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Saturday, March 31, 2012


San Francisco has appointed a Task Force - and this time around you can see them on SFGOVTV - pulling their hair, scratching in public, talking from both sides of their mouth.

Trying to suggest to the public that they know something - when in reality - they really do not know too, much.

I attended the last Redistricting Task Force held on March 29, 2012 at 6 pm in Room 400 at San Francisco's City Hall.

I had hardly settled down when I saw folks that I had not seen in years - most of them from the Portola Distict. And most of them having a strong opinion. Many wanted the entire Protola Distict to be intact.

This was done some years ago thanks to the efforts of Dwayne Jusino. Dwayne run for District 10 Supervisorial Elections - only to fall prey to corruption and other shenanigans. The winner Sophina Maxwell - that time around.

Now, if you go the Director of the SF Election Department - you can get a map of the Portola District.
A map that says Protola District - well, this says a lot - and Dwayne Jusino deserves - kudos.

This fact say a lot too - when, for a long time - no one knew much about the Portola District; this historic area and its vast, stellar contribution to the City and County of San Francisco. Put it best foot forward after the 1906 Earthquake - feeding those hungry in the camps at Golden Gate Park and else where.

Standing on firm ground - the 1906 did not affect the Portola District at all. Known for its farm land and produce, poultry and other bountiful amenities - those blessing where shared to the entire City and County of San Francisco.

In those days the ligh trail line ran from Market Street - through Old Bayshore - by San Bruno Avenue - all the way to San Mateo. That is from North to South.

In between from now Highway One to Mission there were vast farm lands. On the way back the light rail line
ran from San Mateo to Market on Mission Street. Those were the days - and I spent countless hours listening to the old men and women - glorify the days when trust, love, and compassion reign supreme.

The also admitted Racism which still exists - no Blacks could cross the rail line off Bayshore - on San Bruno Avenue there was Blood Alley - that speaks for itself. And there was more.

The Muscats, the Yayoobs, the Maltese, the French, the Italians, the many Jews - have all dispersed. That out migration - brought in the Hispanics and now the thousands of Chinese mostly - who once rooted will never, ever leave the site of their homes. At election time they get their signal from the Chinese Leaders - most do not vote their conscience.

The neighborhood has changed from having Maltese, French, many Jews and related institutions - one being the Jewish Home of Aged at Silver and Mission. You know how long some one has been in the Port toe la the way they pronounce - Port - toe - la - emphasis on Por that sounds like "PORT" then on "to" - that should sound like "toe" - than "la" - like fa - la - la.

The Portola District boasted Green Houses that for generations grew roses and other flowers. Some are still there - still and yet the roses keep flowering as if trying to say something. The Green House is disrepair but one can feel the ghosts. These Green Houses very near McClaren Park.

McClaren Park once homestead land. Bought by the City and County of San Francisco - public contribution - to have a nice open space. Of course the present politicians know little of history and less of etiquette - still less educated on issues.

Vegetables and other delicious fruits of a kind were found in abundance in the Portola - the Portola area draws the sun - the fog hitting Daly City and hovering around Ocean Beach and the Sunset.

This land the land of the Ohlone - the SF Redistricting Force has no idea what I am talking about - because they are ignorant. Yet, they purport to work and represent - the blind leading the blind. Aho.

The old timers are gone - and even though some folks have just - come in - they are reporting stuff that is mundane, not factual - and yet want the fake attention - that is uncalled for and infantile.

When Willie L. Brown Jr. was Mayor - he personally saw that he infused "divisiveness" into redistricting the Portola District - the last time around.

Suddenly from Silver to Bacon Street the area became District 9.

From Bacon to Arlelat District 10 and the lines drawn in a convoluted way - dividing streets into half and carving out schools and leaving the rest to the wind.

The Supervisors then Tom Ammiano representing District 9 and Sophiana Maxwell representing District 10.

Both these Representatives did little for the Port toe la.

Today we have Malia Cohen - who lives in District 9 but pretends to serve District 10. Shallow, inept, and what is more not to be trusted. Her grin says it all - each time she opens her wide mouth - she puts her dirty foot right, deep in.

At the last meeting at City Hall in Room 400 - there were two SF Supervisors present - one John Avalos who spoke a little about his District 11 and made sure to say that he was in favor of keeping Portola intact. What did he really mean?

Which really means if we are talking about Portola included in District 10 with its lines redrawn and the area expanded - which will increase the population - moving Potrero Hill - to another District?

Area and population are two key factors - that are worked into the Redistricting Models - more as ploys and machinations.

Will it be 6 or 3 for the Potrero Hill? In District 3 you have David Chiu and in District 6 - Jane Kim - one worse than the other.

Then came Malia Cohen to spew her comments;  Malia Cohen then threw a bomb shell - she too wanted Portola to be intact and expanded - which means she has sold out Potrero Hill.

Espanola Jackson was with me - she has lived for a long time in District 10 - and she was upset.

It does not pay to be upset with fools.

Both Dwayne Jusino and Espanola Jackson want the Portola to be in District 10 - linking with Potrero Hill - which has always been accepted as having many common denominators - going to the times when the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard provided thousands of jobs to the affected community.

Of course the new bees - the foolish - those that lack wisdom - those that open their mouth and shove their dirty foot in - would not know about these factors.

It comes a JOKE when Malia Cohen defies the law - and openly lives in District 9 and pretends to represent District 10.

Such blatant arrogance calls for a long jail term.

The Mayor Ed Lee knows it, the City Attorney knows it, the Secretary of State knows about it, the SF Director of Elections John Arntz knows it - and so does the City Attorney who panders to this shallow Black woman of sorts.

I was watching the SF Redistricting Task Force - most of them have little understanding of the pertinent, salient, and holistic factors linked to the Portola and Potrero Hill.

Given some instructions to redraw the district lines based on a corrupt  political matrix - they fail to comprehend the local cohesiveness, ambiance, culture, rapidly changing demographics, all round contributing factors linked to Quality of Life Issues.

If you include Housing, Education, Health, Infrastructure, Transportation, Safety, and a host of other factors - this current 2012; SF Redistricting Task Force - will be at a loss - it is now sinking in a cesspool of their own creation.

The SF Task Force has NO policy making statements that  - worthy the salt.

Right now the idiots are just drawing the lines - having little knowledge of the Socio-Economic Factors and less of sound, Geography.

Now, to save their boat from sinking they have appointed two from the 9 SF Task Force Members - two heading and appointed to collect the policy statements from the total 9 members - to then draft the policy statements - and give it to the Clerk assigned to the SF Task Force.

The public must have these draft policy statements and they must be posted on the website:



This exercise in futility will not work without sound leadership. Good leaders know the way, show the way and go the way.

Sonia Melara and David Phipel seem to dominate the discussion - both bring hidden agendas.

I have been observing their drab performance from a distance, with others reporting to me about this shallow  SF Redistricting Task Force - for a long time. Both Sonia and David love to be at the center of attention. Time will tell.

The Public is led to believe that their input is important. Far from it there is a lot of gerrymandering - who do you think is fooling whom?

The corrupt politicians who will sell their souls to the devil, have sold their mother for a nickel and are now pussyfooting with the UNIONS who have a hidden agenda.

Trying to paint a picture of being and trying to serve the  constituents of San Francisco - when they are in bed with the DEVIL.

Not far away the ZIONIST who are laughing all the way to the BANK and have their moles stark naked placed on the SF Redistricting Task Force. What a freaking shame!

The SF Redistricting Task Force and its nonchalant attitude toward the constituents of San Francisco - is nothing knew -  we saw it when Willie L. Brown Jr. was Mayor - and we see the "devil" directing his minions - once again.

This charade must pass away and those at the helm of affairs taken to Task - the lines drawn have nothing holistic, practical, and contributing about them.

They are drawn more to cater to the devils, the politicians, who have NO interest what so ever to serve the people of San Francisco.

Take it from me. I have seen it all. All these decades.

The last time around - one day I woke up to find myself on the other side of the border. Today East Germany and the next day West Germany. The Berlin Wall starring at me - though invisible. Go figure!


TELEPHONE: 415.554.7710

Call the buffoons and tell them to STOP the buffoonery.

Portola mentioned on the  SF District Map:

One of the better annual Portola District Fairs:

Quick facts about San Francisco's census - 2010:

Friday, March 30, 2012


Perhaps the best news ever to come to the ears of ardent advocates; involved in Land Use and Housing issues - was Assembly Bill AB 26 and following that the amendment AB x1-26 linked to Redevelopment Agencies.

Here in San Francisco the City and County of San Francisco rushed to create some entities to transfer all the assets of the former San Francisco Redevelopment Agency (SFRA).

For all practical purposes the City Administrator has the main  responsibility.

The Mayor's Office of Housing, the Mayor of Economic Development, the SF Board of Supervisors - all play some role - some in lesser measure and some in greater - measure.

The Oversight Board created to deal with the transfer of assets and to oversee payment of those obligations that were signed before January 1, 2011.

The Oversight Board is mandated to wind down those obligations that AB x1-26 clearly spells out. In no way or manner  are new projects to be initiated,  new jobs, a creation of any entity - encouraged - it is absolutely, forbidden.

I have attended the Oversight Board meetings and by large measure I fully understand the Staff assigned and most of the Oversight Board - have to come to terms and must adhere to understand the convoluted legal and financial terms linked to the business at hand. Most of them have done well so far.

Lynette Sweet the Representative from the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) is a pain in the ass.

Again and again the questions she asked are pertinent to a lesser point - but, she continues to derail the proceedings - and as such must be told to step down. She is a impediment. 

This is the same woman; Lynette Sweet who when she was on the SFRA Commission - cast her deciding vote to give Lennar the right to develop Parcel A at Hunters Point.

When Lennar with "intent" poisoned our elders and children - this despicable woman who sits on the Bart Board; placed there by favoritism - did not utter one single word to defend our elders and children in the Bayview.

This is the same woman who tried to run for District 10 - a sell out who was defeated - even thought the Democratic Machine endorsed her.

For all her gimmicks, detailed questions that reveal lack of education, homework, and some pompous attitude that falls by the way side.

As I stated at the last Oversight meeting - March 29. 2012 - if Lynette Sweet finds it hot in the kitchen - she is free to step down from the SF Oversight Board.

Please - but do not waste the time of constituents by fielding mundane questions most of which are evident and can be found answered on the Redevelopment Administration, Department Of Finance - website.

Just in case this ignorant woman needs some further assistance - she can email her questions or find a telephone number to call the State of California - Department of Finance:

I will be sending this article to the State of California - Department of Finance.

Also, with added information on this woman who has failed to serve San Franciscans and more the constituents of Bayview Hunters Point and the surrounding area.

San Francisco had two options - the first to hand over the assets to the State - which in my opinion would have been the best.

The second to create this Oversight Board which must report to the City Administrator and to the SF Board of Supervisors. Work with the Mayor's Office of Housing, the Mayor's Office of Economic Development.

Also, the SF Controller will be keeping his eye on the ball - and I doubt any entity can hoodwink him and his staff. Right now the SF Contoller is busy auditing the books and we all are waiting for these results.

It makes sense to have someone like Nadia Sesay as the Chair - she understands the finer issues on the payments to be made, the contracts signed and grandfathered before January 1, 2011. The other complicated issues that poor Lynette Sweet finds it so difficult to comprehend.

The spreadsheet details the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) to set forth the minimum payment amounts and due dates of payments required by those enforceable obligations for each six-month fiscal period.

The ROPS must be submitted to the California Department of Finance no later than April 15, 2012.

The Staff that works under the Director of the Successor Agency to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency - Tiffany Bohee, Amy Lee the Financial Officer - both worked for the former SFRA.

The enforceable obligations have to be paid and as I mentioned reported to the California Department of Finance.

There is process - if any payment lacks the required information - there is a time period where the documents can be ratified - be that the time is in days. Not more then 10 days on an average.

AB 26 x1 and AB 26 describes in detail the responsibilities of the Successor Agencies to dissolved  Redevelopment Agencies. What makes the City and County of San Francisco is that in San Francisco - the SFRA got involved in a series of complicated transactions - some projects on land that belonged the SF Port Authority falling under the Public Trust Act.

Some property under Infrastructure Financing Districts. Still other properties that are handed over to the Mayor's Office of Housing instead of the SF Housing Authority. Other one of kind Memoranda of Understanding - that all can and will be figured out.

I can state  unequivocally that such decisions will not depend on how Lynette Sweet comprehends such issues. Lynette, can sit down with Naomi Kelly and Nadia Sesay; both Black smart women - and iron out the many tepid questions Lynette Sweet asks - Lynette should further some poignant decision making  at the Oversight Board- but prefers to beat around the bush and be the center of attention.

Several other Redevelopment agencies are going through this same process. Some entities have sued their former Redevelopment Agencies - and these briefs are available. Some of them make interesting - reading.

Here in San Francisco the Successor Agency to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency has a website:

This process will not be an easy one - but, I can assure you the way to figure out the hurdles and arrive at answers - is by contributing positively - not creating unnecessary hurdles - not by Lynette Sweet or anyone else.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


The San Francisco Police Commission from time to time will go to the community to hold its Commission Meeting - well, March 28, 2012 - it held its Commission Meeting at 1800 Oakdale, at the Southeast Commission Facility in the main auditorium - in the Bayview - District 10.

There was a very good turn out of SF Police Officers.

There was NOT a good turn out of the community. 

However, the few community leaders - who were present did speak up - and generally have a fair view of what they wanted to be done in Precinct 10; which comes under the jurisdiction of Captain Paul Chignell.

Our Chief of Police - Gregory Suhr who happened to be the last Captain at the Bayview Police Station and in charge of Precinct 10 - created a better environment for the present Captain Paul Chignell.

This Police Commission meeting did not witness any of the pandemonium witnessed before; especially at the last SF Police Commission held in the Bayview. The usual suspects are put on notice and better take note of it.

There are those community leaders who truly serve the community.

There are others that pander, pretend to serve the community - and these were absent and rightly so - so that the matters needed to be addressed could be addressed in the best environment - free from turmoil, disturbance, unruly behavior and lack of respect.

The local Captain Paul Chignell has worked hard and followed in the foot steps of Captain Rick Bruce, Chief Greg Suhr, and now himself.

After 40 years - he will retire soon in June, 2012 or so. Captain Paul Chignell is loved by the community - because he does not mind criticism if it is warranted. He strives to do his best. He loves to work with his team of Police Officers and that is how it should be.

The Bayview has endured a lot - most local Black sell outs pandering to Lennar a Rogue Developer and included in this convoluted process the local politicians - who continue to betray the constituents of District 10 to this day.

Today, at 6 pm at City Hall plans are afoot to redraw the boundaries of District 10. Potrero Hill is slated to be removed from the present District 10 - and the entire Portola District included - today's District 9.

There has been no genuine, meaningful process - in these sordid deliberations mostly influenced by the UNIONS who have let down - San Francisco and San Franciscans - down.

Since the year 2000 we have NOT had a good local political Representative in District 10 - and the current one does not even live in the District.

In the last Supervisorial Elections we had 23 candidates running for District 10 - and the most incompetent one came out on top. Rank Choice Voting brought about this disgraceful - conclusion.

Malia Cohen the District 10 Supervisor arrived late for the Commission meeting. At the meeting was busy pandering, and when she had an opportunity to thank the SF Police Officers - chided them with a silly remark.

May be for the first time in a long time - under Chief Gregory Suhr who loves his fellow police officers - came by the ranks - we have a good SF Police Chief.

The present SF Police Command Group among whom I count as my friends Chiefs Morris Taback, Kevin Cashman, John Loftus, and there are others too - these men all strive to heal the past wounds and address the many issues with less resources.

In the year 2012 we are still addressing issues mostly created artificially - with lack of opportunities given to the constituents in District 10, lack of trust, and some.

A few rogue Police Officers failing to comprehend - that their wrong actions nullify all the good the other SF Police Officers do. As was stated by many - we the public thank those that work hard for our community - but there is a long way to build the trust and the trust must be mutual.

Much like it takes two to tango. The analogy may not be perfect but you get my drift. We can make it in San Francisco - because on most things - we know how.

Much like the Community Response Network who were present at the SF Police Commission meeting - and no mention was made about them at all.

The Community Response Network continue to do very good work - in trying circumstances - and yet when they are supposed to be given some love - no mention is made of their stellar performance. Time will tell.

Those SF Police Officer who patrol on foot are very well appreciated. As least the ones on San Bruno Avenue - Officer Percy standing out. 

The Bishop Family infrastructure at 4800 Third Street must come down.

It helps the infestation of crime and other ugly issues. The local Representatives have looked the other way - but, the time has come for the Department of Building Inspection - to tear down this structure - and rid Mendel Plaza of this eye sore and infestation of high crime and nuisance.

No mention was made of the over 25% of our youth that live in District 10. Our City has 11 Districts and 10 Police Precincts.

The large Public Housing facilities at Potrero Hill, Hunterview, Kiska Road, Oakdale Public Housing, and Sunnydale Housing - all fall under the jurisdiction of the Bayview Police Station.

The City and Count of San Francisco has been known to dump its sewage and other refuse in the Bayview Hunters Point.

District 10 has the largest number of industrial facilities. The many concrete, aggregate, and power plant that generate thousands of tons of dangerous and harmful - particulates.

Thousands of tons of methane gas that spew into the air from the poor land fills. One ton of Methane Gas equals twenty tons of Carbon Dioxide.

Millions of vehicles that spew dangerous particulates more PM 2.5 and then we have Asbestos structures - with large scale grading that was done by Lennar on Parcel A - that affected thousands.

Our Elders and Children are bombarded by contaminants and the Representatives from the year 2000 in District 10 - both Black; have been pathetic in their response to address the contamination;

Frankly speaking because they are in there for their own hidden agenda. The current District 10 Supervisor is a  freaking -JOKE.

The SF Police Commission continues to live in the past and needs to review its policies and the evolution of many critical issues harshly affecting our fast changing - Society.

The many salient and holistic aspects of Restorative Justice must be studied and implemented. Our SF Police Officers come from our families. That is a given. Some practical connection must be made to being about a holistic change in the manner in which racism and bias is far removed. The SF Police Command Group must step up.

We must not kid ourselves that the para-military training and other methods taught to our SF Police Officers - impact our men and women daily in their lives.

Day in and day out these officer see, hear, live - that which most normal, decent, human beings shun.

The job of a police officer is to serve the public - and in that capacity - there is no situation however horrible that the officer can shun. The public must understand this at all times.

Just like normal people in Society - you have the good, the bad, and the ugly. It is same in any professional institution and profession - teachers, clergy, doctors, police officers - you have those that are excellent and you have those that are not.

Community Policing, Restorative Justice, Communicating and building mutual Trust, taking charge as Citizens of our City's Property, respecting our children, our elders, our fellow Americans - can foster a climate for the best change.

In recent years thousands of decent families have left San Francisco. The reason is simple - they tried living in San Francisco - the lack of Quality of Life issues - forced them to go elsewhere.

When decent families leave - we all suffer - especially those with institutional memories and experiences - that have enriched our various neighborhoods.

In the Bayview Hunters Point the demographic are changing drastically - we have a population of 72,739 in District 10 that comprises 20% of the City land mass, an area of 9.1 square miles.

Asian Pacific Islanders make up 36% of the population registering a number of 27,277.

African Americans make up 28% with a number count of 20,512.

Hispanics make up 17% and their count is 12,012

Whites make up 16% and number 11,317

Others make up 3% with a total number amount to 2,317

Giving us a grand total of 72,739 and a description of the demographics of District 10 - at a 100%

San Francisco has a population of 811,000. For every 28 constituents we have one SF City Worker. We have a budget of about $6.9 billion.

Over 60 billionaires live in San Francisco. We have a large Financial District. Tourist love San Francisco and we San Franciscans love our City.

San Francisco belongs to the Ohlone - the First People of this land - that I represent. Aho.

Community Policing after all these years is at an infantile stage - there has been a lot of hot air but less action.

No Society can make any headway if you have they versus us. The "kick ass" type of attitude does not work. If you follow it - you encourage hostility, lack of trust, and a host of problems stemming from fear.

It is like a child - the more you nurture the child the better a person that child becomes.

Many SF Police Officers comprehend this value - others do not.

In San Francisco by large measure we respect our SF Police Officers - the few that are Rogue Officers - better get their act together.

Do not mistake me - I know the bad guys and I deal with the bad guys. My daily interactions brings me with all sorts of people - even the politicians who are some of the worst and should be put in jail for long terms.

We are fortunate to have a sound SF Command Group with a good man Chief Gregory Suhr - at the helm of affairs. He needs all the support we can give him - we must take advantage of this very narrow window of opportunity - to bring about radical change for the best.

Captain Chignell I wish you all the very best and thanks for your dedicated and stellar service. May God Bless You and Bless the constituents of District 10 and the Precinct 10 that is Potrero Hill, Bayview Hunters Point, Little Hollywood, Executive Park, Sunnydale, Portola District, and more.

Enjoy the photographs:

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Oversight Board - City and County of San Francisco - Successor Agency to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency.

The website to the Oversight Board:

The San Francisco Redevelopment Agency (SFRA) is dead.

Good riddance of very bad rubbish. The SFRA used tools like eminent domain, blight, high density, tax increment - to make money on the backs of mostly - poor people.

Used a tool called "blight" in particular - to declare large and small areas "blight" - then conducted a survey quickly; and declared a survey area a "project" area - and the rest is history.

Thousands of innocent people were impacted by SFRA in the Fillmore also know as the Western Addition.

SFRA decimated the Bayview Hunters Point and we see the glaring adverse impacts today. Rampant poverty, Black on Black violence - and GENTRIFICATION.

In addition the SFRA facilitated a Rogue Developer - Lennar on Parcel A at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - to grade large areas - containing Serpertine Rock.

When crushed this Rock - releases large amounts of Asbestos friables or structures. Many of us know the horrific suffering meted out to those that fall prey to Asbestosis - Mesothelioma.

Twenty years from now innocent children and many adults will die from this disease. For months monitors place to monitor the Asbestos Structures - were placed without batteries in them.

This blatant act of neglect - had the Bay Area Air Quality Management District fine LENNAR - $515,000 which Lennar, the Rogue Developer - forked out.

The Over Sight Board must follow the mandates of AB 26. Strictly speaking to wind down the affairs - review the contracts in place or that were - grandfathered.

Refrain from spending any new money on new projects and that includes creating new jobs.

Judging from the remarks of Lynette Sweet who is the representative from the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) -  on the Oversight Board.

This Black woman who represent Board but more the Democratic MACHINE - wastes the time of the public and those present at the Oversight Board - meetings. Asking stupid questions that she can ask and carry on line.

This is the same woman who owed the Internal Revenue System (IRS) twenty seven thousand - and sent them a check - writing the check to herself. The IRS made her pay the initial amount plus interest. Very smart indeed.

This is the same woman who run for District 10 and lost. Backed by the MACHINE - a very bad track record of taking money - and saying one thing and doing another. Inept and spineless - who has had it good - pandering to corrupt forces.

She had the audacity to ask if Willie B. Kennedy's job that was funded by the SFRA would still be there. It should not.

What the hell has Willie B. Kennedy done for the community? She made thousands of dollars every year - getting a grant of over $80,000 a year - on topic of what she gets. Such favoritism uncalled for - and by such folks have decimated the community at large.

Such types of Shenanigans must come to a grinding halt.

The SFRA for the longest time ever; had the habit to funnel money to some crooks - in the community we call them sell outs.

The likes of Willie B. Kennedy, Doris Vincent, Angelo King, Aurelious Walker, Calvin Jones, Linda Richardson, Dwayne Jones, Lola Whittle, the Tabernacle Group - so called consultants who looked after their own sordid - interests.

Those that made their bed with SFRA must all go.

But, as one can see - those with connections are staying on - folks like Tiffany Bohee.

On the Hunters Point Project and Parcel A - she lied, did nothing for the community that was holistic - and now continues to lie.

The same with Lynette Sweet - ugly and a deceiver. 

We are looking forward to the SF Controller's - Ben Rosenfield report. The report will reveal in detail how SFRA wasted millions of dollars. 

The many so called consultants that were paid - that today cannot be paid to conduct nefarious activities. The well is dry - and the crooks in utter despair.

The Oversight Board must remember that they are there to wind down the sordid affairs of the despicable SF Redevelopment Agency.

Those that once served the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency must be - let go.

No good will happen at Hunters Point.

Hunters Point Naval Shipyard was the place where Depleted Uranium was tested. Not a single "dog house" must be built at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

More sacred remain of the Ohlone mingled with the earth from the side of the Bayview Hill - was spread as infill at Candlestick Stadium. Desecration - crying to heaven for justice.

The U.S. Navy who has jurisdiction over the majority of the Shipyard must abate and mitigate the Shipyard.

The Over Sight Committee must read and comprehend the mandates mentioned in Proposition P  - passed in the year 2000 and passed by over 87% of voting San Franciscans.

The Over Sight Committee must read the Grand Jury Report - Hunters Point Shipyard: A Shifting Landscape.

Mission Bay once belonged to Santa Fe - Public Trust Land. Then some how Southern Pacific took control, and then Catellus Corporation and now some entity - the same snake different head.

The Santa Fe and related operations left millions of tons of contamination at Mission Bay. The contaminated soil was moved from the high ground to the low ground. None of it - removed and shipped off site to a site where it could be treated. This fact is no secret and it must be duly noted by all.

In Sacramento at a similar site where Santa Fe had its operations - one million tons of contaminated soild were removed and shipped off site for treatment.

Four hundred thousand tons of contaminated soil in Oakland  linked to Santa Fe operations- but NOTHING at Mission Bay.

Those that buy Real Estate at Mission Bay must sign a waiver.

These devils that contaminated the once pristine land belonging to the Ohlone - never cease to amaze me; with their sordid behavior, their lies, and their constant affinity to bluff, steal and pocket the money.

The Over Sight Board has much to do - and do it quickly with bench marks and standards.

This in my subjective opinion - the Over Sight Committee cannot attain any standards; with weasels like Lynette Sweet and Tiffany Bohee.

It does not help that snakes like Amy Lee, and other former SF Redevelopment Agency folks are still carrying out devious transactions - pretending to do some work - all of which further complicates the situation at hand.

The Chair Nadia Sesay who works for the Controller Office - was given this job to complete a project.

Nadia Sesay must have no role working with snakes like Lynette Sweet. Be careful of this slippery slithering snakes - Tiffany Bohee and Sweet and more of their venom. They look at you squarely in the eye and lie. 

The website to the Oversight Board:

Monday, March 26, 2012


Scott Wiener legislation encouraging so called student housing while failing to address affordable housing and rental units for decent families and others - is polarizing legislation - that will fall flat on its face.

The Academy of Art University for years has taken over hundreds of buildings and converted them to student housing.

Thus depriving thousands of San Francisco residents of affordable housing - more rental housing in areas closer to where they work.

The Department of Building Inspection, the City Attorney, the District Attorney, the SF Board of Supervisors, others - have been asleep at the wheel. Making innocent San Franciscans suffer - while some corrupt institution buys buildings, a church, millions of square feet of commercial property - breaking all the laws - and no one can do anything.

Now here comes Scott Wiener - a new bee and a person NOT to be trusted - trying to divert our minds. Playing dirty politics - while trying to position himself for higher office. A Zionist to the core - and a man who has brought and will bring disgrace to San Francisco. Mind you this man will ruin all the good this City has.

Scott Wiener should have initiated a study about student housing and the dire need for it - by initiating and collecting empirical data. Hand in hand with this study - as he would have found out - many adverse impacts that unruly students bring with them.

The nuisance that students create in mostly residential areas is well documented. However, some person like Scott Wiener has no clue about it. And even if some one spells it out - he would prefer to sit to his hidden agenda. Much like most Zionist do - it is either their way or the highway.

Wild parties, loud noise past 10 pm, and inside the buildings; converted to dormitories - where students have invaded under dubious pretexts - hard core activities drugs, orgies of every kind, prostitution, and so on.

None of which are prescribed studies in any decent institution of higher learning - and where decent human beings are trained to contribute their talents to society. Some institutions have brought disgrace to San Francisco.

The San Francisco Planning while wasting thousands of hours on projects like the Lennar Project - linked to Hunters Point and Candlestick Point. Has in like manner failed to address student housing in a holistic manner - over the past many years.

This is not the first time this topic has come before any committee - be it the shallow, spineless - Land Use Committee with its inept, sordid, air-head - Chair Malia Cohen from District 10. A pawn of the Machine - the SF County Democratic Committee endorsed her - did not Scott Wiener during the last Supervisorial elections. 

At the State University; some years ago - old student housing was found to adversely impact the students. The reason Asbestos found in the student rooms.

While this abatemnet was done - thousands of students were moved to the Presidio of San Francisco - in the areas around Baker Beach - in former cheap military quarters that was speedily revamped to house the students.

The Presidio Trust jacked up the rents and raked in millions. Thousands of students from all over found a new haven - where they could get housing, be it not so cheap - but surrounding where they could conduct their nefarious activities.

With the housing of these student came problems - noise, increase in drug use, prostitution, and so on. Of course the U.S. Park Police who has jurisdiction of this area had to deal with this added problems and foot the bill.

The Presidio Trust continues to make money - and the City and County of San Francisco has passed this added burden to the Presidio - a Federal Jurisdiction. In reality the SF State University pleaded to help its students - but a host of entities that pitched in to help - hoped they had stayed away from this added burden.

With added students comes other issues - transportation, food, hospitals and ambulance care, safety, date rapes and many other social and critical issues - all of which cost money.

Students who pay good money to some crooked art institution in San Francisco that purports to cater to the students do not. One institution in particular and other too indirectly - are quick to make money from rents linked to the students.

These institutions are very slow to provide quality amenities and very slow to curb nuisance - like loud noises, graffiti, lack of respect for the elderly and so on - more in the down town areas like Nob Hill, Upper Tenderloin, the South of Market Area (SOMA), parts of the Avenues, in and around SF State University, in and around University of San Francisco, and City College by Ocean Avenue - especially.

The result many decent San Francisco constitutents will not tolerate such nuisance and resort to moving out of the City and County of San Francisco. Of course Scott Wiener does not care about this issue and the impact on decent constituents of San Francisco.

Scott Wiener might tolerate such nonsense in the Castro - where most decent families will not bother to raise their children less to rent and live there. Nor does the jackass smiling Malia Cohen the Land Use Chair - who has no clue about the drab legislation - before her.

The woman does not live in her District and continue to represent when she must step down. Talk about double standards - going after Ross Mirkarimi when this woman has broken several laws pertaining to residency issues.

The past Zoning Czar who worked for SF Planning a queer - was caught distributing pornographic material. The result he and some Senior Planners that participated in this illegal activity were fired. I suppose Scott Wiener and Malia Cohen are not aware of this fact - or may be belong to this club. Christina Olague should be aware of this fact- as she knew Larry Badner and the other buffoons that were fired because of this horrific - espisode and scar on San Francisco.

For years because of the nonchalant attitude of SF Planning  - and that includes the younger staff that now love to dabble with legislation and have no clue about fundamentals of sound planning - less adverse impact on society.

Still less of demographics, the Senior population that have lived in an area for decades, keep noise down past 10 pm - peace of mind that hard working constituents deserve after a hard day's work. Students contributing to adverse impacts and therefore to Quality of Life issues.

The SF Police Department cannot query the Nuisance Cases - often the CAD numbers are not available. When pressed for Incidents - the fact that the students say they are young - the SF Police Department resorts to hiding the facts. Never mind if the SF Police are called fifteen times to a location - one single night.

Respecting San Franciscans by not board skating and striking pedestrians, graffiti, smoking in areas that one must not, other nuisances too many to list - and most of all the SF Planners that are queer - and favor topics and amendments that defy - logic.

At Park Merced for years thousand of students could stay in rental homes - these homes are due to be demolished.

No one knows - really - the types of units that will be built - for sure the new units will be high density. Meaning where once stood a row of one story homes - you will see tall structures - accommodating thousands of people - living in small units in a very crowded situation.

Everyone knows for sure they will not be built soon - mostly high density; where now there are town homes with back yard garden - and for sure the rooms will be smaller - and cost more. Students already facing high fees cannot afford such rents.

These high density living cause more problems.  No one cares about the extra use of the SF Police Department or some other Security Company - such matters are taken for granted. They simply do not drop from the sky.

No one seems to understand that before anyone passes any legislation - it is proper and sound to do an economic analysis. Have meaningful meetings in the community. Talk to community leaders. Scott Wiener thinks he knows all - and this comes from his blatant disregard of other human beings that he does not respect.

Study the demographics and the impact on any community - that has lived in the neighborhood of decades. Now has to deal to ruckus, pandemonium, confusion, and constant adverse impacts - Quality of Life issues.

Where is the Empirical Data that has been vetted, studied, meaningful outreach has been done - and finally some consensus arrived.

At the Land Use Meeting - March 26, 2012 no information was given to the public - linked to the agenda item on creating student housing.

Scott Wiener has he has been known to - create legislation that he pushes with little or no meaningful dialog.

He initiated this nonsense amendments on student housing - with no sound information.

Now sends he wants to send it to the SF Planning - who really have no time for such drab amendments.

It will come before the Chair, Malia Cohen who is inept - and will be sent to the SF Full Board - for some discussion and mostly probably pass.

The Senior population by far has been impact by convoluted thinking, faulty planning, illegal conversions of rental units to student dormitories - under false pretexts - all over San Francisco.

The paradox; the SF Planning has known about these factors and has done nothing about it.

The billionaires who run the Academy of Art University - evade anything and everything to make a fast buck.

Bid their time, and use expensive attorneys to find loopholes to legalize - rental units and then illegally convert them to dormitories - or the other way around. Go figure.

For sure years ago - the City could have created a plan to build brand new student units - but did not. Today at 10th and Market thousands of housing units are going to be built - mostly market value priced rental units - and these may be occupied it all depends on our economy.

There is no stability in our economy right now.

Things in Europe are not looking pretty - and when the demons visit the United States because of the folly of Goldman Sachs, J.P Morgan Chase, Citi Bank and the Zionists who have poised themselves to cheat, steal, deceive in matters pertaining to Real Estate - which resulted in the 2008 economic crash and the domino affect that has now embroiled the entire world.

What is really happening to say Lennar and its projects?

The old Schlage Company by Bayshore and Arleta? The main entity that stole $800 million plus from Taiwan and now has taken shelter in China.

The Shenenigans we see here, there and everywhere in San Francisco - are meant to side tract the decent hard working San Franciscan - while Willie L. Brown Jr. - and clowns like Scott Wiener make their way up the corrupt political ladder. Little knowing that some are watching these political - skunks.

There is no money readily available in San Francisco. Even China today is seeing a slow down turn in its industrial out put and the slowing growth in China. Suddenly the middle class in China is hurting.

It is a paradox while students is California cannot afford to go to college and tuition is going up. Some fake, shallow, spineless Supervisors are pretending to address student housing - in these dire economic times.

How much money can the City and County front to build new student housing? Nothing, except hot air and amendments that create further confusion.

The demise of SF Redevelopment Agency has brought all the prior nonsense linked to building high density units to a grinding halt. The blatant misuse of tax increment is now being audited by the SF Controller.

You can send the amendments back to SF Planning and they will send it before the idiotic Land Use Committee and you will witness the buffoons send it before the SF full board - and those those sitting as the full board pass it. But, nothing will come of it. Nothing.

The failed SF Planning and the on going saga today with the Academy of Art University - buying buildings and converting rental units to dormitories - illegally - is on going.

The Academy of Art University in San Francisco - the present state of affairs and its future prospects of expanding providing inferior housing - another view: