opportunities and so on and so forth - to come here with nothing - nothing at all.

Many landed on the shores of "Turtle Island" with papers - now they do not want the "immigrants" the Ohlone wish to help to come here and contribute to Turtle Island.

We know who is NOT welcome - but to say it - would not be polite.

Today we must give thanks to the "Great Spirit" and in giving thanks - give thanks to the Ohlone - and to the other tribes -  all sisters and brothers - the ancestors who were deceived, killed - and all this until 1924.

Edicts were sent from the California Governor's office - to kill any Indian - and fetch a measly $5. Native American children rounded and sent to boarding schools. Other atrocities committed - to horrific to describe.

Most of the ignorant - drowning in their sordid greed, avarice, gluttony, malice, sodomy - have NO clue about this sordid history - and yet call themselves - educated and civilized.

They should be ashamed of themselves - and their lack of being educated on issues and mostly importantly - spiritually bankrupt. Aho.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


The present San Francisco Public Utilities Commission - which is an Enterprise Agency - was created in 1996 by the "thug" Mayor of San Francisco - Willie L. Brown Jr.

Ever since its creation - taking over the the City and County of San Francisco resources - clean water, sewer, and hydro-electricity and a little known fact - some aspects linked to transportation.

Also, having among its many land assets - quarries and more - raking in millions - most of it NOT accounted for.

The many General Mangers since its creation have had to deal with "nefarious politics" - linked to "thugs" from San Francisco - more the Pacific Heights Mafia.

Many chosen folks - are granted favors - given jobs - and placed at the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC).

An Enterprise Agency - that stinks to high heaven and rakes with blatant - corruption and arrogance of the highest - order.

The Raker Act of 1913 permitted the then San Francisco City and the Water Department to have control over clean water, the sewer, and as I mentioned a number of other assets that rake in millions of dollars.

What the layman has forgotten is that the City and County of San Francisco - using the SFPUC as its proxy - can provide electricity - to the City Municipal buildings and MUNI light rail, to the Army - the former Presidio of San Francisco, Public Housing and more.

Having worked for the Presidio of San Francisco - and having created the Infrastructure Group, the Maintenance Technical Support Group, and the Real Estate and Property Management Group - I was privy to a lot of information.

In 1996 with the appointment of Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr - we saw many changes - and most of the changes adversely affected the poor. 

Public Housing and for those that are ignorant - the ones we have at Potrero Hill, Hunters Point, Oakdale, Sunnydale, Army Street, Valencia - all received their electricity from Hetch Hetchy at subsidized rates.

In 1996 all that changed - Pacific Gas and Electric - signed an agreement with the City of San Francisco and some crooks that will go unnamed - to fleece the poor.

Today there is talk of Clean Power - and if you follow the Raker Act - the clean water from Hecth Hetchy - some 160 miles away from San Francisco, the hydro-electricity generated and sold to others less coming to San Francisco.

All of the above - reading the Raker Act of 1913 - was meant  and provided for the constituents of San Francisco.

Again and again the constituents of San Francisco - have been shafted - while those in certain circles get their power - at reduced rates. All sorts of sordid deals made and we the constituents have to suffer.

When it comes to electricity - the SFPUC has done all in its power to discriminate, lie, hoodwink, and pretend that it is doing something right - when, it is doing most everything - wrong.

It does not help that we have a General Manager Harlan Kelly who is Black - he is being used like a rag - a dirty rag at that.

It does not help that his wife Naomi Kelly who is also Black - is being used - knowledge is power - but both of them are dictated to - by the worst type of politics and more corruption - adversely impacting all decent, ethical, moral - San Franciscans.

Time and time again - no one wants to address who owns the land - closer to Hetch Hetchy the Miwoks and the Piuets.

Closer to San Francisco and the Bay Area the Ohlone - the Muwekma Ohlone in San Francisco.

The thieves stole the land - more the whites - and today some Blacks - adding insult to injury - are selling out the citizens of San Francisco.

We call them sellouts - in some circles they are known as House Negroes - much the same - as were the days - when the plantation and the "masta" - screwed anyone he laid his eyes on - history describes the details. 

Nothing much has changed - when it come to discrimination -  in San Francisco -  more playing one segment of the population against the other.

Not long ago the SFPUC decided using consultants such as Guy Hollings - who is close to Willie L. Brown - and to the Director of Transbay Project - Maria Ayerdi Kaplan - to offer Hetch Hetchy power - that belong to the people - to the COMMONS - to that sordid - project.

Not one meaningful dialog - meeting was held. 

When this matter came before the SF Public Utilities Commission - one SFPUC employee was bold enough to state - that we cannot fully depend on Hetch Hetchy power. The reason he gave - the lack of snow, the current drought and so on and so forth.

I spoke during Public Comment - but those SF Public Utilities Commissioners - all appointed by the Mayors of San Francisco - heard me loud and clear - but pretended they knew - better.

So, let us go to the date when those in Public Housing received notice that hence forward - in 1996 - each unit would get a meter - and that they would pay for their electricity - and that Pacific Gas and Electric would be in charge.

How many millions of dollars do you think Pacific Gas and Electric has raked in all these years - from 1996?

Do you think this could have happened without the present players - right now pretending to have the best interests of our citizens - not knowing - what they were doing then - and less now?

Recently at Public Comment - before the SFPUC  - Yolanda Lewis whose family once lived in San Francisco and now has moved to San Jose - read some remarks.

She pointed to the SFPUC - much the same as I am pointing - lying, deceit, hoodwinking - that SFPUC is famous for - and continues to - foster.

Add to that stealing money - as was done by Juliet Ellis.

Over 20 sex discrimination cases - some solved and other pending.

Other blatant discrimination cases - people promised to be made permanent - and than tortured.

I know what I am talking about - and have spoken about these cases and issues - to no avail.

There is no way SFPUC should allow so many high rises to be built in San Francisco.

Not - without having a VIABLE and SUSTAINABLE plan - linked to clean water, hydro-electricity, clean power, sewer - more with the aging pipes both sewer and clean water - leeching into the watershed.

All connected to Quality of Life issues.

During Public Comment anyone in America can speak their mind.

Our First Amendment is clear on this.

We have the Brown Act - that allows public comment - less questions and for sure NO commentary. 

Again and again the rules are not followed - time for an orientation.

We have ignorant Commissioners - who long after an agenda item is closed - speak on it - and do not follow - the simple, known rules laid by Robert's Rule - and the Brown Act.

Who appoints such air-heads the likes of Francesca Vector. 

Each time she opens her mouth - she shoves her dirty foot in.

Always trying to back Juliet Ellis - who has been faulted  and penalized by the Fair Action Political Committee - and the SF Ethics Commission.

Today the community is hurting and the SFPUC is involved in the worst type of corruption on all levels.

Some added information on the SFPUC to tickle your funny bone:

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


The prosecutor in a pompous tone laid down his law - and three minutes into his diatribe - those of us that know the law - clearly saw the end result.

With all the time spent gathering the empirical data - the facts - forensic and all - "there was no probable cause" - to fault the police officer Darren Wilson.

This adjudication will be debated - and again and again - those that have "no compassion" - will say our Nation is a land of laws.

No mention of fairness, understanding, fortitude, and most of all compassion. Which reminds me Jesus on the cross - follow me - it will not take too long.

President Barack Hussein Obama waited for the Grand Jury decision to be made - " we are a Nation of Laws and we must abide by the decision of the Grand Jury".

So, how many people of color have been shot and killed - and how many Grand Juries have come out and said - the "police officer was at fault".

To the ordinary people I say - we the Commons - have we pondered hard and deep - and asked ourselves - the cause of these happenings? 

Why do we avoid - "spirituality" - fail to foster and chose to do right - and not wrong?

If this was the case - no one would have gone into a store - and stolen - for to steal is wrong.

Especially, some stuff that as mundane as - cigars - blended with weed - to make one feel good - temporarily. 

The prosecuting attorney Bob McCoullock comes from a family of Law Enforcement - he remembers well - how his father a police officer - was shot and killed - by a Black man.

In his fifteen minutes of fame - he changed what he wanted to change - set the tone - the time - and everything. 

Never mind if people had to wait for 8 hours plus - to know what - the decision was made - that had already been leaked out early in the day.

Whoever, decided to reveal an adjudication such as this - when it was pitch dark -  was close to the "devil" himself. 

Hate is something - that destroys - and when one plants the seeds of hate - it does not matter if it is in Paris, Ferguson, Kabul, San Francisco - hell fire reigns supreme. Lucifer.

Governor Jay Nixon said a lot - but most of it - was diatribe.

The Grand Jury nine whites and three blacks - how many truly could adjudicate - fairly?

The Grand Jury behind close doors - were all dictated to - close doors shut to the world.

Conditioned for weeks on end - by rules, regulations, dictates, other shenanigans - that will be revealed - in good, time.

An important factor to note - in cases where the deliberations and adjudication are carried behind close doors - as in this unique case - it favors all the mandates of "Sunshine". 

I often say where there is abject darkness let shine light.

There is a Federal case that is brewing - and the Feds - can step up with the Federal Attorney General and other Supreme Court bodies - adjudicating - the material and facts at hand.

Some contaminated - and others that have yet to be looked into with fortitude and deliberation - more fairness and compassion.

Here in San Francisco and the Bay Area - we have had many such cases.

Oscar Grant comes to mind - and I was one of the first to write about the case - back then when I would  contribute to Indymedia.

Few know about the moment - we took the fight to Oakland from San Francisco - met at the Baptist Church by 24th Street - for weeks on end - and saw before our eyes - who truly stood for truth and who did not.

Few know that we the chosen few brought about the resignation of the then District Attorney Tom Orloff from Oakland.

Time flies and those that protest - loot and destroy - do not know the deeds of those that stood for the truth and won, some at great sacrifice and hard work. 

All documented and all laid bare - for all to see - more those - fair minded women and men of good - faith.

In recent months we have had four cases - where there was no need for brutal force - and less for someone to die - but they did - and these crimes cry to heaven for justice.

Michael Brown was a young man - who never thought - stealing would lead to his death.  The President said we are a Nation of laws - and we must first learn to understand that.

We have Law Enforcement - with all the talk - and training - shoot first and then ask questions. You have the "bad guys" and you have the "other guys".

Daily millions of us - work hard - and we do not break the law.

Many of us want the best for others - our infants, our children, our youth, our young adults, our Seniors.  We are shaken up - we feel angry - a life is a life is a life. Never mind the deed.

Jesus was on the cross - suffering and dying.

Two thieves were hanging too - one to His left and one to His - right.

One rebuked the Christ - " Are you not the Christ?" - "save yourself and us as well".

The other chided the arrogant thief and said: " we deserve our sentence" - "this man has done nothing wrong".

Turning to Jesus he said: "remember me when you come into your kingdom".

"Indeed, I promise you" Jesus replied - "today you will be with me in paradise".