San Francisco in past years have tried their best to address Quality of Life issues - and has done somewhat better - providing its constituents - with services.
More, when it comes to health - education, transportation, jobs, housing, childcare, open space - and most of all allowing the public to speak up - at Public Comment.
In the last 18 years gradually with intent some folks from the MACHINE - the "democratic machine" - have with intent - done all in their power - to foster - gentrification.
Stopped, helping our Seniors and our Children - on the back, burner. Forces trying to undo the good of the past - and forcefully remove segments of the San Francisco population. In the last 18 years we have lost over 80,000 decent San Franciscans - and when you lose such a large core segment - something stinks in Denmark.
Our population is 805,000 and there is much we should have learned - we try - and that is all we can - but there is little we can do for those that once had a roof - and now sleep on the streets of San Francisco.
In 1996 just like that the then "thug" mayor of San Francisco - Willie l. Brown Jr - used to the ballot - by curbing the powers of the City Administrator - who had a lot of power - by bringing that office - under the Mayor's purview.
In other words - there was the Legislative Branch - that is the San Francisco Board of Supervisors - and then of course the Mayor - the Executive Branch.
That "independent voice" the City Administrator - was demoted, wings clipped, and just like that - the Executive Branch - had all the power it wanted - you have to read the City' Charter.
Today, most Mayors seek to have the majority of the SF Board of Supervisors (BOS) on their side - and make hay while the sun shines.
Folks like Malia Cohen from District 10, Jane Kim from District 6, Scott Wiener from District 8, David Chiu from District 3 - have done all in their power to compromise Quality of Life issues - while raking in money to fill their own - campaign coffers.
The recent scandals that much is made about is nothing to the daily bribes that take place behind close doors - at City Hall in San Francisco.
Daily, the above SF BOS - wheel and deal - more Malia Cohen, Scott Wiener and Jane Kim.
Ever since David Chiu was given an opportunity to be the President of the BOS - by Chris Daly - he has tried to curb "public comment".
Going so far as to have one stellar advocate - who has done so much for the public at large - arrested. His name is James Chaffee.
We are all watching - watching like a "hawk".
We all remember the shenanigans at the last elections in Room 250 - the August Chamber at City Hall.
When the time came to elect the President of the Board - the air-headed Malia Cohen proposed the name of Jane Kim - who then withdrew her name.
Jane Kim in like manner proposed the name of Malia Cohen - the laughing jackass - who also - then withdrew her name.
This mockery might have alluded the public at large - and many may choose not remember - but I do.
Then just like that having done the spade work behind close doors - the name of David Chiu was proposed.
David Chiu got the majority votes - to become the President of the SF Board of Supervisors (BOS) - and has continued to bring "disgrace" to San Francisco and all things - "decent" San Francisco stands for.
Under President of the BOS - David Chiu - corruption has been on the increase.
Big Developers, and others like TWITTER, GOOGLE - receiving benefits from the City and County of San Francisco - depleting our General Funds.
30 day waivers signed on important issues - ordinances passed without public comment and hearings - all sorts of shenanigans, ploys, and machinations. All this practically every week - on large tracts of City land, on housing, on grants given to be uses by crooks - who do not have their heart - in the right, place.
The Mayor of San Francisco brags about San Francisco economy, booming - the 50 cranes in the air - but he has done nothing about the congestion on the ground.
San Francisco is the third worst city when it comes to parking.
The MUNI our Public Transportation is getting from bad to worse.
Our buses slow, crowded, prevailing violence, and most of all stinking and dirty.
The Mayor should use MUNI - "in cognito" - and then reveal the "truth" to Ed Reiskin the Municipal Transportation Agency - Director.
While the Municipal Transportation Agency talks about tweaking its system - the main problem is that the Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA) is corrupt - blatantly - corrupt.
Just like that the millions of dollars - that were in trust funds - belonging to the those that had Taxi medallions and a Taxi Commission - have vanished.
Millions used by the MTA- who used a Ballot Measure to bring the Taxi Commission under its umbrella - when the MTA itself - was sinking - in the "cesspool" of its own - creation.
The MTA is corrupt - and you got to go no further to find out why Nathaniel Ford the former Director of MTA before the now current Director of MTA, Ed Reiskin - was fired.
Nathaniel Ford was fired for corruption - and most of that news was shoved under the - rug.
Our Unions are involved in wide corruption - sending money - using convoluted ways - to fill "campaign coffers" of our SF BOS and others.
Willie L. Brown Jr. using Platinum Consultants - and Rose Pak using her corrupt connection openly will demand huge sums of money - and she will get it.
Where is Law Enforcement on this one - where is the Federal Bureau of Information - on this one?
Just ask Steven Gruel - he has been reading my blogs - for umpteen - years. He worked for the FBI and still has access to the FBI and other Law Enforcement agencies.
San Francisco is a corrupt City and more when Willie L. Brown Jr set his foot at City Hall and contaminated it - forever - leaving a stench - to high heaven.
The Democrats are reeling - and soon they will lose the Senate.
It is time that Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feintein - their husbands too - be brought before the court of law - more the husband of Diane Feinstein - Richard Blum - on corruption, charges.
Our City has been deprived of affordable rental housing - forcing thousands - as many as 50,000 decent San Franciscans - in the last 10 years to leave San Francisco.
There are over 30,000 vacant homes - because our City favors those that fill their campaign coffers and looks the other way - when it comes to the rich and filthy.
The Academy of Art University has brought hundreds of properties - that once had "rental units" - converted them to dormitories - exacerbating the already tight rental market - linked to rental units.
Forcing thousands to leave San Francisco for the East Bay and other States - over $3000 for a one bedroom - this is not acceptable.
Our useless San Francisco Board of Supervisors - are busy having "hearings" after the fact.
Now, at this late hour - on "Ellis Evictions" much after the harm is done.
Now on another topic - hearings that mean nothing - and there is NO - enforcement.
A hearing on the deaths of so many pedestrians - much after many have died - always, after the fact.
Break ins, assaults, random shootings, car thefts, intimidation using weapons, other so called small crimes - have; now made living in San Francisco - hell.
We have 3000 plus toxic hot spots outside Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - that is designated as a Superfund Site - none of the Supervisors care - less Malia Cohen - who is more interested in removing Keith Jackson - from a Board as a Director - in the Visitation Valley.
We have a process - you are innocent until proven guilty.
After the process - the adjudication - one can propose - and even then if you are an American - you have your rights.
Little does Malia Cohen know that she is been monitored and that we have the goods on her.
Malia Cohen and Nadine Burke - deceived so many - to create the Wellness Center at 3450 Third Street - one of the most contaminated hots spots in San Francisco.
Recently Nadine Burke; some doctor at that - jumped shipped and now wants to the transfer the responsibility of the Wellness Center at 3450 Third Street - to Charles Range.
Charles Range who had over 35 years of experience linked to Health Clinics - has no real history about both Malia Cohen and Nadine Burke. He may be in for a - shock.
We want to know what really happened to the $4 million that the California Pacific Medical Center made available?.
The $300,000 the 49ers the Football team gave - to cater to our children - linked to the Wellness Center at 3450 Third Street.
These two corrupt individuals - Malia Cohen and Nadine Burke are not saints - to work so hard to make this evil design happen - not to get some money in the end - fill their own pockets - and for what? We want to know.
We are watching you all - like a hawk.
It is true some have been brought down - in the recent episodes involving corruption - casting a cloud that has hurt many and shamed others - there are still many many "decent" constituents - who continue to do good - they love San Francisco because their heart is in the right place. More because they believe in doing right - have morals, ethics, and standards.
Those charged must be adjudicated but this is just the "tip" of the iceberg - we have on going corruption at City Hall.
We saw the charade recently with all those who receive money from Juliet Ellis - grants - parade and try to praise Juliet Ellis for admitting to conflict of interest issues - funnel over $200,000 to Green For All in the East.
Receiving compensation from Green For All while earning a heft salary from San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and more.
Dwayne Jones, Angelo King, Amos Brown, Townsend, Fred Blackwell, umpteen folks from the East Bay - loud mouthed - disrespecting our process - and even Van Jones - making a fool of himself. His mike was turned down - and he was told his time was up - but he kept babbling - much as he does on his CNN show.
Oh Yes Dr Martin Luther King Jr would have felt proud of these jerks - shaming decency - behaving like hooligans - and disgracing themselves.
Today, these mostly Black folks worship money - not their money - but tax payers money.
Juliet Ellis is a disgrace to the human race - and those that came to back her up - must think twice - especially those that have blood on their hands.
Anyone - any entity who gets money from the "MACHINE" is suspect - you who have got it - better return it - right now.
And while we are at it - time to BOOT - the corrupt and those that do not represent and have NOT - represented the decent constituent of San Francisco.
BOOT them all out - and stop voting for the same corrupt people who own vineyards in Napa - two large mansions at the Pacific Heights - and are part of the Pacific Heights Mafia. Aho.
More, when it comes to health - education, transportation, jobs, housing, childcare, open space - and most of all allowing the public to speak up - at Public Comment.
In the last 18 years gradually with intent some folks from the MACHINE - the "democratic machine" - have with intent - done all in their power - to foster - gentrification.
Stopped, helping our Seniors and our Children - on the back, burner. Forces trying to undo the good of the past - and forcefully remove segments of the San Francisco population. In the last 18 years we have lost over 80,000 decent San Franciscans - and when you lose such a large core segment - something stinks in Denmark.
Our population is 805,000 and there is much we should have learned - we try - and that is all we can - but there is little we can do for those that once had a roof - and now sleep on the streets of San Francisco.
In 1996 just like that the then "thug" mayor of San Francisco - Willie l. Brown Jr - used to the ballot - by curbing the powers of the City Administrator - who had a lot of power - by bringing that office - under the Mayor's purview.
In other words - there was the Legislative Branch - that is the San Francisco Board of Supervisors - and then of course the Mayor - the Executive Branch.
That "independent voice" the City Administrator - was demoted, wings clipped, and just like that - the Executive Branch - had all the power it wanted - you have to read the City' Charter.
Today, most Mayors seek to have the majority of the SF Board of Supervisors (BOS) on their side - and make hay while the sun shines.
Folks like Malia Cohen from District 10, Jane Kim from District 6, Scott Wiener from District 8, David Chiu from District 3 - have done all in their power to compromise Quality of Life issues - while raking in money to fill their own - campaign coffers.
The recent scandals that much is made about is nothing to the daily bribes that take place behind close doors - at City Hall in San Francisco.
Daily, the above SF BOS - wheel and deal - more Malia Cohen, Scott Wiener and Jane Kim.
Ever since David Chiu was given an opportunity to be the President of the BOS - by Chris Daly - he has tried to curb "public comment".
Going so far as to have one stellar advocate - who has done so much for the public at large - arrested. His name is James Chaffee.
We are all watching - watching like a "hawk".
We all remember the shenanigans at the last elections in Room 250 - the August Chamber at City Hall.
When the time came to elect the President of the Board - the air-headed Malia Cohen proposed the name of Jane Kim - who then withdrew her name.
Jane Kim in like manner proposed the name of Malia Cohen - the laughing jackass - who also - then withdrew her name.
This mockery might have alluded the public at large - and many may choose not remember - but I do.
Then just like that having done the spade work behind close doors - the name of David Chiu was proposed.
David Chiu got the majority votes - to become the President of the SF Board of Supervisors (BOS) - and has continued to bring "disgrace" to San Francisco and all things - "decent" San Francisco stands for.
Under President of the BOS - David Chiu - corruption has been on the increase.
Big Developers, and others like TWITTER, GOOGLE - receiving benefits from the City and County of San Francisco - depleting our General Funds.
30 day waivers signed on important issues - ordinances passed without public comment and hearings - all sorts of shenanigans, ploys, and machinations. All this practically every week - on large tracts of City land, on housing, on grants given to be uses by crooks - who do not have their heart - in the right, place.
The Mayor of San Francisco brags about San Francisco economy, booming - the 50 cranes in the air - but he has done nothing about the congestion on the ground.
San Francisco is the third worst city when it comes to parking.
The MUNI our Public Transportation is getting from bad to worse.
Our buses slow, crowded, prevailing violence, and most of all stinking and dirty.
The Mayor should use MUNI - "in cognito" - and then reveal the "truth" to Ed Reiskin the Municipal Transportation Agency - Director.
While the Municipal Transportation Agency talks about tweaking its system - the main problem is that the Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA) is corrupt - blatantly - corrupt.
Just like that the millions of dollars - that were in trust funds - belonging to the those that had Taxi medallions and a Taxi Commission - have vanished.
Millions used by the MTA- who used a Ballot Measure to bring the Taxi Commission under its umbrella - when the MTA itself - was sinking - in the "cesspool" of its own - creation.
The MTA is corrupt - and you got to go no further to find out why Nathaniel Ford the former Director of MTA before the now current Director of MTA, Ed Reiskin - was fired.
Nathaniel Ford was fired for corruption - and most of that news was shoved under the - rug.
Our Unions are involved in wide corruption - sending money - using convoluted ways - to fill "campaign coffers" of our SF BOS and others.
Willie L. Brown Jr. using Platinum Consultants - and Rose Pak using her corrupt connection openly will demand huge sums of money - and she will get it.
Where is Law Enforcement on this one - where is the Federal Bureau of Information - on this one?
Just ask Steven Gruel - he has been reading my blogs - for umpteen - years. He worked for the FBI and still has access to the FBI and other Law Enforcement agencies.
San Francisco is a corrupt City and more when Willie L. Brown Jr set his foot at City Hall and contaminated it - forever - leaving a stench - to high heaven.
The Democrats are reeling - and soon they will lose the Senate.
It is time that Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feintein - their husbands too - be brought before the court of law - more the husband of Diane Feinstein - Richard Blum - on corruption, charges.
Our City has been deprived of affordable rental housing - forcing thousands - as many as 50,000 decent San Franciscans - in the last 10 years to leave San Francisco.
There are over 30,000 vacant homes - because our City favors those that fill their campaign coffers and looks the other way - when it comes to the rich and filthy.
The Academy of Art University has brought hundreds of properties - that once had "rental units" - converted them to dormitories - exacerbating the already tight rental market - linked to rental units.
Forcing thousands to leave San Francisco for the East Bay and other States - over $3000 for a one bedroom - this is not acceptable.
Our useless San Francisco Board of Supervisors - are busy having "hearings" after the fact.
Now, at this late hour - on "Ellis Evictions" much after the harm is done.
Now on another topic - hearings that mean nothing - and there is NO - enforcement.
A hearing on the deaths of so many pedestrians - much after many have died - always, after the fact.
Break ins, assaults, random shootings, car thefts, intimidation using weapons, other so called small crimes - have; now made living in San Francisco - hell.
We have 3000 plus toxic hot spots outside Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - that is designated as a Superfund Site - none of the Supervisors care - less Malia Cohen - who is more interested in removing Keith Jackson - from a Board as a Director - in the Visitation Valley.
We have a process - you are innocent until proven guilty.
After the process - the adjudication - one can propose - and even then if you are an American - you have your rights.
Little does Malia Cohen know that she is been monitored and that we have the goods on her.
Malia Cohen and Nadine Burke - deceived so many - to create the Wellness Center at 3450 Third Street - one of the most contaminated hots spots in San Francisco.
Recently Nadine Burke; some doctor at that - jumped shipped and now wants to the transfer the responsibility of the Wellness Center at 3450 Third Street - to Charles Range.
Charles Range who had over 35 years of experience linked to Health Clinics - has no real history about both Malia Cohen and Nadine Burke. He may be in for a - shock.
We want to know what really happened to the $4 million that the California Pacific Medical Center made available?.
The $300,000 the 49ers the Football team gave - to cater to our children - linked to the Wellness Center at 3450 Third Street.
These two corrupt individuals - Malia Cohen and Nadine Burke are not saints - to work so hard to make this evil design happen - not to get some money in the end - fill their own pockets - and for what? We want to know.
We are watching you all - like a hawk.
It is true some have been brought down - in the recent episodes involving corruption - casting a cloud that has hurt many and shamed others - there are still many many "decent" constituents - who continue to do good - they love San Francisco because their heart is in the right place. More because they believe in doing right - have morals, ethics, and standards.
Those charged must be adjudicated but this is just the "tip" of the iceberg - we have on going corruption at City Hall.
We saw the charade recently with all those who receive money from Juliet Ellis - grants - parade and try to praise Juliet Ellis for admitting to conflict of interest issues - funnel over $200,000 to Green For All in the East.
Receiving compensation from Green For All while earning a heft salary from San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and more.
Dwayne Jones, Angelo King, Amos Brown, Townsend, Fred Blackwell, umpteen folks from the East Bay - loud mouthed - disrespecting our process - and even Van Jones - making a fool of himself. His mike was turned down - and he was told his time was up - but he kept babbling - much as he does on his CNN show.
Oh Yes Dr Martin Luther King Jr would have felt proud of these jerks - shaming decency - behaving like hooligans - and disgracing themselves.
Today, these mostly Black folks worship money - not their money - but tax payers money.
Juliet Ellis is a disgrace to the human race - and those that came to back her up - must think twice - especially those that have blood on their hands.
Anyone - any entity who gets money from the "MACHINE" is suspect - you who have got it - better return it - right now.
And while we are at it - time to BOOT - the corrupt and those that do not represent and have NOT - represented the decent constituent of San Francisco.
BOOT them all out - and stop voting for the same corrupt people who own vineyards in Napa - two large mansions at the Pacific Heights - and are part of the Pacific Heights Mafia. Aho.